View Full Version : A lot of Dick's er DTC's on List Serve

08-18-2009, 04:28 PM
Here they go again; old farts day out !! :mrgreen: Beam me up , Scotty.

08-19-2009, 03:39 AM
I'm ready to cancel.
It served it's purpose but now it's just ridiculous.


08-19-2009, 07:30 AM
I find it the most annoying that people can't seem to change the title of the damn email. At least then it's easier to be selective about what you read. Lately I just mark any email with the same title as "read" once someone spouts off about politics, which probably means I miss some technical stuff.

08-19-2009, 09:37 AM
It is clear that we need some new rules for this category. Mom, are you still involved ? Seems like what used to be a good avenue for reaching the membership has been frequently violated with spam.

08-19-2009, 11:28 AM
I'm ready to cancel.
It served it's purpose but now it's just ridiculous.


+1 here.

The list serve USED to be the place to go for technical discussion. Now the tech matter is just the intro that deteriorates into nonsensical keyboard argument, that even fouls up the search tool by flooding the results with BS, not to mention the deluge of email.

08-19-2009, 12:03 PM
I just sent my last one and asked to be removed.

Isn't there political forums they can go to.


08-19-2009, 02:16 PM
Ive been living under a rock,what are you guys talking about?

08-19-2009, 03:13 PM
I just sent my last one and asked to be removed.

Isn't there political forums they can go to.



It's all your fault. Stop being so Radical!!!!



08-20-2009, 02:47 AM

It's all your fault. Stop being so Radical!!!!



Dave,i was only adding feul to the fire LOL
You know i'm part repuplican but i don't push my religion or politics on anyone i don't know what they are trying to proove in a
car club mailing list.Just a bunch of BS.
They won't have to worry about me anymore i'm out of the list serve.

So they can say/do anything they want.

There was nothing ZR-1 on there anymore.


08-20-2009, 07:58 AM
Ive been living under a rock,what are you guys talking about?

The ZR-1 email list

08-20-2009, 08:20 AM
+1 here.

The list serve USED to be the place to go for technical discussion. Now the tech matter is just the intro that deteriorates into nonsensical keyboard argument, that even fouls up the search tool by flooding the results with BS, not to mention the deluge of email.


Agreed. It's become fairly worthless. Much more technical and usable information here.

08-20-2009, 12:17 PM
Ive been living under a rock,what are you guys talking about?

Your not missing much.
Unless your idol is Rush Limbaugh you will be amongs friends.
It should be called RushLimbaughNetRegistry :)

I was a member for 10 years WOW

08-20-2009, 01:56 PM
Your not missing much.
Unless your idol is Rush Limbaugh you will be amongs friends.
Honestly I don't think it's even a matter of the ideology. I am pretty damn conservative. But I can't stand the brow-beating way those people express their opinions, not to mention it is in no way relevant to the list or to ZR-1 ownership.

08-20-2009, 08:41 PM
I hardly get any of the emails and if I do its days later, and whenever the probe goes out it tells me it failed so something is up with my email but I havent cared enough to fix it.

the forum is better anyway I really do not like opening up every single email it gets old!

08-20-2009, 09:02 PM
Johnny ,
I'm mesmerized at your avatar :mrgreen:

08-20-2009, 09:13 PM
Some jagoff who I've never seen post on the list serve before just sent a note saying he is sorry to see Pete go but based on Pete's rant,
"perhaps it would be best". Ahole!

08-21-2009, 01:45 AM
Dom,i kow who it is.
His a good guy and he means it in a good way and i would have to agree with him.
Maybe i was a lil overboard and i apoligize for it or if i offended anyone,it was getting a lil ridicalous.
You also have to understand i was a bit frustrated,as you can tell. :-)
Every freaking post was about politics in the begaining it was funny but after a while it got annoying.

Jokes are funny the first time after a while your beating a dead horse.


08-21-2009, 02:29 AM
Johnny ,
I'm mesmerized at your avatar :mrgreen:

Me too.
Is it possible to get that picture a whole lot bigger.:-D


08-21-2009, 07:51 AM

I guess I'll see you tonight at Bob's?