View Full Version : Any results on Siamese vs Ported intake

10-05-2009, 10:07 PM
I have a spare plenum and a set of IH cores on the way back to me(hopefully). Does anyone have Dyno results showing impact of a siamesed plenum vs 36mm porting?

I was thinking of doing one. I am very interested in it for my 92 with 4.09 gears.


10-06-2009, 12:04 PM
Lee,i have done huge siamesed plenum and huge siamesed IH's on my Z.
I did a before and after dyno with no gains just some low RPM loss from
what i can remember 10+- rwp, it was a while ago.
I have dyno sheets somewhere in my garage file cabanet.

On big cube motors doing the siamesed/droped plenum,IH is worth 10-12rwhp.
Hogan's intake was worth 12rwhp on a big cube motor over a ported 36mm plenum/IH's
It raised peak power from 6800 to 7k.

I took the divider out of my plenum did not touch the IH's.
Ported plenum/IH's to something close to 38mm.:)
I have not noticed any change,throttle response is crisp better then
a stock Z.
