05-11-2009, 10:31 PM
It was a learning experience and thought I'd share. First off I broke both bolts that hold it together and thought leaving the mounting bolt still in would hold everything while using an eazyout. The bolts had broke just below the heads and I thought also that the thermostat housing would help contain the bolt when the eazyout was in...WRONG!!!..It ended up splitting open so I went ahead and took the frame bracket off along with the thermostat housing(the piece that the lower hose connects to). My next thought was to use a nut over the exposed remaining bolt. This worked very well! The upper bolt is a blind hole so I carefully drilled thru so I could get some pentrating spray on the back side working to loosen it up from that direction. The lower one is a thru hole so spraying it was no problem. After letting the spray work for a day or so, I applied some heat and tried but no go. After a couple more times heating it finally came out. I can not believe that there was no anti-seize on these bolts! I ended up having to drill and retap the other one. Once that was done, putting everything back together was very easy. A big thanks to Marc H. for his filling techinque!! Fired it up and no leaks....went for a drive and believe it or not it runs about 12 degrees cooler now!
Finally I want to thank all who take the time each and everyday to read all the threads posted here. It's the replies that you post that make this site what it is, a database of knowledge, helps, and tips!=D>=D>
Finally I want to thank all who take the time each and everyday to read all the threads posted here. It's the replies that you post that make this site what it is, a database of knowledge, helps, and tips!=D>=D>