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HAWAIIZR-1 12-30-2009 11:46 PM

How old are the ZR-1 owners?
Carter and I were having a conversation yesterday about the difficult time I am having getting parts and I mentioned that I don't plan to have my Z for more than 20 years or so as I will probably be too old enjoy and work on it. So the question came up as we wondered how old is the ZR-1 community anway?

HAWAIIZR-1 12-30-2009 11:53 PM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
Sorry, I screwed this up already. I checked to make it private, but it did not work and set for public. Let me see if a moderator can fix this.

ZRWON 12-31-2009 12:16 AM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
SEVENTY SIX :thumbsup: :worship:

HAWAIIZR-1 12-31-2009 12:26 AM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?

Originally Posted by ZRWON (Post 78277)
SEVENTY SIX :thumbsup: :worship:

Wow, that is awesome!!!! :worship::thumbsup:

phrogs 12-31-2009 12:35 AM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
worked for me im a youngster

rhipsher 12-31-2009 01:22 AM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
I checked 30-39 even though I turn 40 in Feb. But still feel like I'm 17 minus the zits. Hehehe!

RICHARD TILL 12-31-2009 01:56 AM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
Voted and 23 days ago i had to start saying that i am 58 years young. :wave:

HAWAIIZR-1 12-31-2009 02:24 AM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
Thanks to all of you for sharing. I was hesitant to ask the question, but always wondered what the age group primarily owns ZR-1s. I also thought we don't have many women here so it would be okay to ask. :cheers:

Jeffvette 12-31-2009 02:28 AM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
Bunch of old people in here :D

Turn 33 in Feb.

HAWAIIZR-1 12-31-2009 02:37 AM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?

But we're all young at heart......:dancing I hope the moderators can fix the public view so that more folks might be willing to do the poll. I think this will be interesting. I tried to see if it was done in the past and gave up searching.


bdw18_123 12-31-2009 04:03 AM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
Just turned 30 in October of this year, so I had to check the "30-39" group. :mrgreen:


ZRXMAX 12-31-2009 05:38 AM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
56... I don't care how old I am... as long as I feel good the number doesn't really matter... I just keep drinking the joint juice and taken my vitamins. However...one day I would like to get back in shape ! :dancing

Hammer 12-31-2009 06:34 AM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
56...Figure about 10 or so more years to enjoy this fabulous car. I think I'll start that 10+ year journey with a trip to BG next year.

tomtom72 12-31-2009 09:08 AM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
:sign10:"Hey look at the old dude in the cool vette!" I get that sometimes, and it makes me feel alright!:dancing

58 going to be 59 in June....only trouble is that my mind is still stuck in my teens I think?!?:sign10:

I just hope that I can have some time with my Z before it gets to the point that I have to buy a CTSv or a C5 or a C6 due to not being able to get in and out of the Z. I hate 4 door cars. I hope they come up with a coupe version of the CTSv really soon, so I can afford a used one later!:sign10:


VetteMed 12-31-2009 09:14 AM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
Just turned 31 a few weeks ago.

tccrab 12-31-2009 09:17 AM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
Turned 50 last month.
Just hit the apex of the hill and it's all downhill and picking up speed from there.


QB93Z 12-31-2009 09:24 AM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
Nice idea for a survey. It will be fun to see the results if we can get a lot of responses.

I have always thought that it would be a good idea to include some basic personal info here on the forum. My suggestion would be to at least have first name, city and state and Registry Membership in the avitar area.


secondchance 12-31-2009 09:57 AM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
I bought my first ZR-1 when I was 35 back in 1991. Like I told Jim and David, every time I jump in the car I feel like I am back in 1991.:cheers:

72ZR1 12-31-2009 10:14 AM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
just turned 50

Ccmano 12-31-2009 10:25 AM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
55 and semi-retired in October... I start job hunting again Jan. 1.

RICKYRJ1 12-31-2009 10:27 AM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
45, girlfreinds are all 25, so that should really make me 35:dancing May 28th will be 46. You all can bring my B-Day presents to BG. (CASH & Z related items only please, I already have plenty of ties & underwear :thumbsup:) Hope to see many new faces in BG :cheers:
Craig, good luck with the car, anything I can do to help, please don't hesitate to ask

HIZNHRZ 12-31-2009 10:31 AM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
Already had my Z for more than 10 years now so I'm working on the next 10.

