View Full Version : Ready for the oil catch can...

05-26-2009, 09:30 PM
http://img527.imageshack.us/img527/4329/ready4catchcan.jpg (http://img527.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ready4catchcan.jpg)

I bent the stock PCV rigid line so that I could attach a catch can without the can pulling on the F-piece or the dual-connector thing up front. Now all I have to do is get an actual catch can! I'm thinking about that CCA one just because it doesn't seem to be too large or anything, and it may mount up nicely on the brake booster.

Edit, also, man are those GM coolant pipe gaskets crap! Mine are maybe 2-3 years old. The bolts were all wet and corroding again. Plus the gasket didn't survive removing the hose. I've ordered some Jerry's ones to replace them on both sides, I'm sure the other side is all crapified as well.

Edit later: See update on post 29 (http://zr1netregistry.com/forum/showpost.php?p=63756&postcount=29)

05-26-2009, 11:43 PM
I like my Elite Engineering Can


05-26-2009, 11:59 PM
What is that mounted to? Did you have to add holes to the wheel liner?

05-27-2009, 12:03 AM
What is that mounted to? Did you have to add holes to the wheel liner?

Yes I added 2 holes to the wheel liner

look in the bottom right corner, the darker 2 bolts are what hold it in

1990 415
05-27-2009, 12:10 AM
I like my Elite Engineering Can


nice install. the powdercoat is beautiful. that color just pops. Jeffvette outdid himself again.:cool:

05-27-2009, 01:50 AM
Yes I added 2 holes to the wheel liner

look in the bottom right corner, the darker 2 bolts are what hold it in

How does it drain?

05-27-2009, 03:10 AM
i would bet there is a drain at the bottem

05-27-2009, 07:50 AM
How does it drain?

the bottom of the can is basically a cup. it just unscrews and then you can pour the oil out of the 'cup'

there is no drain valve on the bottom

05-27-2009, 08:38 AM
the bottom of the can is basically a cup. it just unscrews and then you can pour the oil out of the 'cup'

there is no drain valve on the bottom

Can you grap a pic of that Jeff? I would like to see it. Thanks GC

05-27-2009, 09:18 AM
Can you grap a pic of that Jeff? I would like to see it. Thanks GC

yeah, if i remember.. LOL

here is the website for it


05-27-2009, 09:36 AM
yeah, if i remember.. LOL

here is the website for it


That is pretty slick. Yeah if you could remember that would be great as the link does not show the breakdown. Do you pour it back into the the oil filler? GC

05-27-2009, 10:19 AM
That is pretty slick. Yeah if you could remember that would be great as the link does not show the breakdown. Do you pour it back into the the oil filler? GC

Yeah, I probably should check it anyway.. yeah I will just pour it back in the filler

05-27-2009, 11:22 AM
Here's my $40 eBay catch can. Its attached to what used to be the braceting for the AIR.

05-27-2009, 11:48 AM
What is the purpose of the catch can?

05-27-2009, 12:51 PM
Here's my $40 eBay catch can. Its attached to what used to be the braceting for the AIR.

That looks like a compressor inline filter.

05-27-2009, 12:54 PM
What is the purpose of the catch can?

It seems LT5 PCV system blows oil, especially at high rpm, resulting in oily intake plenum as it gets sucked back into intake.

Oil catch in essence intercepts oil vapor and eliminate or minimize the amount getting ingested.

05-27-2009, 01:02 PM
That looks like a compressor inline filter.

Yes. Its actually advertised for LS motors.

05-27-2009, 01:09 PM
Yes. Its actually advertised for LS motors.

That is not a bad price. Filter alone (you need fittings also) goes for $25-30.
Thanks for the info.

05-27-2009, 01:17 PM
Am I wrong in thinking there is no model specific to oil catch can?
As long as fittings can be sorted out, in essence, you have inlet and outlet that gets spliced between PCV outlet to intake inlet. Right?:icon_scra

05-27-2009, 01:18 PM
Am I wrong in thinking there is no model specific to oil catch can?
As long as fittings can be sorted out, in essence, you have inlet and outlet that gets spliced between PCV outlet to intake inlet. Right?:icon_scra

Correct with some type of metal substrate material to keep the oil in the catch can once caught. All the fellers here seem to be adapting their own.

05-27-2009, 01:22 PM
What is the purpose of the catch can?

Darth it helps remove excess oil from the plenum area, TB area etc. The PVC system is inadequate and oil tends to pool inside the plenum causing all sorts of problems. This way its captured and returned to the motor where it belongs. GC

05-27-2009, 02:27 PM
That is not a bad price. Filter alone (you need fittings also) goes for $25-30.
Thanks for the info.

