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Kevin 11-19-2013 03:46 PM

Re: UPS: Camshafts Damaged

Originally Posted by mike100 (Post 188466)
Things have been getting damaged in transit forever, but UPS and Fedex have really been outdoing themselves lately. I had 2 or 3 incidents in the last year alone. Must be pushing for more and more productivity. It is like those guys don't even have time to set stuff down and would rather throw it on the run.

what do you need to do, wooden crates?

i've been shipping/receiving stuff via USPS for a decade and I can count on one hand the problems i've had with them. Just returned an ECM to a friend on the other side of the country, with $200 insurance cost me $15 and took 2 days. no idea why anyone uses anything else

WVZR-1 11-19-2013 04:02 PM

Re: UPS: Camshafts Damaged

Who has the camshafts? You need to be very careful how you handle the claim with them. Possession of them is important. I believe that if a person pushes really hard and they're either in UPS's possession or on the other end of the delivery and they make a "pick up" because of the damage claim, the material can disappear and then it's a monetary issue only. Then it get's really nasty and I'm sure the insured aspect of the ship doesn't come near the value of the material. You need to be very cautious regarding "possession".

If they were at the other end of the delivery I might try to just get the inspection done there, documented well with snap-shots but making sure the material stayed with the receiver. Was the damage to the containers "noted" by the people receiving the material?

Can't stress enough - possession!

LGAFF 11-19-2013 04:12 PM

Re: UPS: Camshafts Damaged
I am not going to mess around, if they deny I will file a smalls claims suit as property was shipped in IL and stayed in IL.

UPS will not honor any claim unless they are able to pick up the item and inspect.

Bottom line they are going to deny and I will need to be aggressive.

Franke 11-19-2013 07:50 PM

Re: UPS: Camshafts Damaged
Form recent personal experience with UPS a shipment from NH arrived with the box partially crushed. Looked like an accordion. I made the UPS guy stay here until I unpacked it and when he saw the damage he said would you like me to file a claim. To which I replied no because I had waited a week to get the part and the damage would not affect functionally. It was cosmetic damage and the part is not seen anyway.

alnukem 11-19-2013 08:12 PM

Re: UPS: Camshafts Damaged

Originally Posted by LGAFF (Post 188475)
I am not going to mess around, if they deny I will file a smalls claims suit as property was shipped in IL and stayed in IL.

UPS will not honor any claim unless they are able to pick up the item and inspect.

Bottom line they are going to deny and I will need to be agressive.

Lee, I had a similar experience with them. I was polite & patient, they d*cked me around for 2 weeks, I then called the main office for a determination, they said they were going to deny the claim, then I stated "small claims court & my brother is a attorney", the lady said hold on, then they paid. Moral of story......Polite, Patience, then aggressive & make your "kid" a attorney!

Coupe89 11-19-2013 08:23 PM

Re: UPS: Camshafts Damaged
I used to work for UPS on the sunrise shift. I've seen package jam's on the feeder belts all the time. Sometime destroying the package. Oakland Hub had cages. Sometimes packages get stuck under and in-between cages. Nothing new...

If something was rare and expensive. I would ship them Next Day Air. In Oakland they were unloaded at the end of the ground packages unload.

LGAFF 11-19-2013 08:27 PM

Re: UPS: Camshafts Damaged
I work in insurance and an familiar with the process....not sure why commercial is so difficult. I guess its less cut and dry vs Auto/Home....and they are self insured so more to lose. But they live off speed in their business model...so they know they will damage property.

I am going to be quick to file a small claims court form. I hate being involved with this type of stuff because you have to be an
Not my first rodeo in the legal system

My daughter has autism, and we found ourselves in a legal battle with the school, they failed to provide her with an assistant and instead used threats, such as shipping her 3 hours away for school to get us to go away. When the attorney wanted $21K to handle our case, I took it on myself instead.

I beat their attorney and now my daughter attends a private school at 30X the cost of the simple request I submitted.....I also have a masters in legal research and writing.

So I guess this will turn into a test of wills....legal system is a crapshoot

LGAFF 11-19-2013 08:29 PM

Re: UPS: Camshafts Damaged
Bummer is this package only went 200 miles


Originally Posted by Coupe89 (Post 188487)
I used to work for UPS on the sunrise shift. I've seen package jam's on the feeder belts all the time. Sometime destroying the package. Oakland Hub had cages. Sometimes packages get stuck under and in-between cages. Nothing new...

If something was rare and expensive. I would ship them Next Day Air. In Oakland they were unloaded at the end of the ground packages unload.

ZZZZZR1 11-19-2013 08:45 PM

Re: UPS: Camshafts Damaged

Originally Posted by alnukem (Post 188486)
Lee, I had a similar experience with them. I was polite & patient, they d*cked me around for 2 weeks, I then called the main office for a determination, they said they were going to deny the claim, then I stated "small claims court & my brother is a attorney", the lady said hold on, then they paid. Moral of story......Polite, Patience, then aggressive & make your "kid" a attorney!

Well said Tim!!! Gotta coin that phrase...

Maybe one of the ZR-1 commandments?



Kevin 11-19-2013 08:50 PM

Re: UPS: Camshafts Damaged

Originally Posted by alnukem (Post 188486)
Lee, I had a similar experience with them. I was polite & patient, they d*cked me around for 2 weeks, I then called the main office for a determination, they said they were going to deny the claim, then I stated "small claims court & my brother is a attorney", the lady said hold on, then they paid. Moral of story......Polite, Patience, then aggressive & make your "kid" a attorney!

my wife's an attorney...close enough?

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