View Full Version : Question about EGR connection to long tube headers

07-20-2009, 10:43 PM
On a 1994 ZR-1 with long tube headers what can be used to connect the EGR nipple to the existing EGR metal tube. There is a gap of about 6 inches because the connection is farther aft than the stock exhaust manifold.

How do you connect it? Does someone make an adapter?


07-20-2009, 11:05 PM
I think those who run long tube headers on 94s and 95s get reprogrammed chip and remove the EGR.
My guess is you would have to fabricate a plate and close off the attachment point on the passenger side of the plenum.


07-21-2009, 01:13 AM
On a 1994 ZR-1 with long tube headers what can be used to connect the EGR nipple to the existing EGR metal tube. There is a gap of about 6 inches because the connection is farther aft than the stock exhaust manifold.

How do you connect it? Does someone make an adapter?


Jim, if you bought the headers from SSW, there should have been a rubber tube to connect the hoses. I just remove it and install a custom plate I have made on the plenum. I buy the headers will no air tubes and no EGR fittings.

07-21-2009, 06:45 AM
I seriously doubt that this is an answer, but I'll toss it out anyway. Remember when we had carb'ed motors and the heat riser tubes to the chokes were made from that corrigated metal pipe?
Or I was thinking that gas supply line from a gas stove looks to be the right diameter? Maybe using compression unions you can marry up the missing 6 inches?


I should confess that i've never actually seen what's up on the exhaust manifold end of an LT5 w/an EGR. I was simply thinking of what diameter metal hose would fit on the pipe coming off the header primary tube on the SSW's.

07-22-2009, 06:23 PM
Thanks for all the responses. It is not on my car, but on another member's. If I remove the EGR line and valve and use blanks/plugs, does the ECM program have to be changed?

Thanks for the idea Tom, I have some spare gas flex hose. I will see if it will fit up.

Has anyone actually found a way to make the connection?


07-22-2009, 08:20 PM
"If I remove the EGR line and valve and use blanks/plugs, does the ECM program have to be changed?".

As far as I know "yes".
I think Jagdpnzer's 95 had EGR removed and the chip reprogrammed.

07-23-2009, 06:39 AM
:redface: I was just looking at a picture of a 94's motor and had a BFO Jim. What about buying an extra pipe that terminates at the EGR port at the passenger side of the plenum and using that to make up the missing inches after the headers are installed. Is it possible to buy that pipe as a seperate part?

Sorry, just thinking out loud...:o