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GOLDCYLON 02-01-2013 09:34 AM

Interior LED group buy PICS !!!!!
Piggybacking off of Scotts thread


I have contacted Yosi to see if he will give registry members a discount on the interior LEDs kit.

Please post up in this thread if you are interested. Below is the list of options and colors. GC


Paul in SC 02-01-2013 09:40 AM

Re: Interior LED group buy interest

We did hijack Scott's thread so thanks for new. Sorry Scott. I am still very interested in your underhood option.

I posted on the old thread of my interest in group buy for at least the interior lighting set as well as considering other options.

Thanks to both of you,


GOLDCYLON 02-01-2013 09:46 AM

Re: Interior LED group buy interest
OK thats one. No Worries I felt Like I hijacked the mans thread lol

-=Jeff=- 02-01-2013 10:11 AM

Re: Interior LED group buy interest
Potentially interested.. Depends if all bills are plug and play

GOLDCYLON 02-01-2013 10:22 AM

Re: Interior LED group buy interest

Originally Posted by -=Jeff=- (Post 162258)
Potentially interested.. Depends if all bills are plug and play

All bills? (Bulbs?) yes they are Ive already installed em. D

captcorvette 02-01-2013 10:44 AM

Re: Interior LED group buy interest
You can put me down for a set. I like the white you put under your hood.

GOLDCYLON 02-01-2013 10:46 AM

Re: Interior LED group buy interest

Originally Posted by captcorvette (Post 162260)
You can put me down for a set. I like the white you put under your hood.

That was in Scotts thread this is for the interior lights set only

captcorvette 02-01-2013 10:51 AM

Re: Interior LED group buy interest
Yep I know. I am interested in the interior lights but like the bright/blue/white light colour under your hood. It was just a comment about your under hood light colour.

-=Jeff=- 02-01-2013 10:56 AM

Re: Interior LED group buy interest

Originally Posted by GOLDCYLON (Post 162259)
All bills? (Bulbs?) yes they are Ive already installed em. D

Stupid Swype and auto correct... LOL

yes Bulbs LOL

GOLDCYLON 02-01-2013 11:06 AM

Re: Interior LED group buy interest
Just got an email from Yosi he will prepare a 20% coupon codeword to use at check out for registry members only. Stay Tuned and PM me once I post up I have the code coupon. GC :cheers:

GOLDCYLON 02-01-2013 11:08 AM

Re: Interior LED group buy interest
I forgot to say I will post up how my interior looks in the bright white LEDs. Any interest from the group seeing those pics? I will wait until its nice and dark

Paul in SC 02-01-2013 11:20 AM

Re: Interior LED group buy interest

GOLDCYLON 02-01-2013 12:25 PM

Re: Interior LED group buy interest
OK I have the code word. Yosi has agreed to give us 20% off the interior lights he sells for the entire month of FEB!!!! :handshak:

Just use the Word "groupbuy" during the checkout process. Whomever uses these LMK so we all know its working. :cheers:



Paul in SC 02-01-2013 12:34 PM

Re: Interior LED group buy interest
Nice deal. Very generous on the big ticket items.

Thanks GC, for working this out :cheers: and thank Yosi as well. :handshak:

I will let you know when purchased. Probably later ths month, after time to consider options. You have the cool whites that I want to see and may consider the greens since the Z is green with the black interior. Warm white may be a good option as well. Other opinions?


GOLDCYLON 02-01-2013 12:48 PM

Re: Interior LED group buy interest
Whle the colored option look neat I like to be able to see in the interior lol. That why I went with Cool white. Check out my HID thread with my Green LED cove lights.


Ronstar 02-02-2013 04:18 PM

Re: Interior LED group buy !!!!!
I'm in. Can I get discount on driving lights as well?

Blue Flame Restorations 02-02-2013 04:21 PM

Re: Interior LED group buy !!!!!
And the cost would be???


GOLDCYLON 02-02-2013 06:07 PM

Re: Interior LED group buy !!!!!

Originally Posted by Ronstar (Post 162385)
I'm in. Can I get discount on driving lights as well?

Yosi said the discount would work for his interior lites the entire month of Feb. GC

GOLDCYLON 02-02-2013 06:08 PM

Re: Interior LED group buy !!!!!

