View Full Version : Difference in '90-92 brakes vs '93+?

08-22-2009, 11:28 PM
I was looking at Earl's braided hoses website and noticed there are two different kits for our cars. One for '88-92 and one for '93-96. Does anyone know what is different?

The reason I ask is this, I had an extra kit for my car that I planned to use eventually. I dropped each of the front calipers at one time or another, and the lines have a slight crimp in each. So I want to change them when I get around to it.

But a friend with a '96 had a fairly pressing caliper issue. So we put on my take-off calipers and used the front brake lines from my spare kit. I didn't even realize they were different. The lines worked great. But it makes sense for him to buy another kit, give me the front lines, and then he can put the rears on his car whenever he gets around to it.

But which kit should he buy? I don't want the wrong lines for my fronts, and presumably he doesn't want the wrong lines for his rears. Does anyone know what is different about these two kits? Or what is different in general about the '93+ brakes vs the earlier ones?

08-23-2009, 07:11 PM
I don't think there is any difference - front and rear calipers are the same from 90 thru 95. The only possibility is the rear brake line mounts may be different. Call a supplier and ask.

08-23-2009, 07:48 PM
I did contact Earl's via their website. We'll see what (or if) they say. :)

09-17-2009, 08:52 AM
So the difference is the front lines. The later ones from Earl's have some weirdo spring thing that sort of stiffens up the first section of line. It looks ugly and clunky as hell. I can't see why they do it, because it doesn't route the line out of the way of anything obvious.

So my buddy is going to return them and get the earlier kit, because I sure don't want those weird lines back as a replacement for the ones I spotted him. ;)

09-17-2009, 10:16 AM
I'm using the Russell lines for a regular C4.

09-17-2009, 11:05 AM
So the difference is the front lines. The later ones from Earl's have some weirdo spring thing that sort of stiffens up the first section of line. It looks ugly and clunky as hell. I can't see why they do it, because it doesn't route the line out of the way of anything obvious.
The weirdo spring thing is a strain relief - the line makes a pretty drastic bend on full rebound (wheel at bottom of its travel) and there may have been some failures at the frame side connector. Why this design change wasn't applied to all years is ??? beyond me.