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-=Jeff=- 09-03-2013 10:11 PM

Re: Anyone care to guess...
how is this coming along?

GOLDCYLON 09-05-2013 08:51 AM

Re: Anyone care to guess...
Jep any updates? ;)

VetteVet 09-23-2013 02:53 AM

Re: Anyone care to guess...
Sorry for the delay in responding. I've been busy with work and haven't even been able to get on the forum recently.

Most of my recent free time has been spent doing other work on the Z that I had been putting off:

Header install
Fidanza install
PowerTorque clutch and pressure plate
Bill B short throw shifter(modified with a custom neutral sensor for future remote start system install)
4.10 gears
New U-joints
Poly suspension bushings

That being said, I have completed the wiring harness mods and am currently working on the crank and cam sensor solution.

I've now got a connection on the CNC machining for the LS1 reluctor mount. I am swapping out tuning on a heads/cam/headers/intake/TB/MAF C5 for the CNC work. I'm killing two birds with one stone, as this is also getting me experience on tuning the LS1 PCM.

I still need to do bench testing to determine if the pencil coil that I've got will work with this system. If so, I'll purchase 7 more and be ready to install the system on the car, load up a base tune, and start playing with the system on primaries only. If that all looks good, then I can start working on the secondary issues. Also I will need to wire up the PIM to see if I can get the LS1 PCM talking to the CCM on the 8192 baud bus.

Just a word of warning: As I have stated from the beginning, this will not be a plug and play solution and will likely come in at a higher cost than the MegaSquirt ECM solution that Ron has spearheaded. I have my reasons for going with the GM LS1B PCM. Primary among them is that the MS unit does not have the capability for certain hardware control pertaining to future mods that I have planned. After attending the presentation by the MS guys in BG, I am impressed with what they and Ron are doing. If anyone wants a plug and play alternative to our ECMs, you'd be better served going with their setup.

My intention is not to design a system to compete with them. My primary aim is to implement some new technologies on our engines that require the GM PCMs.


rkreigh 09-23-2013 07:25 AM

Re: Anyone care to guess...
" Primary among them is that the MS unit does not have the capability for certain hardware control pertaining to future mods that I have planned."

do tell, please elaborate!!

this is an amazing project and I've been following it closely. just need to get you a different "day job" so you can wrap it up and put a bow on it.

outstanding work!

although I am thoroughly impressed with the "raptor squirt" (sorry, couldn't resist, new dinosaur porn star), the factory ECM is very capable

from a tuning perspective, do you like EFI Live or HP Tuners better and why? I'm looking to purchase and need some perspective on the LS ECM platforms.

again, thanks SOOOOO much for doing this and keep us posted on projected ETC and pricing. looking to purchase a better tuning solution for the LT5 to prep for a turbo build down the line.


-=Jeff=- 09-23-2013 07:52 AM

Re: Anyone care to guess...
I would really like to have some datalogging capability on my Android Tablet, Which is not created for the OBD1 stuff,

otherwise I am satisfied with my OEM ECM

XfireZ51 09-23-2013 08:19 AM

Re: Anyone care to guess...

Any chance you're looking at integrating the reluctor w the balancer? BTW, I have seen where
an ABS sensor is used to trigger the CnP.

Hog 09-23-2013 03:53 PM

Re: Anyone care to guess...
I just picked up a 24x reluctor wheel so that I can go CNP, not COP like you are doing. I will be using 8 GM GEN 3 or GEN 4 coils for my conversion.

I will also be using the 0411 PCM tuning it with Tunercats OBD2.

Currently I am running a 4x CKP reluctor for CSFI, and 1 x CMP sensor located in the distributer.

When I go 0411, I will use this cap

on top of my distrubuter, instead of this stock crab style distributer
as I will need the distributer for a 1x CP signal and to drive the oil pump, but wont need the 8 high tension wires coming off of it.

If I wanted to go with a GEN 4 ECM I can use a 4x reluctor in the distributer body instead of 1x and use a 58x reluctor on the crank.

Once you get a 24x or 58x crank CKP sensor signal, the limits are endless.

FU 09-23-2013 04:17 PM

Re: Anyone care to guess...
You have some serious talent there Jep :handshak:

XfireZ51 09-23-2013 04:59 PM

Re: Anyone care to guess...
Unfortunate we don't have the access to an EFI Connection conversion like other SBC. Been around a while now. Part of the LT-5 issue w this dwell control is incoporated into the ICM not the ECM. So its pretty well hardwired for the current ignition coils. With some other module, even one made to handshake w the current ECM and use existing 9 slot crank reluctor and trigger, we still need a way to control dwell since the CnP have optimal dwell times different from stock coils. Unless someone wrote some code integrated w stock ECM to do that. :cry:

Hog 09-23-2013 05:13 PM

Re: Anyone care to guess...

