View Full Version : Bloomington Gold this weekend

06-22-2009, 10:33 AM
Who's coming to Pheasant Run this weekend? :wave:

06-22-2009, 11:15 AM
Think I am taking Friday off.......but going at least one day

06-22-2009, 11:24 AM
I am, but have to work Friday, so it will be Saturday for me.

Are you having the BBQ Dom?


06-22-2009, 11:46 AM
I am, but have to work Friday, so it will be Saturday for me.

Are you having the BBQ Dom?


Hans tell them you are doing competitor research and need to at the show!

06-22-2009, 02:07 PM
I will be there Thurs, Fri and Sat. Wandering around..

06-22-2009, 02:46 PM
I am, but have to work Friday, so it will be Saturday for me.

Are you having the BBQ Dom?


If we have enough people interested, that's why I posted this AGAIN!

06-22-2009, 04:54 PM
I'll be there Friday and Saturday for sure. Maybe Thursday . . . . .

06-22-2009, 06:49 PM
Just talked to Don, he and I will both be going Saturday. We have dealer events to go to every evening this week due to the launch of the new E-Class today.

If your having the BBQ Saturday we'll both be there. Maybe the wives can drive down and get with Linda later in the day like last year.


06-22-2009, 07:12 PM
Dom, if you have a BBQ I will be unable to attend this year

Paul Workman
06-23-2009, 05:27 AM
How many joining Ami and me on the Gold Tour??

We (Ami and I) will be there Saturday for the Gold Tour cruise - it is a hoot! It wraps up around 7:30, IF the FBI gets to the staging area (Kane Co Admin office parking lot, corner of Rt 38 and Peck Rd) at around 4PM (yeah, I know it says staging at 5 PM, but it actually starts much earlier. The sooner the better and then meet up at Dom's, no?)


Maybe we should group up somewhere and then arrive en mass so as to be grouped together, no?

In case ya haven't been on a "Tour", is about 34 miles out and doubles back on itself. Last year Ami and I were near the front of the procession, and by the time we made the circuit and returned to the staging area, the last of the cars were just leaving...That makes for over 60 miles of Corvettes!!

There were throngs of people lining much of the route, "burn-out" stops, mock drag racing "lights", police directing traffic at the busy spot (e.g. rt 47, etc), and a few "flat out" straightaways where one could get in at least a couple quick gears!;) It is a festive atmosphere - horns honking, "the wave" is alive and well...Ya comin????

Dom! What can we bring to the cookout? Let me (us) know - just don't make it anything that will spill...the "Tour" has some WOT spots, and wouldn't want that!;) (Just kidding. Spillables will just have to be in high G-force sealed containers, I recon!:thumbsup:)


06-23-2009, 10:53 PM
I'll be there thursday thru saturday. I will be trying to sell my 72 coupe...survivor car...look me up in the sale area and introduce yourself.


06-23-2009, 11:04 PM
I'll be there thursday thru saturday. I will be trying to sell my 72 coupe...survivor car...look me up in the sale area and introduce yourself.


what color 72?

My BIL lives in Caledonia

06-23-2009, 11:12 PM

The car is a one owner, AC, tilt/tele, power windows car. It has approx. 69,000 miles. We had it judged in the survivor last year and it passed all for categories. It is Targa Blue / black interior. We drove it to the show last year and plan to trailer it this year.

Where does you BIL live...we are in the 76th and Kalamazoo area...really the south side of GR.


06-23-2009, 11:28 PM

The car is a one owner, AC, tilt/tele, power windows car. It has approx. 69,000 miles. We had it judged in the survivor last year and it passed all for categories. It is Targa Blue / black interior. We drove it to the show last year and plan to trailer it this year.

Where does you BIL live...we are in the 76th and Kalamazoo area...really the south side of GR.


Broadmoor and 84th SE is the closest Main Intersection

he is in Jasonville Farms

I will probably be there in Aug around the 13th, I was up there last year for the Metro Cruise .. Sans Vette then and will be Sans vette this August

06-23-2009, 11:33 PM
He is very close to our home. If fact we had dinner at a chinese food in Caledonia this evening...just south of him. We usually miss the cruise due to Carlisle...look me up at Bloomington...maybe we can swap corvette stories when you are in the Michigan. Look forward to meeting you.


06-23-2009, 11:38 PM
He is very close to our home. If fact we had dinner at a chinese food in Caledonia this evening...just south of him. We usually miss the cruise due to Carlisle...look me up at Bloomington...maybe we can swap corvette stories when you are in the Michigan. Look forward to meeting you.


Will do.. I assume you will be there Thursday..

I like the Italian place on Broadmoor and 84th..

Only reason I was there for Metro Cruise was I had a Job interview in GR that friday..

I was well qualified but they hired a local guy which I heard was also let go due to tough times.. my BIL worked at the place i interviewed

06-23-2009, 11:42 PM
Yes, we will be there Thursday...we will be leaving GR at approx. 7:00 AM .. should be there by 11:00 am at the latest. Look forward to meeting up.

See you at the show. Henry

06-24-2009, 09:32 PM
I am, but have to work Friday, so it will be Saturday for me.

Are you having the BBQ Dom?



Afraid I am going to pass this year. :( I have a niece and nephew with graduation parties on Saturday. I thought it was last weekend but it turns out to be Saturday. May go to BG on Friday. In the meantime, we should be looking at a track day pretty soon depending on the heat.