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View Full Version : FBI, anyone up for a Breakfast Run tomorrow...

05-24-2009, 07:19 PM
Drove up through Woodstock and Harvard yesterday looking for a spot but didn't find much. Downtown Woodstock has a few places but not much parking.

The place Lee, Ken and I stopped at was in Fort Atkinson on RT.12 on the way to Lake Mills. A nice drive, about 40 minutes out from the IL/WI boarder up the 12.

I'm concerned that some places may not be open Memorial Day. That's a chance we may have to take.

I'm up for a drive! Anyone else? Any other ideas?


05-24-2009, 08:56 PM
I might be able to do an early breakfast run, but need to be back by early afternoon for a run to Oakbrook.....need to let the wife pick out a birthday gift being that I just bought a plenum, 2 sets of IHs, Left intake cam, chain wear strips, and a set of headers. Ouch!


05-24-2009, 10:24 PM
Well... looks like there's no consensus. Let's shoot for next weekend.