Originally Posted by XfireZ51 (Post 183443)
Unfortunate we don't have the access to an EFI Connection conversion like other SBC. Been around a while now. Part of the LT-5 issue w this dwell control is incoporated into the ICM not the ECM. So its pretty well hardwired for the current ignition coils. With some other module, even one made to handshake w the current ECM and use existing 9 slot crank reluctor and trigger, we still need a way to control dwell since the CnP have optimal dwell times different from stock coils. Unless someone wrote some code integrated w stock ECM to do that. :cry:

Actually that pictured 24x reluctor is only a few weeks old now. It uses a less expensive CKP sensor that the 96-98 Vortec trucks use. Notice its a single coded wheel, not a double wheel like the EFIConects are. Its different than the ones that were developed back in 2007. The 2007 versions are dual wheels that are coded exactly opposite, so 1 sensor must read 2 signals simutaneously. The 1999-2000 big block 454 used in the medium duty trucks was the 1st BBC to use CNP and DNW. That reluctor costs $20 from any GM dealership, get its accompanying sensor and it can be made to work. Or when getting a crank done, get a 24x signal cut instead of the 9x. There is always a crank hub mounted version, doable but optimal, maybe not.

Not sure if I understand your issue, once you go 0411 PCM, use it for your dwell control, the tables are there, gut the LT5 ignition entirely. Then set them up for your COP coils. But I must be missing something.

Good work on your project. I have blazed some EFI trails, it can be challenging, but rewarding in the end.

XfireZ51 09-23-2013 05:57 PM

Re: Anyone care to guess...

Originally Posted by Hog (Post 183445)
Actually that pictured 24x reluctor is only a few weeks old now. It uses a less expensive CKP sensor that the 96-98 Vortec trucks use. Notice its a single coded wheel, not a double wheel like the EFIConects are. Its different than the ones that were developed back in 2007. The 2007 versions are dual wheels that are coded exactly opposite, so 1 sensor must read 2 signals simutaneously. The 1999-2000 big block 454 used in the medium duty trucks was the 1st BBC to use CNP and DNW. That reluctor costs $20 from any GM dealership, get its accompanying sensor and it can be made to work. Or when getting a crank done, get a 24x signal cut instead of the 9x. There is always a crank hub mounted version, doable but optimal, maybe not.

Not sure if I understand your issue, once you go 0411 PCM, use it for your dwell control, the tables are there, gut the LT5 ignition entirely. Then set them up for your COP coils. But I must be missing something.

Good work on your project. I have blazed some EFI trails, it can be challenging, but rewarding in the end.

No you're absolutely correct. W the 411 you would use those dwell tables. I was musing about our current 9 slot reluctor on the crank, ie just use the current crank signal, ditch the ICM and do some custom code for the stock LT-5 ECM to handle dwell. Still would need something to do the firing sequence which is also a function of the current ICM.

XfireZ51 09-23-2013 06:31 PM

Re: Anyone care to guess...
BTW, have you looked cutting slots into balancer itself? Would ATI do something like that?

Also, I understand some are using the ABS Sensor as a trigger.

VetteVet 09-25-2013 01:14 AM

Re: Anyone care to guess...

Originally Posted by rkreigh (Post 183404)
" Primary among them is that the MS unit does not have the capability for certain hardware control pertaining to future mods that I have planned."

do tell, please elaborate!!


I'm looking at several mods. In order of priority, they are:

Coil on plug with elimination of the ICM (supposedly, the MS unit can handle this).

Electronic Throttle Control. The LS stuff they have now has more cross-sectional area than one of our throttle bodies even after being punched out (don't think the MS unit can handle this). This would also allow for a full implementation of the torque management that is available with these PCMs.

Mods to valve train to implement variable cam timing (don't think the MS unit can handle this). This would require moving up to a Gen IV PCM.

Dreaming about a split plenum twin electronic throttle body setup w/ one TB feeding the primary ports and one feeding the secondary ports. This would allow the benefits of the primary/secondary setup without the flow restriction of the butterflies in the secondary ports and the problematic vacuum actuated system. Also being able to control the proportion of primary/secondary airflow throughout the load range would allow for tuning of swirl throughout the range for maximum area under the torque curve.

