View Full Version : LT5 Paint

10-17-2005, 04:28 PM
Thinking its about time to get the LT5 looking good again. I saw a guy down in Ocean city this past weekend that had his engine repainted with the paint listed on the service bulletin. It Looked great. Anyone have any further info on the newest paint, and cost to get it done?

10-17-2005, 05:05 PM
LPE sells it last I checked. There are a few guys here (Jeff) that will PC it for you.

Z Factor
10-17-2005, 05:41 PM
Thinking its about time to get the LT5 looking good again. I saw a guy down in Ocean city this past weekend that had his engine repainted with the paint listed on the service bulletin. It Looked great. Anyone have any further info on the newest paint, and cost to get it done?

Hello and welcome to the forum. :handshak:

As Kevin pointed out the paint is available, and there are several people who can powder-coat it for you with very nice results. Several of the ZR-1 tuners do the work along with a P&P of the plenum and IH's if you want the extra power that can be gained. Jeff (Jeffvette) who frequents the forum also does the powder-coating in just about any color you desire. Ask him for some pictures of previous work he has done to get an idea.

Glad to have you aboard.


10-17-2005, 05:48 PM
Hello and welcome to the forum. :handshak:

As Kevin pointed out the paint is available, and there are several people who can powder-coat it for you with very nice results. Several of the ZR-1 tuners do the work along with a P&P of the plenum and IH's if you want the extra power that can be gained. Jeff (Jeffvette) who frequents the forum also does the powder-coating in just about any color you desire. Ask him for some pictures of previous work he has done to get an idea.

Glad to have you aboard.


he also does porting

10-17-2005, 05:49 PM
Shoot me a pm or a email jeff2577 (at) yahoo.com

Stock look (old camera forgive the poor picture quality)


Here are some other colors.

Black with Silver

Yellow with Black

Black Chrome no lettering

Admiral Blue no lettering (don't ask about the blanked
out letters)

Silver Fleck/Red Lettering

Red/Black lettering

Black Wrinkle/Red lettering

Black Chrome no lettering

10-17-2005, 06:56 PM
Silver Fleck/Red Lettering

Sooooooo nice !!

10-18-2005, 10:50 AM
Looking for paint that NCRS will accept as replacement, as per the service bulletin. Looking to top flight the car..

Shoot me a pm or a email jeff2577 (at) yahoo.com

Stock look (old camera forgive the poor picture quality)


Here are some other colors.

Black with Silver

Yellow with Black

Black Chrome no lettering

Admiral Blue no lettering (don't ask about the blanked
out letters)

Silver Fleck/Red Lettering
www.pnwzr1.net/Nick/Plenum/IMG_0223a.JPG (http://www.pnwzr1.net/Nick/Plenum/IMG_0223a.JPG)

Red/Black lettering

Black Wrinkle/Red lettering

Black Chrome no lettering

10-18-2005, 12:07 PM
Looking for paint that NCRS will accept as replacement, as per the service bulletin. Looking to top flight the car..

Leave it as is.

10-18-2005, 03:28 PM
Looking for paint that NCRS will accept as replacement, as per the service bulletin. Looking to top flight the car..

Well, depending on how bad it is now, you will either loose some points on condition but get all for originality. Or you can repaint and loose all for originality and none on condition. Or you can say screw it and paint it however you want. Also, if you repaint it per the service bulletin, you will still loose all originality points.

10-18-2005, 04:03 PM
Leave it as is.

But it look's sooooo boring .

There were so many variations in the original color of these engines. I have seen them from a sort of gun metal gray to a nice silver....all on stock engines ,some with very few miles on them.

10-18-2005, 04:41 PM
I know Frank, but what he is asking for is basically a miracle.

10-18-2005, 04:52 PM
Black Chrome no lettering

That one is mine!:dancing

If you want to do it yourself with paint the DRM stuff works well I used it on my daily driver and it still looks good not real durable theres some scratches on it now that im not happy about so one day ill have it powdercoated as well

the above one is for my other ZR-1

If you can get up with Jeff have him powder coat it it looks great and will last longer than the paint.

but dont forget you need to get all new gaskets and the dowry washers for the cam covers along with the cam cover sealant if you do go that route

good luck


Bell Curve
10-20-2005, 03:38 PM
If they still make exact matching paint and items for the old vettes to be perfectly restored, why cant anyone get the exact paint match for the LT5 engine that is only 10-15 years old:confused:

10-21-2005, 10:42 AM
If they still make exact matching paint and items for the old vettes to be perfectly restored, why cant anyone get the exact paint match for the LT5 engine that is only 10-15 years old:confused:

The main reason is that most of us don't care to use an inferior product.

10-21-2005, 03:26 PM
The Big thing is that while you have the motor that torn apart why not just do it once with powder coating and have it look nice forever instead of using cheap paint that will not last.

powdercoating does the trick

10-23-2005, 08:38 PM
But it look's sooooo boring .

There were so many variations in the original color of these engines. I have seen them from a sort of gun metal gray to a nice silver....all on stock engines ,some with very few miles on them.

I think the color changes over time/mileage & how cool it runs.