View Full Version : Half Shaft Removal

07-16-2009, 10:04 AM
Getting ready to pull my rust/dusty old steel half shafts....any words of wisdom besides "Lots of WD-40"? I am praying I don't break or strip any of the strap bolts trying to loosen them.

07-16-2009, 01:51 PM
This is the way I do it:

Put the rear of the car up on jack stands so both axles can be freely rotated.
Remove both wheels and spare tire carrier.
Disconnect the spring bolt, axle tie rod and spindle rod from the suspension knuckle on both sides.
Remove the U-joint strap bolts using a 5/16" or 8mm six point socket.
Pull the suspension knuckle outward to allow enough clearance for the half shaft to be removed.
Here is a link with some good pics and details:
However, I believe it is easier to disconnect the spindle rod at the suspension knuckle rather than at the camber bolt as this guy shows.
BTW I have several spare bolts and straps on hand in case you need them.

07-16-2009, 02:21 PM
However, I believe it is easier to disconnect the spindle rod at the suspension knuckle rather than at the camber bolt as this guy shows.

Thanks Phil, I was wondering if that made a difference. I have seen that documentation and I saw you and Jim disconnect yours at the knuckle at the track. That also saves you trying to get the camber setting back in check, not that it's that difficult. I guess you just have to remember to mark it ;). I bought all new bolts and straps, mine are so rusty I wasn't even going to try and re-use them.

07-16-2009, 02:23 PM
Thanks Phil, I was wondering if that made a difference. I have seen that documentation and I saw you and Jim disconnect yours at the knuckle at the track. That also saves you trying to get the camber setting back in check, not that it's that difficult. I guess you just have to remember to mark it ;). I bought all new bolts and straps, mine are so rusty I wasn't even going to try and re-use them.

The straps and bolts can be re-used. A wire wheel takes care of everything on there. Make sure you use a dab of loctite when putting the bolts back in.

I do remove the knuckle as well when doing work like this. Just makes the whole job easier.

07-18-2009, 09:04 AM
Well, got drivers side done...only took me 6 hours :o. Now that I kind of know what I'm doing, hopefully, the passenger side goes a little faster.

07-19-2009, 07:56 AM
Well, got the shafts swapped. Not too difficult once you get the hang of it. A pic of what came out of the Z and what went back in...what a difference.

07-19-2009, 10:33 AM
Any idea of the weight savings?

07-19-2009, 12:27 PM
Any idea of the weight savings?

No, didn't take the time to weight them(guess I should have), but my guess would be 5-10 lbs per shaft. Those steel shafts were HEAVY compareed to their aluminum counterparts.

07-19-2009, 06:08 PM
Good job Rich. :thumbsup: That is a great improvement.
