Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
65. Bought it when I was 59. Have put 11K miles on the car and considerably more on my body since then!;)
Oops, looks like I already voted! I guess my memory (or lack thereof) gives away my age! |
Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
32 here. I remember reading about the ZR-1 when they first came out, thinking it was the coolest car ever made.
Picked mine up earlier this summer. Kind of a throwback "reliving my youth" car for me I guess. |
Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
I'm 20 years July.
Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
I was 20 when I was working in the Chevy store at the time of the ZR-1s arrival. Never will forget seeing that first one. I'm 41 now. Isn't adulthood wonderful? We can finally go after what we couldn't have in our early years - like my '91 ZR-1 (#1464).
Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
My daughter-in-law keeps telling me that the only people that she sees driving vettes are old guys, and she makes fun of them and me; mid-life crisis and all she says. But being that she is marrried to my son (33), I think she is hinting for me to give my ZR-1 to a "more appropriate" driver, namely, him or her. The guilt ploy is not working.
Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
Midlife crisis is a term coined in 1965 by Elliott Jaques and used in Western societies to describe a period of dramatic self-doubt that is felt by some individuals in the "middle years" or middle age of life, as a result of sensing the passing of their own youth and the imminence of their old age. Sometimes, a crisis can be triggered by transitions experienced in these years, such as extramarital affairs, andropause or menopause, the death of parents or other causes of grief, unemployment or underemployment, realizing that a job or career is hated but not knowing how else to earn an equivalent living, or children leaving home. The result may be a desire to make significant changes in core aspects of day-to-day life or situation, such as in career, work-life balance, marriage, romantic relationships, big-ticket expenditures, or physical appearance.
Academic research since the 1980s rejects the notion of midlife crisis as a phase that most adults go through. In one study, fewer than 10% of people in the United States had psychological crises due to their age or aging. Personality type and a history of psychological crisis are believed to predispose some people to this "traditional" midlife crisis. People going through this suffer a variety of symptoms and exhibit a disparate range of behaviors. Many middle aged adults experience major life events that can cause a period of psychological stress or depression, such as the death of a loved one, or a career setback. However, those events could have happened earlier or later in life, making them a "crisis," but not necessarily a midlife one. In the same study, 15% of middle-aged adults experienced this type of midlife turmoil. Some studies indicate that some cultures may be more sensitive to this phenomenon than others, one study found that there is little evidence that people undergo midlife crises in Japanese and Indian cultures, raising the question of whether a midlife crisis is mainly a cultural construct. The authors hypothesized that the "culture of youth" in Western societies accounts for the popularity of the midlife crisis concept there. Researchers have found that midlife is often a time for reflection and reassessment, but this is not always accompanied by the psychological upheaval popularly associated with "midlife crisis." |
Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
holy crap! Maybe she was correct all along
Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
Next month I'll be 67, (worlds oldest adolescent), bought the ZR-1 when I was fifty.
60+K later, still running strong. :thumbsup: |
Re: How old are the ZR-1 owners?
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