Originally Posted by Blue Flame Restorations (Post 162386)
And the cost would be???


Brett 20% off his interiors led light kit only

GOLDCYLON 02-03-2013 12:01 AM

Re: Interior LED group buy !!!!!
Folks to be clear this discount is for the interior led kit only. I reread his email his discount is for ANY of the interior led kits he sells. Still a good deal

HAWAIIZR-1 02-03-2013 05:31 AM

Re: Interior LED group buy !!!!!

Thanks for the offer and I surely can use more light and less heat in the interior. Please post the photos when you get a chance too.


GOLDCYLON 02-03-2013 11:44 AM

Re: Interior LED group buy !!!!!
I need to find somewhere totally dark. Will do when I return home

GOLDCYLON 02-06-2013 09:43 AM

Re: Interior LED group buy !!!!!
Ok zero flash and prob at the limits of my camera. I have the mirror lights installed, Door handle lights and foot well lights completed so far. While these may not look bright in the pics I assure you they are significantly brighter than the OEM yellowish bulbs. I have not done the Halos yet as im not thrilled about having to unmount my harness bar which is in the way.

You can clearly see my green aviators helmet bag with todays mail in the passenger seat lighted by the door light alone on the passenger side. My seats are wearing black sheepskins so you will not see a reflection shine from the lights in the leather. If I had no sheepskin covers you would. You can see the light from my mirror overpowers the FX3 and seat controls orange night glow. My drivers door is open to take the photos so you are missing out of the drivers door light as well which normally refelects into the cabin.

Again not a mod for everybody but a smart mod that uses less power then OEM, is brighter than OEM, lasts longer than OEM bulbs and uses todays technology. Really a no brainer. GC



RUSSELL 02-06-2013 10:36 AM

Re: Interior LED group buy PICS !!!!!
Thanks GC just ordered my set of lights.

91 #1501 Polo Green

GOLDCYLON 02-06-2013 11:32 AM

Re: Interior LED group buy PICS !!!!!

Originally Posted by RUSSELL (Post 162838)
Thanks GC just ordered my set of lights.

91 #1501 Polo Green

Cool did you get your discount?

RUSSELL 02-06-2013 11:44 AM

Re: Interior LED group buy PICS !!!!!
Sure did. Again thanks GC

91 #1501 Polo Green

chriskinzel 02-06-2013 12:10 PM

Re: Interior LED group buy PICS !!!!!
Ordered mine on Sunday. Should be here soon. Cant wait!

GOLDCYLON 02-06-2013 12:16 PM

Re: Interior LED group buy PICS !!!!!
Cool !! For the hush panels you have have to remove them and replace the lamps from the rear of the hush panelsjust FYI. Dont try to pop out the lenses from the front side. The lamps have hook and catch system for those bulbs the LEDS do as well. Place the row of LEDS towards the lens so they face the interior. It will be obvious when you look at the bulbs.

I have asked for a LED for the console underside and corvette HID doesnt have those sourced yet.

HAWAIIZR-1 02-06-2013 03:52 PM

Re: Interior LED group buy !!!!!
Thanks for posting GC. Like you said, no brainer and a benefit all the way around. I know how hot the stock bulbs get in a short time too. :cheers:

GOLDCYLON 02-06-2013 04:15 PM

Re: Interior LED group buy !!!!!

Originally Posted by HAWAIIZR-1 (Post 162875)
Thanks for posting GC. Like you said, no brainer and a benefit all the way around. I know how hot the stock bulbs get in a short time too. :cheers:

lol yeah I forgot to mention the heat as well. As to the post up no prob glad to share. GC

Corbusa 02-09-2013 03:34 PM

Re: Interior LED group buy PICS !!!!!
Just ordered Thanks GC .

GOLDCYLON 02-11-2013 08:48 AM

Re: Interior LED group buy PICS !!!!!
Cool LMK the impression when the first group gets these installed. GC

scottfab 02-11-2013 10:33 AM

Re: Interior LED group buy PICS !!!!!
I'm going to piggy-back here since the window is closing for this one time build of Underhood Engine Lamps. (2 days left)
This is a custom build specifically for our car.
You won't see anything like this available commercially :
1. All in one assembly (no wires and loose parts)
2. 8x brighter than but with 10% of the power used than stock
3. hermetically sealed (the assembly not the kit)
4. focused beam to the engine compartment

But wait.....if you order now.....
nah, that's it. That's all.
Here is what the engine looks like. It actually looks brighter but you know how cameras are.

