View Full Version : Not just an oil change

08-16-2009, 03:12 AM
Changed the oil in the 90, went to remove the filter....broke an Oil adapater for removing, the filter, tried another, rounded off the filter, tried a strap oil filter remover....would not budge. Went to the store bought a damn clamp to remove it, no luck.

Pipe wrench, twisted the body of the filter, but did not move the base.

Shoved a screwdriver through it, ripped it open.

Keep in mind, I weight 260lbs, and putting my weight on it would not move it.
Cut open the filter, tried a hammer and chisel in the opening at the base, would not move....and it was a big *** hammer.

Had to drill holes in the seal, and use the above methog with the hammer to remove it.

Son of a Boetch

1990 415
08-16-2009, 04:34 AM
Did you have a particularly stressful week at work and vent all your frustrations on the oil filter? It got chewed up real good!

08-16-2009, 05:43 AM
Lefty loosy-righty tighty?

08-16-2009, 09:26 AM
Remember these words..."hand tight". Next time you change your oil filter..."hand tight".

I've never tore into one of the ZR-1 upside down, leak proof oil filters to see how they work or how they are constructed...did oil come flowing out in place, after you stabbed it with the screw driver?

Hope your engine bay didn't get to messy.

08-16-2009, 10:56 AM
reminds me of some of the stuff that happens to me sometimes. Sometimes the simplest things turn into titanic bouts with Mr Murphy.

Sometimes I think...."what did I do when I installed this?" :icon_scra

fwiw, Lee I had the same kind of day yesterday. I empathize completely. A simple coil change out turned into an adventure.


Paul Workman
08-16-2009, 11:59 AM
Don't feel bad..."Just load up the LT5 into the back of the Jeep Grand Cherokee and drive it up to Pete's."...Oh...the 'lectrics in the Jeep are on the fritz again? You mean I can't unlock the rear hatch b/c it is 'lectric and there ain't no steeeking key lock???? WTF! Is this Z possessed this summer or WHAT?:cry:

Well, I did drain the oil. Got that much done anyway. I'm focused on Sept 26th has having it together and tuned for battle at US41 Dragway...If Murphy doesn't change plans again for the umteenth time this summer!:censored: I guess it just makes us appreciate it even more when things finally...finally come together!:dancing

"Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln...How did you like the play?"


08-16-2009, 12:46 PM
Changed the oil in the 90, went to remove the filter....broke an Oil adapater for removing, the filter, tried another, rounded off the filter, tried a strap oil filter remover....would not budge. Went to the store bought a damn clamp to remove it, no luck.

Pipe wrench, twisted the body of the filter, but did not move the base.

Shoved a screwdriver through it, ripped it open.

Keep in mind, I weight 260lbs, and putting my weight on it would not move it.
Cut open the filter, tried a hammer and chisel in the opening at the base, would not move....and it was a big *** hammer.

Had to drill holes in the seal, and use the above methog with the hammer to remove it.

Son of a Boetch

That sucks I did the same thing on my wifes car dam adapter didnt fit correct then there wasnt room for a handle type one. Took an hour to get that thing off. Always hand tight never more over here.

08-16-2009, 12:53 PM
Supposed to change the filter more than once every 20 years!

08-16-2009, 01:12 PM

Lee, I think that's "a light coat of oil" not "a light coat of Loctite" that goes on the oil filter seal before installing.

08-16-2009, 02:38 PM
I guess hand tight coming from 260 lb ex-weight lifter generates quite a torque!:mrgreen:

flyin ryan
08-16-2009, 03:43 PM
I guess hand tight coming from 260 lb ex-weight lifter generates quite a torque!:mrgreen:Ya' maybe :neutral:, either way still sucks :mad:, no fun at all.

08-16-2009, 11:36 PM
The filter is pretty much bone dry when its opened, the filter was less than 6 months old, an less than 2K on Mobile 1 Extended. Funny thing was, I I hit the gasket with the drill, oil came up through the hole, so there was oil on the gasket.

Good times, hope to get the 92 done soon and back to porting:mrgreen:

flyin ryan
08-17-2009, 12:49 AM
Was gonna say this earlier but didn't have time, on my 90 I changed oil for the first time since I've owned it, only has about 35 miles put on since I've owned it :neutral:, been sitting, filter had serious marks on it from going on or somebody trying to get it off :confused:. I've got a huge set of channel-locks that did the job. Filter was F**ked but what do I care, it junk regardles. Well on the oil filter housing itself, where the rubber gasket would seal, you know?, well you can clearly see a mark just out side of the rubber oil filter 'O'-ring where the edge of the filter was contacting, so basically filter was tightened until the filter housing case itself had bottomed out :eek: :???:. Stupid people born everyday :cool:. Unbelievable :censored:.