View Full Version : Are we going to riot ?

07-09-2009, 05:27 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hFiab7fjak&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fforums%2Ecorvetteforum%2Ecom%2Fp olitics%2Dreligion%2Dand%2Dcontroversy%2F2372499%2 Dso%2Dwhose%2Dup%2Dfor%2Da%2Dwhite%2Dfolks%2Driot% 2Ehtml&feature=player_embedded

James David Manning.

07-09-2009, 05:53 PM

07-09-2009, 06:31 PM
Just stirring the pot:blahblah::blahblah:

07-09-2009, 07:48 PM
Holy sh!t. That boy gets WOUND UP!

07-10-2009, 08:14 AM

Jeeez, that guy is angry or what? I listened to parts of a few of his vids and I gotta say he might be out where the buses don't run.:dontknow:

07-10-2009, 11:45 AM
The man has more than one valid point. I own my business, and are not paid by union or public funding. Last year we emloyed 50 people. Now we employ 29 including the part timer's. I have seen mom and pop shops that were handed down from one generation to the next forced to close by our new government. We are now the silent minority. Get used to it , the people of America are not like our forefathers.We (the people) are spineless. Our senators are not for the people.We work for the government. And the government is run by a bunch of "ball washing bastards".Allowing the killing of unborn while supporting illegal immigration.We stand-by while late term abortions are killing viable human beings. But progressives worry about the rights of terorists in our custody.They make excuses for everything that America stands for. This weelend in Idaho they are having a celebration called "God and Country" for the first time in its 42 year history there will be no Air Force fly over. Does anybody know why? Its because it represents the mixing of church[God] and government. But its ok for Michigan State University to provide pryer rugs for Muslims to use and build foot baths also. Just look at how we treat the Veterans of the war when they come home to us. The high courts of our Country actually permitt people to harass the war dead and they're families. We should be ashamed.


07-10-2009, 12:01 PM
Frank, I agree with you! I just think that that guy in the vid is trying to bait regular folks into doing something that would be labeled as "mob behavior", maybe even something that the liberals/progressives would label as racist.

Look how they all dismissed the "Tea Parties" as mob behavior and they called the people there racists? There is some bad chit going on ever since the progressives got control of the whole government...okay my Rant is OFF now also...I had to vent too!

07-10-2009, 04:09 PM
I agree with most of what he said. But then he went off on Obama being a homosexual. Barney Frank is a homo. I don't think Obama is. The previous generation were just made of different stuff than this generation is. They didn't take this BS from North Korea and that dumb chimpanzee Akmadinijad who runs Iran. Remember what Reagan did when Kadafi started running his mouth off making threats to us? Reagan sent a couple of fighter jets over there and bombed his house. Killed his wife and childeren. You never heard another peep out of him. Sometimes might is right.

07-11-2009, 02:39 AM
You know I got so PISSED OFF well ....


Feel free to send us your vents and raves we will post em up -- Hell if your are really mad we will make you one of the UNCLES

It is a brand new web site and so far only the first two UNCLES have posted anything.

But the document section and cartoons has goodies in em.