Came complete with fittings and hose. I bought some 90* elbows for it, but the straight ones worked fine. Used aluminum tubing for the PCV fitting, then slid 3/8" hose over top.

05-27-2009, 04:33 PM
Actually, another option is to plug the intake at intake plenum and drop a aluminum tube at "F" connector down to bottom of the chassis and let it vent. Would that create any problem?

05-27-2009, 04:46 PM
Actually, another option is to plug the intake at intake plenum and drop a aluminum tube at "F" connector down to bottom of the chassis and let it vent. Would that create any problem?
And leave it open?

then the PCV will not work as it should

Also the catch can on that line will not catch everything

the intake tubes going directly int he front of the cam covers, will become crankcase exhaust ports at WOT

05-27-2009, 05:01 PM
And leave it open?

then the PCV will not work as it should

Also the catch can on that line will not catch everything

the intake tubes going directly int he front of the cam covers, will become crankcase exhaust ports at WOT

Wouldn't venting occur at "F" connector extension?
Capping off at intake would maintain the vacuum.
Am I missing something?:icon_scra

05-27-2009, 05:56 PM
Actually, another option is to plug the intake at intake plenum and drop a aluminum tube at "F" connector down to bottom of the chassis and let it vent. Would that create any problem?
The intake system pulls a vacuum on the crankcase. If you had an open tube, there would be no vacuum. The only way it would vent is pressure in the crankcase.

05-27-2009, 06:43 PM
The intake system pulls a vacuum on the crankcase. If you had an open tube, there would be no vacuum. The only way it would vent is pressure in the crankcase.

Just out of curiosity, wouldn't this pressure relieve itself through PCV valves and into the atmosphere even without help from vacuum?

05-27-2009, 10:00 PM
not really the pressure would start to cause problems like blowing seals etc. part of the prcblem is the crankcase area is very small. the pvc problem was what caused the zr1 to be pushed back a year . the book the heart of the beast explains it way better than i could

06-07-2009, 07:54 PM
And here it is all done!




I noticed the idle would drop a bit futher, so I suspect this restricts the PCV flow a little bit compared to when it was straight pipe. I suppose that shouldn't be surprising.

For now I used rubber vacuum hose. I am wondering if that will prove to be not so great when exposed to oil. I'm worried it may soften up and be prone to collapse. It fits super snug though, no need even for clamps. The PCV should never see boost, right? Only vacuum? The supplied line was big, so I'll look into some oil-proof narrower stuff.

I also thought more about pouring the oil back into the engine. Since the PCV system is intended to remove blow-by from the crankcase, I'm thinking the oil will be loaded with gas and such. So I think it's probably best to just pour it out.

Also, man I wish the fittings weren't copper/brass. Silver would have been a lot better. I may try painting them black.

06-10-2009, 03:36 AM

I felt the same way about the fittings and bought mine on Ebay from a company that sells all the Gardner Westcott Company fittings; very high quality stuff. Great job and I think the CCA catch can is great; mounting to the brake booster sure made it an easy job.


Paul Workman
06-10-2009, 05:50 AM
I also thought more about pouring the oil back into the engine. Since the PCV system is intended to remove blow-by from the crankcase, I'm thinking the oil will be loaded with gas and such. So I think it's probably best to just pour it out.

On the other hand, where would it have gone w/o the catch can?;)

Also, man I wish the fittings weren't copper/brass. Silver would have been a lot better. I may try painting them black.

Just a thought...Using a propane torch and some silver-solder you might be able to "tin" them, and then polish them a little. I'm not sure what would keep them from tarnishing later, but maybe a squirt of clear coat or maybe just some silicone spray on a rag would work as well.


06-10-2009, 08:34 AM
On the other hand, where would it have gone w/o the catch can?;)
It would get combusted. It wouldn't go back in the crankcase, I don't believe.

06-12-2009, 10:30 PM
Also, man I wish the fittings weren't copper/brass. Silver would have been a lot better. I may try painting them black.[/quote]

Powder coat would work very well and you can pick any color you like :thumbsup: I think I will add a catch can to my 90....seems like a great addition.

03-23-2011, 12:28 AM
Is there another method of pulling the oil rather than seperating the hard line like Bob did here?


03-23-2011, 12:31 AM
Also, man I wish the fittings weren't copper/brass. Silver would have been a lot better. I may try painting them black.

