View Full Version : 1990 Slave cyl R & R Q's

10-17-2005, 07:50 AM
Hi guys, I have another project I'd like to do. I need to change my slave clyinder as the clutch master was done a short while back. Had the dealer do the master & the slave was BO at the time.

This is the first car I've had with a hyd clutch system so I'm blank on experience. :???:

Q1.) From under the car it looks like there might be enough room to work without R & R'ing the exhaust system? Any thoughts? The cat looks like the major obstruction & it's not going anywhere.

Q2.) How much fluid does the slave hold? I read in a Corvette Fever "how to" that they filled the slave before installing it but I don't see how they did that.

Q3.) If I reconnect the line to the new slave and then open it's bleeder and tie it up so it doesn't dangle by the line, will that protect the line enough? Or is there another way to put fluid in the slave?

Sorry for the Q's my ignorance makes me ask. Please if I'm not getting this show me the way! :o


1990 quasar blue
10-17-2005, 07:12 PM
Q1.) From under the car it looks like there might be enough room to work without R & R'ing the exhaust system? Any thoughts? The cat looks like the major obstruction & it's not going anywhere.

Q2.) How much fluid does the slave hold? I read in a Corvette Fever "how to" that they filled the slave before installing it but I don't see how they did that.

Q3.) If I reconnect the line to the new slave and then open it's bleeder and tie it up so it doesn't dangle by the line, will that protect the line enough? Or is there another way to put fluid in the slave?

This should help a little. http://www.zr1netregistry.com/ZR1_issues.htm#21
It's not bad. The biggest PIA was getting the old one out because it was obviously extended. That and pumping it for what will seem like the rest of your life. I don't remember how much it held. It had been leaking for a while so I bought a bottle from GM and just kept an eye on it. :cheers:

10-18-2005, 06:42 AM
Hey Thanks! I better get different reading glasses because I missed that some how :???:

Okay now I think I got it. I can gravity bleed most of the air from the slave before I bolt it in place thru the bleeder if I get the bleeder straight up. The rest is the thing with pumping the clutch once it's bolted back in place.

:thumbsup: :cheers:

10-18-2005, 09:22 PM

10-19-2005, 07:20 AM
Hi Bryan!

Yea I heard of that GPS on the radio up north here. I guess they can't afford TV time in this market as I haven't seen it on air. Ya think they could have come up with a better name!?!

Just another note to any rookie Z owners that have no experience with Hydraulic clutchs...If you are thinking your slave & or your master is going get them done! BIG difference before & after! I paid @ the dealer to have the master done as it looked like more than I wanted to do, cost $450.00 total. They didn't do the slave due to BO. I just did the slave & it is a bit tight to work but it's doable. Check out the NetRegistry "maintenence" section and zfdoc.com so you have the straight facts as to why you gotta pay attention to that system.