HAWAIIZR-1 03-24-2013 04:14 AM

Re: Interior LED group buy PICS !!!!!

Thanks again for doing this group buy and great dealing with Yosi too. At first I hesistated with the package price, but these are surely worth it and they are high quality bulbs too, unlike some of the junk you will get from Ebay. I am very impressed and photos will not do this any justice. Why did I wait so long?????? I bought the white and installed all today except for the cargo ones to the left and right of the driver and passenger heads. I ran out of time, but I will just say they are awesome and difficult to explain further. I think the biggest plus of it all was the bulbs are the right bulbs and no guessing. The only ones I don't need are the map lights since Andrew's compass mirror come with them already.:cheers:


HAWAIIZR-1 05-07-2013 04:44 PM

Re: Interior LED group buy PICS !!!!!
GC and Scott,

Thanks for the all the emphasis and motivation on LED lamps for interior and underhood lamp. After all of the impressive results with more light, I continued to replace all the other bulbs on the car including the glove box, console, license plate, spare tire/emergency, etc. and really love it.:dancing What a difference it makes to have the bright lights in the interior and exterior from the dull, yellowish incandescent lamps. :handshak:


GOLDCYLON 05-07-2013 04:47 PM

Re: Interior LED group buy PICS !!!!!

Originally Posted by HAWAIIZR-1 (Post 172046)
GC and Scott,

Thanks for the all the emphasis and motivation on LED lamps for interior and underhood lamp. After all of the impressive results with more light, I continued to replace all the other bulbs on the car including the glove box, console, license plate, spare tire/emergency, etc. and really love it.:dancing What a difference it makes to have the bright lights in the interior and exterior from the dull, yellowish incandescent lamps. :handshak:


LEDS its an addiction.... HIDs next ?????

They are so much brighter

HAWAIIZR-1 05-08-2013 04:08 AM

Re: Interior LED group buy PICS !!!!!

Originally Posted by GOLDCYLON (Post 172048)
LEDS its an addiction.... HIDs next ?????

They are so much brighter

Addition is a good way to describe it. Yep, I did HIDs a few months ago and would never go back. HIDs are a must do for sure..........:cheers:

XfireZ51 05-08-2013 08:23 AM

Re: Interior LED group buy PICS !!!!!

Originally Posted by HAWAIIZR-1 (Post 172098)
Addition is a good way to describe it. Yep, I did HIDs a few months ago and would never go back. HIDs are a must do for sure..........:cheers:

I did the HID fogs recently and basically use them rather than my halogen headlamps. Which HIDs did u go with? I bought CorvetteMods LEDS for the interior lighting, reverse, cornering, running, and license plate lamps. I keep forgetting that I could probably leave the door open all night and not run down the battery.

HAWAIIZR-1 05-09-2013 08:17 AM

Re: Interior LED group buy PICS !!!!!

Originally Posted by XfireZ51 (Post 172103)
I did the HID fogs recently and basically use them rather than my halogen headlamps. Which HIDs did u go with? I bought CorvetteMods LEDS for the interior lighting, reverse, cornering, running, and license plate lamps. I keep forgetting that I could probably leave the door open all night and not run down the battery.

That sounds good and I have not done the fogs yet, only upgraded to higher watt bulbs years ago and I guess that would be next on the list as you can never have too much lighting.

The HIDs I have are Hikari HID Conversion Kit, H4, 55W, 8000K, white light. It was a gift to me from local ZR-1 owner in Japan and I could not believe how easy it was to install even if I could not read the instructions.

It sounds like we have replaced all the same exterior, but I did not do the reverse lamps yet and will look into that. I upgraded the reverse to higher watt some years ago and will check out what is available in LED. Thanks for the tip. Yeah, the LEDs are so cool how they don't get hot and not yellowish light. :cheers: That is another benefit if something is left on by accident too.

XfireZ51 05-09-2013 08:36 AM

Re: Interior LED group buy PICS !!!!!
Did you do the side reverse lights? Those are the only one I did not replace.

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