Powder coat would work very well and you can pick any color you like :thumbsup: I think I will add a catch can to my 90....seems like a great addition.[/QUOTE]

-=jeff=- style catch can he currently is using now has silver/chrome fittings available. http://www.eliteengineeringusa.com/Catch_Can.html

03-23-2011, 08:31 AM
Is there another method of pulling the oil rather than seperating the hard line like Bob did here?

Here is the picture i had on the first page (I fixed the image there too)

Look in the bottom right of the photo the 2 darker bolt heads are the mounting bolts i drilled holes for to install the catch can

03-23-2011, 09:21 AM
Here is the picture i had on the first page (I fixed the image there too)

Look in the bottom right of the photo the 2 darker bolt heads are the mounting bolts i drilled holes for to install the catch can

Thanks Jeff now I see how you did it. I like that better I didnt want to cut the hard line.

03-23-2011, 10:17 AM
Just in case any one is interested in the catch can made by Accurate Machine Works, aka accuratemachineworks.com here is a link to who sells them as you can't buy it from the AMW website.


AMW website link also:



fwiw. I kind of like the undercuts that AMW puts in their unit vs a straight machined receiver cup. JMHO

03-23-2011, 10:56 PM
Is there another method of pulling the oil rather than seperating the hard line like Bob did here?

There's a hard line at the plenum (or a rubber block on '90 cars), and the rubber F-piece on the PCV valves. You could easily just attach something to those and run your own lines, like Jeff did. I believe that's basically what Locobob also did.

I just thought it was cleaner looking to cut the stock pipe, but it certainly isn't necessary. I also, at the time, didn't think I'd ever sell the car...

03-24-2011, 05:50 PM
There seems to be a choice on the Elite Engineering Web site......exactly which catch can (anodized silver) did you get? C5 (1997-2004), 2006, LS2 and C6 Z06 Or....C6 (LS3)?

Did you modify the stock mounting bracket that came with the catch can?

Very nice setup :thumbsup:

what is the difference?

03-24-2011, 05:56 PM
here is what was listed on the invoice

CCAN:Clear Clear - PCV Oil Catch Can and Hardware

I think it was the cheaper LS1 (C5) version I bought)

03-24-2011, 06:04 PM
Im thinking black or silver with chrome fittings for mine. Really thinking hard about the chrome as well. And I agree I really like the look of Jeffs engine. Mega clean and a great color.

03-24-2011, 06:18 PM
I dunno It more metalic silver flake from being PCed. I already have several Carter bling items and billet items in there. My concern with the chrome is scratching the crap out of it during the install. I just installed more stainless bolts from Jerry last night (Map Sensor cover, TPI Cover and Top of the air Horn. Dont know how I missed those the first go around. I love Jeffs setup thats the direction I am going plumming wise. Any other locations out there over folks are using??? Jeff looks logical for a FY 90-91 car but I wonder what the ASR equipped folks have come up with yet. Jeff how much do you catch in the catch can per lets say month?? GC

03-24-2011, 06:28 PM
I have a bad example as I had the large IH PCV holes and Larger Cyl Head holes which is a no-no..

This year will be a better judge of oil in the can.. although it was not that much per month.

03-24-2011, 06:31 PM
I have a bad example as I had the large IH PCV holes and Larger Cyl Head holes which is a no-no..

This year will be a better judge of oil in the can.. although it was not that much per month.

Based on that Jeff is this mod worth it? Yeah now I remember... your running the later plenum right?

03-24-2011, 06:54 PM
Based on that Jeff is this mod worth it? Yeah now I remember... your running the later plenum right?

Correct.. Later Plenum and IH.. not sure if it is worth it or not .. hopefully others may know, but if it catches some then that is less going through the motor

03-24-2011, 07:28 PM
I might order the LS3 one, because if I find something better for the 91, then I can always use it on the '08. I wonder if they supply a length of hose?

03-24-2011, 07:53 PM
Based on that Jeff is this mod worth it? Yeah now I remember... your running the later plenum right?

If you have pulled your plenum and had oil run out of it, it is worth it. My plenum was dry afterwards.

You can also likely see this as KR on the first couple hard pulls if you scan your car.

03-24-2011, 08:25 PM
Definitely a nice addition to have. I like how Jeff ran it on his.

Now I wonder if they ship to Canada :pray

Wonder how the hoses would look with steel braid skin and imitation high pressure hose ends. :dontknow:

Steel Braid Hose Kit (http://www.jegs.com/p/Spectre/Spectre-Magna-Braid-Engine-Sleeving-Kits/794137/10002/-1)

Available with chrome fittings (http://www.jegs.com/i/Spectre/865/2268/10002/-1)

I know you can order particular sleeve sizes and clamps without having to buy the entire kit.

