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Old 04-25-2016   #9
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Woodstock, Ontario, Canada
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Default Re: Thermostats and Thermostat Housings

Originally Posted by Paul Workman View Post
I never took 'thermal dynamics', so I don't know the proper physics terms for it. But, you're right: The greater the heat differential between the radiator (coolant) and the ambient air, the greater the rate at which (therms or calories or whatever) will transfer (to the air, in this case)*.
*Plotting the temp over time, the graph would describe the change over time according to the natural log of decay. This would explain why it usually requires a lager capacity radiator and sometimes increased (fan) air volume coupled with a lower temp thermostat to bring the coolant temperature down to the lower 'stat opening point. IOW, the closer the coolant is to the ambient air temperature, the slower the coolant temperature falls (unless and until the motor adds more heated coolant to the radiator), all else being equal.
Yes Paul, your explanation is correct. IOW The rate of heat transfer is directly proportional to the heat differential

A house with an internal temperature of 80ºF and outside temp of 40ºF will lose heat at a faster rate than a house with an inside temp of 70º and outside temp. of 40º.(of course when all else is equal)

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