View Full Version : WTB - need manual A/C control head for a 91

10-13-2009, 07:34 PM
Is anyone out there disassembling a 90 or 91 with manual A/C?
I need the control head with the diverter door cable. Johnny?


10-13-2009, 11:02 PM
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/94-95-96-Chevy-Corvette-Manual-AC-Heater-Control-Head_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem2ea152232cQQitemZ2 00275010348QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAcc essories

Not sure if its the same head unit

10-13-2009, 11:20 PM
The housing is different (and the buttons are the wrong color). 90 and 91 have the same part number.

Thanks !

10-13-2009, 11:28 PM
This will work..
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/15-71929-HEATER-AC-CONTROL-92-93-CORVETTE_W0QQitemZ170348442389QQcmdZViewItemQQptZM otors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories?hash=item27a98ef 315

Just swap the buttons.. what is wrong with the unit in the car?

10-14-2009, 01:40 AM
Long story short - The ac fuse blows and after pulling all relays and other circuits fed by the fuse, it looks like there is an internal short in the head. There are two connectors and when I pulled the LH side one, the short (no fuse blow) went away. Now I'm left with trying to disconnect the other connector and the cable at the diverter. I have the radio and the upper control panel out of the way, but there's no room to get to the other end of the cable - any ideas how; do I need to pull the dash cover?


10-14-2009, 08:57 AM
Long story short - The ac fuse blows and after pulling all relays and other circuits fed by the fuse, it looks like there is an internal short in the head. There are two connectors and when I pulled the LH side one, the short (no fuse blow) went away. Now I'm left with trying to disconnect the other connector and the cable at the diverter. I have the radio and the upper control panel out of the way, but there's no room to get to the other end of the cable - any ideas how; do I need to pull the dash cover?


As the unit is in the dash the left side you refer to is the connector close to the driver side correct? (just need to get a frame of reference. the other Connector is a PITA to remove.

all that connector does it control the blower, are you sure it is not the blower. If you connect controller and disconnect the blower, does the fuse blow? also check the resistor module on the top of the air box.

I was able to get my old controller out, but I broke the holder for the diverter cable. (on the back corner, where the cable housing connects)

I will look tonight but I don't think there is much tot he blower controller piece of the AC unit

10-14-2009, 08:14 PM
Ebay item # 180375405159

10-15-2009, 10:12 AM
Ebay item # 180375405159
Got it. Thanks Jeff! Now all I need is what do I have to remove to get to
the diverter valve end of the cable? I can't even see it from the center stack.

And to add to the mystery, I reconnected the fan motor, the fan resistors, the fan relays (one at a time) and the drivers side control connector one at a time checking for a blown fuse, and the "short" disappeared. My life is plagued by intermittent electrical problems ... At least now I'll have a part in my hand that I can analyze and maybe, just maybe, my original part has a broken push button switch piece. But it still feels OK. :rolleyes:

10-15-2009, 10:18 AM
Got it. Thanks Jeff! Now all I need is what do I have to remove to get to
the diverter valve end of the cable? I can't even see it from the center stack.

And to add to the mystery, I reconnected the fan motor, the fan resistors, the fan relays (one at a time) and the drivers side control connector one at a time checking for a blown fuse, and the "short" disappeared. My life is plagued by intermittent electrical problems ... At least now I'll have a part in my hand that I can analyze and maybe, just maybe, my original part has a broken push button switch piece. But it still feels OK. :rolleyes:

Dumb question, when the short was there was it all positions of the switch?

I still think it is not the controller but glad you got one

Also remove the glove box, might get access from there

10-23-2009, 01:22 AM
Post mortem: After tearing all the components out that the A/C fuse powers, I isolated the problem to the A/C control head. I installed a used one from ebay and all is OK. I have been fighting this for over a year and it's been an intermittent problem I thought I had solved by replacing the 10 amp blade fuse with a 3AG slo-blow in a holder. That worked OK until about a month ago, and then the slo-blow would. Right away. About then the low coolant light came on too. Replacing the control head solved both problems and looking at the schematic diagrams, I have no clue what failure in the control head would ground the low coolant light circuit.

And yes, you need to remove the glove box to get to the diverter cable.

10-23-2009, 08:58 AM
you wanna sell the old control head? even though it is broke?