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Old 02-25-2013   #1
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Default Delco Bose AUX Input soldered connection...

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Last edited by Schrade; 10-19-2014 at 03:08 AM.
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Old 02-26-2013   #2
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Default Re: Delco Bose AUX Input soldered connection...

I have to kid you a little...that is some seriously crappy soldering! how did you wrap the soldered joints to insulate them?
It is a good place on the face to mount the pin female connector but as you say there is not a lot of room in there to route the cable and to make the face able to fit over the two bottom prongs then rotate back against the head unit main frame to click in and it's easy to damage that stuff...ask me how I know that.

It also based on the way you wired it looks like wiring it into the optical reader (cd player) means you no longer have use of the cd player but it will take the inputs from your Ipod type device instead. Is that correct?

Be nice if you could have wired it in parallel instead of making it a series wiring then whichever input was running, cd or ipod, would have given its input to the cdm and then on out to the speaker amps. Could you not have just addded each of the wires soldered directly to each of the optican scanner appropriate wires and used it that way? Either input used then could provide input to the rest of the system. You would not normally be running both at the same time. The way it's done now it looks like each of the four goes to the pin plug female receptacle and the on to the rest. Why not do it just contacting each original wire and leaving it so that either one could provide the input if I understand what I'm seeing?


Technical stuff over my pay grade, of course.

Last edited by LancePearson; 02-26-2013 at 09:24 AM.
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Old 02-26-2013   #3
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Default Re: Delco Bose AUX Input soldered connection...

Good for you! Progress. I'm jealous of your backlights working. I should be all back and buttoned up by the weekend with what's enroute to me then I'll open the existing unit up and look at the light bulbs on the hidden side of the face's circuit board that light the display for backlight and decide if it's worth me buying a tiny solder gun or sending it to Dr. Don and let him do it.

I was only teasing about the soldering as I'm sure you know.

Good job.
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Old 02-27-2013   #4
Hib Halverson
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Default Re: Delco Bose AUX Input soldered connection...

Well...no doubt, "Shrade" has a way to get an AUX input to a Bose Gold control head and I admire his persistence, but you're still stuck with that unit's crappy electronics, no balance control and a 20-year old (or more) CD player.

Keep in mind that the Bose part of the "Delco-Bose Gold" is the 50W (25W early models) amp/speaker assemblies at each corner of the car, and the Delco part is the control head and the divorced tuner. The latter-mentioned parts are the substandard pieces.

You eliminate both of those and gain an AUX input, a balance control and modern electronic design by going to the Pioneer unit Zip Products sells in it's late-C4 sound system upgrade kit.
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Old 02-27-2013   #5
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Default Re: Delco Bose AUX Input soldered connection...

Have not missed a balance control at all in such a small space. It works fine for me, Hib
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Old 02-28-2013   #6
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Default Re: Delco Bose AUX Input soldered connection...

with the corrected wiring on J703 does it work?

only thing I personally don't like is the fact it still spins the CD
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Old 02-28-2013   #7
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Default Re: Delco Bose AUX Input soldered connection...

Originally Posted by Schrade View Post
Thank you Sir...

Crappy? You got audacity Pal, calling someone's hardware 'Crappy'. I got a few more thoughts on ANYone calling someone ELSE'S hardware 'Crappy', but all concerned know who's nearer to crossing THAT line.

And 20 year-old-hardware? You're not an astute reader. If you were, you'd have noticed the service sticker on my unit in the snappic. 2007. DOM of YOUR hardware??? Yeah - maybe newer. EXCEPT FOR DESIGN.

BTW; do you think anyone else on these boards, has a ZR1 with mods, or OEM hardware, that's 'Crappy'? Please elaborate...
I wasn't talking about YOUR personal hardware, I was talking about the OE Delco radio control and the OE tuner in 90-96 cars. Both were designed in the late 80s and, as such, do not benefit from 25 years of improvement in car audio technology.
Balance control? BALANCE CONTROL???

You show me a balance control knob on car stereo, home stereo, WalkMan, DiscMan, iPad, ANYthing, that does NOT have dust on it, and I will throw the BS flag on it.
Not quite sure I understand your rant on balance controls but, my belief is that the 90-96 sound system needs a balance control. I never cared for the left-right imaging when the system was introduced for 1990 and I still don't care for it now. Never understood why the system has a fader but not balance.
If you're SOMEone on these boards, go rain on someone ELSE'S parade. I got an umbrella.

If you're no-one here, comment removed
Uh...roger that.
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Old 03-01-2013   #8
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Default Re: Delco Bose AUX Input soldered connection...

Originally Posted by Hib Halverson View Post
Not quite sure I understand your rant on balance controls but, my belief is that the 90-96 sound system needs a balance control. I never cared for the left-right imaging when the system was introduced for 1990 and I still don't care for it now. Never understood why the system has a fader but not balance.

I agree completely. Why no balance control? My left leg covers the left speaker which quiets it but I can't shift volume to the left. And it is sometimes hard to tell if all are working. In fact, while the '95 was at Marc's this winter I asked him to check if the front speakers were both working well. Turns out they were fine but while he had his ear to the speaker on the passenger side and his head just about on the floor, he noticed an envelope under the passenger's seat. It contained a $4,000 check made out to the prior owner's company. Long out of date and replaced I found out later, but always fun to find little goodies in your car. Still, I would like to have a balance control-- Bob
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Old 03-01-2013   #9
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Default Re: Delco Bose AUX Input soldered connection...

Originally Posted by -=Jeff=- View Post
with the corrected wiring on J703 does it work?

only thing I personally don't like is the fact it still spins the CD

Yes; I edited the wiring schematic to show signal intercept between headers J703, and J704.

The schematic SEEMS to indicate that my PREVIOUS intercept, between J704, and J705, are the same signal channels. THEY ARE NOT. And again, the header ID's are NOT identical on our DBose Gold.

I don't like as well the fact that the optical drive must be powered up, with a CD spinning. I have not figured out how to defeat the CD mainboard POWER signal just yet.

I asked the OP on the LS1 boards, about the power defeat, who has done a similiar mod, but I have not heard back from him. I DO believe that any attempt to do so MIGHT allow the FM/AM signal to resume, whereas it is defeated when the CD is powered up ??????

I'm sure SOMEone here has more Elec Engineering experience than I, so if you have an idea on the power defeat, with the schematic, I'm listening here...

And I still respect the knowledge and experience of the [ZipPimp]. I'm sure he knows more about my motor than do I. His OPINIONS about other hardware I still hold questionable however...
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Old 03-02-2013   #10
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Default Re: Delco Bose AUX Input soldered connection...

you have to have a sense of humor about all this. I like my Bose because it is still original and it works for me now that the amp is replaced which was failing. More than adequate sound for the times I listen and function. I don't need a balance control when it's all within 30 inches of my ears, etc. so I'm happy but....

I do have a serious audiophile friend who has his own sound meter, is discerning in ways about amps and speakers I can't even comprehend and here's what he and his serious audiophile buddies say about Bose in general: "If there are no highs and no lows, it must be Bose!" I Pass it along as humor. For me who uses the car with the Targa top in the back mostly, any serious speed means I turn the radio off anyway so it works fine and plays cd's. If I had a wish it would be to add not an ipod port as Shrade has done but a usb link which I know can be done but then I'd have to pull the cdm unit out and send it away. Way, way too much bother for me.

Have a laugh...if there are no highs, if there are no lows, it must be Bose! Actually Delco made the radio head and Bose the cdm and speaker/amps.
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