View Full Version : Odd Fan behavior

10-08-2009, 10:02 AM
I mentioned this before but I was looking into it again last night

I have a fan with a mind of its own it seems. At first i thought it was Fan2 but it is Fan1. Sometimes on start within 5-10 seconds it will run, even when the car is cold (sitting for a few days)

Last night it did not turn on right away but did soon after the car was started. When i got home form using the car I connected my laptop to it, there was no fan requests of any type and the ECM was not commanding the fans (1 or2) on, yet fan #1 was running.

The only thing I can think of is that possibly the ground wire for the relay is shorted to ground some where, I need to spend more time looking into it, but I thought I would post to see if anyone else had some ideas

on the positive side, at least the fans runs instead of not running at all

I also did check the CTS and it seems to be reporting the correct Temp as well

10-08-2009, 10:44 AM
Jeff my guess would be the relay as well.

10-08-2009, 10:46 AM
oops. wrong post, what with you from chicago and all
i thought you were talking about the Cubs. :mrgreen:

10-08-2009, 12:14 PM
Jeff my guess would be the relay as well.

Nope, swapped it twice

also with the relay unplugged, the control side of relay lights up the test light