View Full Version : Help Identify a fuse.

08-01-2009, 06:15 PM
I found a blown 15 amp fuse and was hoping someone knew what it was for. Its located in the hidden fuse block under the dash on the passenger side. There are two rows to this fuse block - one in the front and one farther behind. The one I'm referring to is the row in the back second fuse in from the left. I stuck a mirror under there (one of my wife's compacts) and tried to make out what it says - something like "a common"..........I'm not really sure. I replaced it (whatever it is) but dont know what I just fixed.


08-02-2009, 03:38 AM
I found a blown 15 amp fuse and was hoping someone knew what it was for. Its located in the hidden fuse block under the dash on the passenger side. There are two rows to this fuse block - one in the front and one farther behind. The one I'm referring to is the row in the back second fuse in from the left. I stuck a mirror under there (one of my wife's compacts) and tried to make out what it says - something like "a common"..........I'm not really sure. I replaced it (whatever it is) but dont know what I just fixed.


According to page 262 of my 1991 Owners manual you replaced the Accessory Plug, Cigar Lighter. Which is a grouping of three wires normally hidden under the console shift plate. It was there in order for you to be able to hard wire a Cell phone back in the day or another power point. This started for the first year in 91 as the MY 90 does not have this option. It is under the back side edge rear of the console shift plate next to the seat control switches and the FX-3 select switch.

Sal if you dont have an owners manual for your glovebox you need to get one on Ebay, critical info is in there. GC

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1991-CHEVROLET-CORVETTE-OWNERS-MANUAL-PACKAGE-CASE_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp3286Q2em20Q2el1116 QQhashZitem58817c7bb0QQitemZ380129541040QQptZMotor sQ5fManualsQ5fLiterature

08-02-2009, 12:35 PM
According to page 262 of my 1991 Owners manual you replaced the Accessory Plug, Cigar Lighter. Which is a grouping of three wires normally hidden under the console shift plate. It was there in order for you to be able to hard wire a Cell phone back in the day or another power point. This started for the first year in 91 as the MY 90 does not have this option. It is under the back side edge rear of the console shift plate next to the seat control switches and the FX-3 select switch.

Sal if you dont have an owners manual for your glovebox you need to get one on Ebay, critical info is in there. GC

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1991-CHEVROLET-CORVETTE-OWNERS-MANUAL-PACKAGE-CASE_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp3286Q2em20Q2el1116 QQhashZitem58817c7bb0QQitemZ380129541040QQptZMotor sQ5fManualsQ5fLiterature

Thanks for the info. I do have the owners manual, it just didn't occur to me it would have that info.

On a side note, for some that don't know, fuses for these cars often handle multiple accessories. For instance I found that when you pull the courtesy light fuse you will also lose your stereo and I believe your a/c control as well.............and to think GM went BK, unbelievable isn't it?

08-02-2009, 03:16 PM
On a side note, for some that don't know, fuses for these cars often handle multiple accessories. For instance I found that when you pull the courtesy light fuse you will also lose your stereo and I believe your a/c control as well.............and to think GM went BK, unbelievable isn't it?

Id have to disagree Sal, if GM had run every functon to an independent fuse the size of the fuse block would probably tripple. Nature of the beast