-=Jeff=- 12-31-2009 10:48 AM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
37.. bought it when I was 34

Jagdpanzer 12-31-2009 12:12 PM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
Born the same year as this guy and, with luck, may even outlive:

HAWAIIZR-1 12-31-2009 12:32 PM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
Wow, I woke up this morning and see all the responses and all I can say is "Thanks" for participating and great bunch of folks here. :handshak: It will be cool to see some of you again at the 2010 Gathering and meet the others there or some in D.C. next month. :cheers: I'm 47 and retiring from my first career next year (military) so I'm looking forward to my next life as a civilian. If anyone follows Chinese zodiac it is the year of the Tiger (not Tiger Woods) and as predicted, many challenges and changes for me. Thanks for all the support and information through the years as I would not be able to build this Z on my own for sure.:worship: Have a safe and Happy New Year. :occasion1

HIZNHRZ 12-31-2009 12:45 PM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?

Originally Posted by Jagdpanzer (Post 78314)
Born the same year as this guy and, with luck, may even outlive:

So that would be 1952?

rudolph schenker 12-31-2009 01:19 PM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
44, but feeling old (too much work, not enough play). :-(**|=

JThomas 12-31-2009 01:55 PM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
Forty-Six and enjoying every minute of it! Can't wait until Spring, see you in Bowling Green! :thumbsup:

xlr8nflorida 12-31-2009 02:38 PM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?

Originally Posted by Ccmano (Post 78304)
55 and semi-retired in October... I start job hunting again Jan. 1.

37.. bought my Z when I was 27.

ZR1Vette 12-31-2009 02:39 PM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
Well.... this fellow and I were born in the same month and same year>>>


Oh..and I think the B52 went ops in 1955...

HIZNHRZ 12-31-2009 05:33 PM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?

Originally Posted by ZR1Vette (Post 78325)
Oh..and I think the B52 went ops in 1955...

April 15, 1952 B-52 prototype makes first flight in Seattle.
June 29, 1955 First B-52 for the Air Force Strategic Air Command is delivered to 93rd Bomb Wing at Castle Air Foce Base in California

bobbyhi 12-31-2009 05:50 PM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
Well, I'll be 65 come April. The say 65 is the "new" 40:jawdrop:. Hope the body holds up like it's 40:mrgreen: Be safe out there this New Year:occasion1

RICKYRJ1 12-31-2009 05:52 PM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?

Originally Posted by ZR1Vette (Post 78325)
Well.... this fellow and I were born in the same month and same year>>>


Oh..and I think the B52 went ops in 1955...

This guy goes to my gym, lives down the road from me. Looks a lot older & shorter in person. Still working out so I need to give him some props.

ScottZ95ZR1 12-31-2009 06:14 PM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
I'm 47 and gaining.

Boeing's nickname for the B-52 was BUFF.
Unfortunately, some of us could be called the same. ;)

Demps 12-31-2009 06:17 PM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
39 here.

No BUFF for me...but I'll take an Eagle anyday.

jonszr1 12-31-2009 07:11 PM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
56 here ,but when i get in the zr1 i feel 16:mrgreen:

flyin ryan 12-31-2009 07:13 PM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
Old enough to know better :cool:

bb62 12-31-2009 11:22 PM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?

Originally Posted by ScottZ95ZR1 (Post 78335)
I'm 47 and gaining.

Boeing's nickname for the B-52 was BUFF.
Unfortunately, some of us could be called the same. ;)

BUFF is NOT Boeing's nickname for the B52 and the term does not mean being in shape. If anything it is a denigrating term originally used by fighter pilots to mock the . BUFF stands for "Big Ugly Fat F***ers".

RHanselman 01-01-2010 12:49 AM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
47 here and still flying Fighter Jets and Driving Corvettes!


Originally Posted by bb62 (Post 78362)
BUFF is NOT Boeing's nickname for the B52 and the term does not mean being in shape. If anything it is a denigrating term originally used by fighter pilots to mock the . BUFF stands for "Big Ugly Fat F***ers".

BUFF pilot's named her not Fighter Pilots... Just like A7 pilots named their jet the SLUF... But if we had, you couldn't blame us :mrgreen:

ScottZ95ZR1 01-01-2010 01:04 AM

Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?

Originally Posted by bb62 (Post 78362)
BUFF is NOT Boeing's nickname for the B52 and the term does not mean being in shape. If anything it is a denigrating term originally used by fighter pilots to mock the . BUFF stands for "Big Ugly Fat F***ers".

Yes, I know it's use is not the flattering form of the term BUFF - "Big Ugly Fat Fellow" in it's G-rated version.
UNFORTUNATELY, I find myself fitting the description a bit more every year. The gym helps fight off the fat but I've sure given up on the ugly.

I certainly won't argue over the origin of the term but it is acknowledged as a long-standing nickname even on Boeing's website.

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