View Full Version : help needed at carlise

08-28-2009, 07:21 PM
I just got a call and apparently my car is having issues. From what I'm told the interior lights are staying on after shutdown after driving back from heavy rain and the alarm then went off due to lights staying on this is after locking the doors to the car. in order to get the alarm to not go off my father pulled fuse and the alarm light stays on but the alarm no longer goes off. Anyone know what could be going on?

08-28-2009, 09:43 PM
I just got a call and apparently my car is having issues. From what I'm told the interior lights are staying on after shutdown after driving back from heavy rain and the alarm then went off due to lights staying on this is after locking the doors to the car. in order to get the alarm to not go off my father pulled fuse and the alarm light stays on but the alarm no longer goes off. Anyone know what could be going on?

I don't know if alarm going off is related but as far as light is concerned, see if he can shim either the light switch on back side of the door or shim the part of door jamb where the door switch would compress against when shut. I had a similar issue (light staying on with door shut) and I crazy glued a small button (yes. a dress shirt button) on the end of the light switch and it solved the problem. Quick check is while the door is open push the door swich all the way in with a finger and see if the light turns off after 30 seconds or so.

Was your dad at ZR1 net registry area? I just got back frm Carlisle.

08-28-2009, 09:47 PM
my father and mother were at the registry area once he found it. I'll call him and let him know what you said, I'm getting the same info from the registry and i think that's what it is

08-28-2009, 09:47 PM
If it is getting wet from rain causing it, it will most likely fix itself after drying out. Water may hbe shorting out the door switch. This switch has a rubber sleeve to keep the water out but the sheathing may have been compromised due to age.

08-29-2009, 07:40 AM
I just had this problem. It was a door ajar switch as mentioned. Sometimes you can pry under the little knob looking thing on the end of the switch. If you do that, be careful they are fragile. On the other hand, if you manually lock the doors, I believe the alarm won't go off. You could also get a litle stick on bumper and put it on the door jamb where the switch touches.


08-29-2009, 12:34 PM
Correct the door ajar switch is the culprit. A temp fix is to duct tape pennies in the area were the switch comes into contact. Hopefully that will hold but if the switch is fubared it will need to be replaced. While you can pull the wire through the hole it puts a lot of strain on the harness and during the process the possibility of dropping the switch backing washer that the screws insert significantly increases. I suggest removal of the door panel to make the job easier and while you are in these lube up the lock rods and such. I suggest doing this from home and try the duct tape penny method first. GC

08-30-2009, 09:37 AM
my father and mother were at the registry area once he found it. I'll call him and let him know what you said, I'm getting the same info from the registry and i think that's what it is

Gee..., I was sitting at the tent most of Friday and late afternoon Saturday! Had I known, I would have taken a look...

08-30-2009, 09:41 AM
Correct the door ajar switch is the culprit. A temp fix is to duct tape pennies in the area were the switch comes into contact. Hopefully that will hold but if the switch is fubared it will need to be replaced. While you can pull the wire through the hole it puts a lot of strain on the harness and during the process the possibility of dropping the switch backing washer that the screws insert significantly increases. I suggest removal of the door panel to make the job easier and while you are in these lube up the lock rods and such. I suggest doing this from home and try the duct tape penny method first. GC

In my case (94 w/ proximity remote) driving around I noticed door courtesy light would come on and power lock would cycle intermittently. I deduced it to poor contact at the driver side door switch. Being too cheap, I carzy glued a dress shirt button on top if the switch head. It's been 6 years and it's working fine. Good thing I am not a NCRS type...:mrgreen:

08-30-2009, 12:40 PM
I called my father and when the car gets home we'll play around with different materials to place on the door switches. Thanks guys