View Full Version : Rear Wheel Bearings

08-31-2009, 10:26 PM
Thinking about the long trip next May to BG has me thinking of things that I need to do before I take the old girl on another long trip. When I have my car up on jacks and grab my rear tires at the 12 and 6 o'clock positions and feel for play, there is a slight amount.... My question, if I can detect it by hand is it time to change them??

Thanks in advance


08-31-2009, 11:32 PM
Rick, how much play? The book spec is minimal.

08-31-2009, 11:35 PM

I just solved a mystery noise in my car's rear and it turned out to be u-joints. In the process of chasing down and diagnosing the noise I wiggled the wheels with the car in the air.
With my hands at 12:00 & 6:00 as you described I had less than 1/8" movement out at the tire shoulder. I ran the car with the rear in the air and the wheels removed and both bearings sounded fine and smooth. I was listening with a stethoscope. When the half-shafts were out I could not detect any movement in the hubs and they turned very smoothly.

These are just my observations of my own car but I hope it helps.

Have fun at Bowling Green. I sure wish I lived closer. :(


09-01-2009, 12:26 AM
less than an 1/8th inch of movement

09-01-2009, 12:27 AM
Good idea Shark :-) Its far for all of us out here in the west, but its one of those things I have to do once in the ZR-1

09-02-2009, 07:28 PM
Thinking about the long trip next May to BG has me thinking of things that I need to do before I take the old girl on another long trip. When I have my car up on jacks and grab my rear tires at the 12 and 6 o'clock positions and feel for play, there is a slight amount.... My question, if I can detect it by hand is it time to change them??

Thanks in advance


Something you could check that I found on mine, the spindle nut was tight against the safety retainer as if it moved, with a little bearing play, retorqued to 190lbs. and play was gone and it has survived 4 track events.

09-02-2009, 07:40 PM
Another great idea!!! I'll go check now.

Thank you