I've got other ideas, but these are my primary goals.


VetteVet 09-25-2013 01:22 AM

Re: Anyone care to guess...

Originally Posted by XfireZ51 (Post 183449)
No you're absolutely correct. W the 411 you would use those dwell tables. I was musing about our current 9 slot reluctor on the crank, ie just use the current crank signal, ditch the ICM and do some custom code for the stock LT-5 ECM to handle dwell. Still would need something to do the firing sequence which is also a function of the current ICM.


I agree that a code rewrite would be able to handle the dwell aspect. I also agree that an external firing sequencer would be required, as the stock ECM does not have enough free digital outputs to handle the task.


VetteVet 11-10-2013 10:48 PM

Re: Anyone care to guess...

I didn't end up getting the reluctor mount fabricated for me. I did it myself. I still have to get the sensor bracket done.









VetteVet 11-10-2013 10:50 PM

Re: Anyone care to guess...


XfireZ51 11-10-2013 11:41 PM

Re: Anyone care to guess...
Very nice Jep. 58 tooth or 24? And there's room in front of balancer in engine bay?

VetteVet 11-11-2013 12:19 PM

Re: Anyone care to guess...

24x (for now). Once I get the sensor mount done, I can get the reluctor wheel positioned and pinned. Then I'll balance the assembly (as you can see in the photos, the reluctor wheel is very unbalanced).


XfireZ51 11-11-2013 12:26 PM

Re: Anyone care to guess...

Originally Posted by VetteVet (Post 187698)

24x (for now). Once I get the sensor mount done, I can get the reluctor wheel positioned and pinned. Then I'll balance the assembly (as you can see in the photos, the reluctor wheel is very unbalanced).


Yeah that was a big reason they put the reluctor in the middle of the crank. I suppose having only 9 notches would make it more susceptible to error as well.
The middle is the most stable spot given the rpm they were looking for.

-=Jeff=- 05-18-2015 10:52 AM

Re: Anyone care to guess...
Whatever happened to this??

and to Jep for that matter!!

VetteVet 05-26-2015 11:38 PM

Re: Anyone care to guess...
Thanks for your concern. I'm alive and well. I've spent the past 13 months working on the restoration and outfitting of a 40' Skater catamaran. It was the APBA Supercat world champion in 2000. My buddy and I are not going to race it, we're just looking to do poker runs with it. We should have enough power to run 155-160 MPH.

Until it's up and running, I won't have any time to devote to the PCM project. I haven't lost the ZR-1 fire, I just can't rest until this big beast is done. The good news is that we've given up the offshore and Formula One tunnel boat racing, so once the Skater is done, I'll have more time than in the past to devote to the project.


-=Jeff=- 05-26-2015 11:40 PM

Re: Anyone care to guess...
GREAT to hear from you Jep..

What is the current status of the LT5 PCM project? where did you leave off at?

C4Ray 05-27-2015 02:41 AM

Re: Anyone care to guess...

Originally Posted by VetteVet (Post 163719)
Luckily, I've got a great GF who doesn't mind me working on the dining room table. [-X

How about your GF is lucky to have a hard working faithful man that luckily for her he enjoys staying at home and being productive fixing things than going out with his buddies and drinking, carousing and spending money? With due respect I get really tired of seeing all this kissing up to the wife, gf, etc. American women have good - maybe too good in my opinion and American men are great men when compared to the rest of the world.

Your GF is LUCKY to have you! :handshak:

Alright rant over. Thank you :dancing

cvette98pacecar 05-27-2015 08:26 AM

Re: Anyone care to guess...

Originally Posted by VetteVet (Post 226491)
Thanks for your concern. I'm alive and well. I've spent the past 13 months working on the restoration and outfitting of a 40' Skater catamaran. It was the APBA Supercat world champion in 2000. My buddy and I are not going to race it, we're just looking to do poker runs with it. We should have enough power to run 155-160 MPH.

Until it's up and running, I won't have any time to devote to the PCM project. I haven't lost the ZR-1 fire, I just can't rest until this big beast is done. The good news is that we've given up the offshore and Formula One tunnel boat racing, so once the Skater is done, I'll have more time than in the past to devote to the project.


Jep, Great to hear from you. Hope all is well.

-=Jeff=- 10-13-2016 04:02 PM

Re: Anyone care to guess...
Okay.. been over a year.. HEY JEP!!! How is the LT5 ECM project coming along?

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