View Full Version : Cleaning Plenum - Any New Ideas

06-06-2009, 03:31 PM
I know the consensus has been to use a whitening toothpaste, but I was wondering if anyone has come up with something that might work better. Or maybe I'm not using the toothpaste correctly. I put it on a dampened soft cloth, rub lightly and then use a dampened clth to wipe it off with. I also tried a clay bar (no bueno).


06-06-2009, 03:40 PM
pretty much anything you are going to try is going to discolor the motor. your best bet is to get it painted or powder coated the color you want. edit: do no wash it

06-06-2009, 03:56 PM
I know the consensus has been to use a whitening toothpaste, but I was wondering if anyone has come up with something that might work better. Or maybe I'm not using the toothpaste correctly. I put it on a dampened soft cloth, rub lightly and then use a dampened clth to wipe it off with. I also tried a clay bar (no bueno).


My experience has been any type of abrasive cleaner, i.e. polishing compund, turns it darker. It seems motor has orange peel surface to it and raised portion gets cut with abrasive cleaner and turns dark.

06-06-2009, 04:43 PM
From what Ive experienced and from what Ive read if it does come off fairly easy its best to leave it alone.With this finish the more you rub the worse it gets.

06-06-2009, 04:57 PM
pretty much anything you are going to try is going to discolor the motor. your best bet is to get it painted or powder coated the color you want. edit: do no wash it

Agree :cheers:

06-12-2009, 09:56 PM
I use a little water and a clean microfiber towel...comes up nice!

Paul Workman
06-12-2009, 10:20 PM
I noticed the color of the paint below the surface of my plenum was pretty much identical to the surface. So, I would have to conclude that the factory paint darkens with age/heat/grime (or all of the above!;)) and asside from getting it clean, there's not much else that can be done. Check out the contrast between a fresh silver paint/clear coat and 90 factory paint...Sheesh!!



Painting or powder coating seems like the way to go.


06-12-2009, 10:39 PM
Before I painted my plenum, IH's and valve covers I had the usual discoloration of the factory paint. I was able to get the blotchiness and stains out by using a very light application acetone on a clean rag. You have to keep in mind that acetone will attack the paint. So it is very important to use a minimum of acetone on the rag and wipe across the paint lightly. You will find that it takes off the surface oxidation and grime. You will be able to even out the painted surface very nicely. Again, use too much and/or rub too hard and you'll go through the paint.

Good luck...