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efnfast 08-03-2014 09:26 AM

Re: Plenum virgin seeking any eyes-on possible
Nice Jeff, I had a few acorns, but no real nest. Don't forget to clean the drain hole under the plenum.

batchman 08-03-2014 03:32 PM

Re: Plenum virgin seeking any eyes-on possible
Remembering that I'm trying to drain the swamp, I'm leaving the coil and starter alligators to the next time - hopefully to coincide with removing the secondaries and copious aluminum... So I can't see the drain hole and hesitate to just pour degreaser in as much as I'd like to. You guys have such clean cars - and engines!

- Jeff

efnfast 08-03-2014 06:12 PM

Re: Plenum virgin seeking any eyes-on possible
Yeah, but you have a lot of fun!

batchman 08-03-2014 09:48 PM

Re: Plenum virgin seeking any eyes-on possible
Whew - well it's buttoned back up but I have to scare up a torque wrench I trust at 20 ft/lbs. My good one starts at 55 LOL.

Cross fingers for vac and FP tests, maybe the patient lived and I'll make the Loudon event Sunday!

- Jeff

batchman 08-04-2014 08:49 PM

Re: Plenum virgin seeking any eyes-on possible
So far - so good. I was going to be methodical and test vac first, then FP. True story - was going nuts chasing the FP fuses, couldn't get the hush panel off (never did find the 3rd screw). So I said to myself, this is more work than hooking up the fuel lines, so I did that.

Vac pump used to cycle about every 10 seconds, just for a blip. Now I think it's 12. Did not smell any fuel and was suspicious about that (noisy dehumidifier, couldn't really hear the pumps). So I popped the valve and had fuel, some air, but had fuel.

I cranked it only for a second but the battery was weak, off to the tender for a while.

I'll go back out later and start it for a minute to see if my skip is gone, but it's going to be a couple days until I get the coolant back into it etc. Holding out for a couple bits to come in first.

- Jeff

Z51JEFF 08-04-2014 08:53 PM

Re: Plenum virgin seeking any eyes-on possible

Originally Posted by batchman (Post 208895)
So far - so good. I was going to be methodical and test vac first, then FP. True story - was going nuts chasing the FP fuses, couldn't get the hush panel off (never did find the 3rd screw). So I said to myself, this is more work than hooking up the fuel lines, so I did that.

Vac pump used to cycle about every 10 seconds, just for a blip. Now I think it's 12. Did not smell any fuel and was suspicious about that (noisy dehumidifier, couldn't really hear the pumps). So I popped the valve and had fuel, some air, but had fuel.

I cranked it only for a second but the battery was weak, off to the tender for a while.

I'll go back out later and start it for a minute to see if my skip is gone, but it's going to be a couple days until I get the coolant back into it etc. Holding out for a couple bits to come in first.

- Jeff

Theres a screw in the area of the fuse panel.

batchman 08-04-2014 10:01 PM

Re: Plenum virgin seeking any eyes-on possible
It lives! Not ready to run it out but it seems like I have all 8 - on primaries at least. More later in the week.


Originally Posted by Z51JEFF
Theres a screw in the area of the fuse panel.

I found one by the interior light, and another hole for one to the left of that, but never did find the 3rd - part bad lighting, part bad knees, impatience etc. Thought I felt all around by the side and maybe that one's missing too, I just couldn't get it to move enough to come out without it feeling bound, but with the one I did find removed it wiggles.

- Jeff

batchman 08-07-2014 10:26 PM

Re: Plenum virgin seeking any eyes-on possible
Crikey! 4th try on the belt and still not right. Advice here said 67" for no A/C but I think that's with underdrive pullies. I started at 67.2, then 67.5, then 68, tonight 68.5 and still won't go without force. I probably could force it but I don' think I should have to - and it would take a third hand to do which is not available. Problem is to register for Sunday's Loudon event I should have had it up to temp, burped and tried the secondaries - to register ahead of that simply invites Murphy if you know what I mean. I'm already trashing the 2-week rule...

I suppose the bigger problem is I picked a parts house near my office (instead of near the house) that closes at 6, so it's a one-try-per-day on the belt. The good news is I talked with them ahead and they have all the Goodyear listed sizes available, with most in the store and the ones they don't have they can get in the afternoon (bigger NAPAs rule sometimes).

At first I didn't think the AC compressor weighed very much but it's actually 15 lbs. And that's all high and forward of the front wheels, boo-ya.

I tried the Haibeck crossover tube but without the AC there it just rattles around too much for my taste, and I don't like the look of my alternator boot (good instructions). I also put in the snorkel hoops but having trouble getting them to snap into place, hoping some vibration does it for me.

- Jeff

Z51JEFF 08-08-2014 12:07 AM

Re: Plenum virgin seeking any eyes-on possible

Originally Posted by batchman (Post 209167)
Crikey! 4th try on the belt and still not right. Advice here said 67" for no A/C but I think that's with underdrive pullies. I started at 67.2, then 67.5, then 68, tonight 68.5 and still won't go without force. I probably could force it but I don' think I should have to - and it would take a third hand to do which is not available. Problem is to register for Sunday's Loudon event I should have had it up to temp, burped and tried the secondaries - to register ahead of that simply invites Murphy if you know what I mean. I'm already trashing the 2-week rule...

I suppose the bigger problem is I picked a parts house near my office (instead of near the house) that closes at 6, so it's a one-try-per-day on the belt. The good news is I talked with them ahead and they have all the Goodyear listed sizes available, with most in the store and the ones they don't have they can get in the afternoon (bigger NAPAs rule sometimes).

At first I didn't think the AC compressor weighed very much but it's actually 15 lbs. And that's all high and forward of the front wheels, boo-ya.

I tried the Haibeck crossover tube but without the AC there it just rattles around too much for my taste, and I don't like the look of my alternator boot (good instructions). I also put in the snorkel hoops but having trouble getting them to snap into place, hoping some vibration does it for me.

- Jeff

Some of these Goodyear belts wont fit,I had the same problem.Regardless of what I tried the bastard would not go on,got a Gates belt and it went on no problem.

batchman 08-08-2014 10:53 PM

Re: Plenum virgin seeking any eyes-on possible
Annnnnd, the winner is - 60690 (that's 69" to you and me).

These are NAPA which I think are Gates.

Kinda funny, I was focused on the alternator as the path to "on" (since it's right near the tensioner) without really noticing the sticker and the trick to slip it behind the water pump - which doesn't have a lip to the rear. Of course once I started trying that I realized the new path doesn't allow much "behind the water pump" since it's a tight loop to the power steering.

But anyway the 68.5 almost made it, but would have needed a third hand (tried hard). A 69 is a wonderful thing (did I say that out loud?). It does put the tensioner further into its' travel than I'd like, but it is on and appears willing to stay put.

Ran it up to temp and all seemed happy, but it was too late to try the secondaries... Grrr...

Thanks for listening!
- Jeff

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