03-24-2011, 08:35 PM
I will just make up some 6 AN Aeroquip hydraulic SS braided hydraulic hose with reusable fittings from Summit Racing :D

Definitely the proper way to go, but the best I could do is purchase pre-made hoses, don't have the resources to build my own.

03-24-2011, 09:32 PM
All you need is the 6AN SS braided hydraulic hose and some specific aeroquip reusable hydraulic fittings.....a vice and a couple cresent wrenches....oh...ya...a hack saw but a small hand held 4-1/2 inch angle grinder (with 4 inch steel cut off) works best for cutting the SS braided hydraulic hose :cheers:

It takes maybe all of 10 minutes to make two hoses to any length you like. I will (maybe tomorrow) go out and redue some 12 AN SS Braided Aeroquip hose I have made up with pictures for whoever is interested to see how it is done. The SS braided hydraulic hoses and hydraulic fittings are good for over 1,000 psi :D

Taking orders there? Im in Maybe a direct fit into the cans... No Nipples :p

03-24-2011, 09:50 PM
Using 6 AN SS Braided hydraulic hose


Of course...direct fit...what is that can female thread again ;)
I am thinking if it is 3/8 NPT then this 6 AN x 3/8 NPT will work perfectly...the side fitting will be


the top fitting will be

Now we are talking....... Only potential I see as a potential problem is chaffing above the coolant outlet pipe looking at Jeffs pic

03-24-2011, 10:04 PM
The SS braided hydraulic hoses and hydraulic fittings are good for over 1,000 psi ;)

They will be under vacuum, not pressure. So make sure they won't collapse. Hydraulic hose also isn't necessarily that large in internal diameter, as volume of flow is not the main concern.

Paul in SC
10-01-2012, 11:08 AM
I know this thread is a bit old, just wanted to hear if anyone has updated info on results (oil collected over time), benefits/problems, new products, etc.

How about use on 93-95s?


10-01-2012, 12:40 PM
I know this thread is a bit old, just wanted to hear if anyone has updated info on results (oil collected over time), benefits/problems, new products, etc.

How about use on 93-95s?


I just got mine installed last April, I check mine about every third or four time I take the car out, I have been getting 2-3 tablespoons of oil everytime I empty it. Not sure of any benefits other that keeping that oil out of the plenum.


10-01-2012, 02:06 PM
I don't have my web host anymore so some links will show up broken..

I will reload some pictures for use in posts

10-01-2012, 05:42 PM
Got a noob question. I have a 90', and when I took the air intake off, I noticed a little bit of oil in the plenum. Is that normal? I know the reason you add an oil catch can is to stop that. But, I don't see a "factory" oil catch can. Why didn't GM put one in. Did they design the engine knowing it was going to suck in some oil and it would just burn off?

Fully Vetted
10-01-2012, 07:12 PM
I was wondering the same thing. I have a oil catch can that the previous owner installed and it does a great job but why didn't GM install one if it's such a big problem?

10-01-2012, 07:33 PM
Gezzz what a beautiful color for the LT5 !
It's either chrome or the red for me when/if I do it.


10-01-2012, 08:02 PM
Thanks Scott..

I I love that red and it is fitting color for the Heart of the Beast

Paul in SC
10-02-2012, 04:08 PM
Thanks for all the replies and pix. :handshak:
It is something I will put on my to do list.


01-11-2013, 09:43 AM
I used a water separator from home depot, 90 degree brass fittings, and fabbed an aluminum bracket. Installed on master cylinder. It is quite small and fits nicely

01-11-2013, 08:45 PM
Got a noob question. I have a 90', and when I took the air intake off, I noticed a little bit of oil in the plenum. Is that normal? I know the reason you add an oil catch can is to stop that. But, I don't see a "factory" oil catch can. Why didn't GM put one in. Did they design the engine knowing it was going to suck in some oil and it would just burn off?

The oil has fuel in it, I believe one of the purposes of the PCV system is to evacuate any fuel blowby and keep it out of the oil. I suspect they can not catch it and be EPA compliant, so the fuely oil is burned through the engine.

01-12-2013, 08:11 AM
Hi.....and welcome :cheers:

Do you have a photo of your unique Oil Catch Can set up?
If you like, you can send it to my e-mail (left click on my ID and view e-mail address) and I can post it up for you.

Yeah, give me a bit and I will snap a picture of it. I used same setup for about three years on my toyota. I drove the car for 50 miles and it has an 1/8 of oil in the bottom of it. I needed to remove and cap the drain valve on the bottom of the bowl though. I just cleaned out the plenum and didn't want the oil in there again.