Thread: Why a ZR-1?
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Old 04-06-2009   #14
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Colorado
Posts: 115
Default Re: Why a ZR-1?

Several years ago while walking around one of our favorite local Corvette shows my wife was drawn to a bright red C4 coupe. Neither one of us were huge fans of the C4s but there was something about this car that caught her attention. Circling around it I noticed the ZR-1 emblem on the rear bumper and told her "Girl, you got good taste! But we'll never be able to afford one of these."

Fast forward to a Saturday morning in the early October of 2006. Over breakfast we were looking at the paper and my wife sees an ad for a red '90 ZR-1 at a local dealership, reads it to me, and says "We should go check it out today while we're out running errands." To make a long story a tad shorter - two weeks later the car was sitting in the garage next to our '70 convertible (aka "The Toy"). We're pretty sure it wasn't the same car we'd seen several years before but it was just as captivating. The ZR-1 (aka "The Beast") had just 7,500 miles on the odometer from the original owner and was in showroom shape. Unfortunately because it was so late in the fall we didn't get to drive it much before the driving season ended.

In the summer of 2007 we put 5,000 miles on it during a two week road trip and I was pleasantly surprised at how nice a road car "The Beast" is. We averaged just over 24 MPG for the entire trip (one stretch of 19 MPG @ 110 MPH with the A/C on - LOVE driving in Nevada!). It will be our vacation road trip car for the foreable future. We're lucky to be the 2nd "caretakers" of a such a great piece of Corvette history.
[IMG][/IMG] [B][I]Jim O. [COLOR=white]..............[/COLOR][IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] "[COLOR=red]The Toys[/COLOR]" [/I][/B]

...'90 ZR-1.......'70 roadster.......'78 Trans Am....
[I][B][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [/B][/I]
(click on each to see a larger version)
[I][B][COLOR=red]Save the Wave...!!! [IMG][/IMG][/COLOR][/B][/I]
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