View Full Version : a whole load of issues

07-16-2009, 10:06 AM
to save posting a lot of threads here are all my probs in one basket

at about 100mph :) i noticed that the acryclic top started to part company with the frame top at the front...BRAKES!..quite a shock to see it lift but it didnt rip or crack so what the fix.....glue l assume....any recommendations for what to use

looked under my 92 and saw that the rear cross frame rail connecting the two chassis rails behind the axle had corroded quite dramatically.....it was holed through in places.....and the unit seems to be double skinned.....l havent found a replacement part for this but assume there is one l can weld in...whats the part called or can l just weld in a box section to replace it

my 90 starts fine....runs at 1000rpm tickover for a while.....then goes to 1300 ish when warmed up and stays there.....if l stop for a few mins and start again it runs at 1000 .....then after a short while goes to 1300 again....lm assuming this is somekind of vac leak.....time for plenum service?

90 again....why does the service ride control warning come on....occasionally!

l can start sometimes and its on...or other times not....then on it comes....then stop and start again and its gone.....drives me nuts thinking have l got a ride control prob or not?

my 92.....secondary vac pump.....on all the time.....guessing another plenum vac leak...but seems to pull hard anyway...no SEL..(guessing thats two plenums to service :( )

92 head lamp beam/dip switcher only works if my steering column is fully down...but cant drive that way......is this a common prob

cant think of any more gripes for now.....LOL.....but hey its a ZR1......never say never

07-16-2009, 10:34 AM
Sounds like you're going to be pulling plenums. I have any LT5 gaskets & seals you may need, just click on the link below my signature.

07-16-2009, 11:42 AM
at about 100mph :) i noticed that the acryclic top started to part company with the frame top at the front...BRAKES!..quite a shock to see it lift but it didnt rip or crack so what the fix.....glue l assume....any recommendations for what to use - I would think gluing is the only fix.

looked under my 92 and saw that the rear cross frame rail connecting the two chassis rails behind the axle had corroded quite dramatically.....it was holed through in places.....and the unit seems to be double skinned.....l havent found a replacement part for this but assume there is one l can weld in...whats the part called or can l just weld in a box section to replace it
- Original piece would be the right way but if you cannot find it box section welded in place should work. Tough to say without looking at it. I will leave this for others to comment.
my 90 starts fine....runs at 1000rpm tickover for a while.....then goes to 1300 ish when warmed up and stays there.....if l stop for a few mins and start again it runs at 1000 .....then after a short while goes to 1300 again....lm assuming this is somekind of vac leak.....time for plenum service? - Most likely a vacuum leak. Check between vacuum pump and before going under plenum first. You might get lucky.

90 again....why does the service ride control warning come on....occasionally! - First pull the code per thread below and narrow it down to which corner is creating the light to come on.


Pull the actuator cap off the shock and see if gear on top of shocks are ok. Also, check the planetary gear inside the actuators. Also for front shocks check and make sure the mounting nut inside the metal cup is bolted doen firmly. As rubber ages these mounting could loosen up resulting in binding.
This is real easy to check for front but a pain for rear.

If you need gears for shock, go to url below. He charges $25 per gear.


l can start sometimes and its on...or other times not....then on it comes....then stop and start again and its gone.....drives me nuts thinking have l got a ride control prob or not?

my 92.....secondary vac pump.....on all the time.....guessing another plenum vac leak...but seems to pull hard anyway...no SEL..(guessing thats two plenums to service :( ) - Yes.

92 head lamp beam/dip switcher only works if my steering column is fully down...but cant drive that way......is this a common prob - Sounds like a bad connection inside. I will let someone with specific experience to respond.

cant think of any more gripes for now.....LOL.....but hey its a ZR1......never say never

These cars are getting old. But once sorted out ZR-1s are blast to drive.:thumbsup:

07-17-2009, 12:24 PM
Just a couple of additional thoughts...

The dimmer switch could be bad or if you look closely at the base of that stalk there is a wire that is exposed. It's gray on my 90. I put a cover over it as I noticed a "dent" in the insulation starting to form where it goes into the steering column.

The idle issue on the 90 could be an IAC or TPS issue. I'm not saying that a vacuum leak is not the main suspect. Just that those may also be culprits in the situation.


07-17-2009, 03:05 PM
lm not taking any chances and will replace the iac and tps as well l think....thay arent huge bucks and it would be a pain if l do the plenum work and still have the problem

it struck me that the dimmer prob could be something like that you describe

07-17-2009, 03:29 PM
lm not taking any chances and will replace the iac and tps as well l think....thay arent huge bucks and it would be a pain if l do the plenum work and still have the problem

it struck me that the dimmer prob could be something like that you describe

Both IAC and TPS are readily serviceable with plenum in place.
Also, based on my experience (98,000 on 91Z and 75,000 on 94Z) so far neither had ever failed.