View Full Version : FBI cookout offer.......
05-02-2009, 08:51 PM
I was talking to -=jeff=- and was thinking about a cookout for the Chicago boyz. Im reading about a lot of winter work that was done. Maybe its time to show off your handywork. Im will to offer my place and supply some food and drink , nothing fancy but a casual setting to hang and bench race for a afternoon or evening.
Who would be interested and when would be a good day to do it.
Paul Workman
05-03-2009, 07:58 AM
I was talking to -=jeff=- and was thinking about a cookout for the Chicago boyz. Im reading about a lot of winter work that was done. Maybe its time to show off your handywork. Im will to offer my place and supply some food and drink , nothing fancy but a casual setting to hang and bench race for a afternoon or evening.
Who would be interested and when would be a good day to do it.
I 4 1 would be interested! :thumbsup: I'll tell ya tho, trying to get the FBI together at one spot on a certain date is like herding CATS!:rolleyes: Pete and I have talked about this a few times, and I think we're in agreement that perhaps the best way is to set up a "standing event" somewhere; e.g., 'every "Z" Saturday (or whatever) of the month we meet at ___ at (some time) for (breakfast or whatever).
As for a one-time (?) event, my suggestion would be to "put it out there" about a month (at least), avoiding holidays, etc, and "bump" it a few times. That way everyone gets a chance to put it on the schedule and keep it clear, arrange a meeting point, and pick a nice route - kind of a "cruise-in", if you will. Just my 2¢;) (PM me if you need help setting it up. I'm about 27 miles south of Joliet, so Bloomington is relatively close.)
05-03-2009, 08:49 AM
Ken lives near =Jeff= and myself in
BloomingDALE. :-D
05-03-2009, 09:09 AM
Sounds good Ken!!!
yeah throw out some dates and see what works best..
Paul Workman
05-03-2009, 09:14 AM
Ken lives near =Jeff= and myself in
BloomingDALE. :-D
I 4 1 would be interested! :thumbsup: I'll tell ya tho, trying to get the FBI together at one spot on a certain date is like herding CATS!:rolleyes: P.
It's more like trying to catch chickens LOL
Anyway put out the day a few weeks ahead and i will come.
I will bring food, drinks or whatever is needed.
Let me know.
05-03-2009, 01:59 PM
Count me in... Let me know what to bring.
05-03-2009, 02:40 PM
Other than Bloomington in June I think Im open, does a Friday night or Sat work better. You guys check your schedules and throw out dates.
Is May 16 too soon ?
Paul Workman
05-03-2009, 04:00 PM
Other than Bloomington in June I think Im open, does a Friday night or Sat work better. You guys check your schedules and throw out dates.
Is May 16 too soon ?
Saturdays = drive-in opportunities. Friday nights work good as a get-together, but the Z would probably stay home. (3-1/2 hour round trip fm work to home and back with the Z.).
Memorial w/e = no. But, other than that, I'm pretty much open!
05-03-2009, 04:10 PM
Other than Bloomington in June I think Im open, does a Friday night or Sat work better. You guys check your schedules and throw out dates.
Is May 16 too soon ?
May 16th is the only weekend that dosen't work for me, some of the guys are at BG that weekend as well.
05-03-2009, 04:12 PM
If you are willing to do more then one..
Do the 16th and one more.. 16th would be for those of us not going to BG
05-03-2009, 04:24 PM
Hans good call I forgot about BG that weekend....
05-05-2009, 10:23 PM
Ok guys looking at the calander I think the next date to try would be the afternoon of Sat June 6. So well what do you think...
05-05-2009, 10:30 PM
looks like it should work for me
05-13-2009, 06:44 AM
05-13-2009, 07:45 AM
I am planning on it for the 6th
I am planning on it for the 6th
I'm there dudes.
Paul Workman
05-13-2009, 07:32 PM
It's on my calandar!:thumbsup:
05-13-2009, 07:40 PM
A big :thumbsup: to the FBI group. If I lived close to Chicago and the IL mafia Id be there. Have fun guyz :hello:
05-13-2009, 07:43 PM
A big :thumbsup: to the FBI group. If I lived close to Chicago and the IL mafia Id be there. Have fun guyz :hello:
What?!?!?! you aren't coming? it is not THAT far of a drive :mrgreen::wink:
05-21-2009, 10:10 PM
Hey guys we are on for the sixth of June. Pam wants me to let everyone know that there wifes / girlfreinds are welcome to come long.
05-21-2009, 11:06 PM
I will bring my girlfriend, but wife will not be able to make it:mrgreen:
05-22-2009, 12:18 AM
Cool. Lgaff's wife can't make
it because she's coming with me.;):sign10::sign10::sign10:
05-22-2009, 08:23 AM
Cool. Lgaff's wife can't make
it because she's coming with me.;):sign10::sign10::sign10:
Can you take the Mercedes payment, Coach Purses, and Tiffany bills with you too:thumbsup:
05-22-2009, 09:11 AM
Can you take the Mercedes payment, Coach Purses, and Tiffany bills with you too:thumbsup:
Not really. That's the advantage of having a "girlfriend".
Besides I already have my own Lexus payment, AMEX
statements, and Nordstrom account.
05-26-2009, 05:54 PM
Bump.. is it June 6th yet?
05-26-2009, 09:19 PM
Need a head count by next Wedsday so I know how much munchies we'll need.
PM me for address
Lets shoot for 4 pm , still later enought to get things done at home and plent of daylight left.
05-29-2009, 10:18 PM
05-29-2009, 10:20 PM
I am in for sure.. trying to find out if wife and kids will come..
you need help getting stuff ready? if so, let me know
05-29-2009, 10:50 PM
Directions or address?
So it's set up for the 6th @ 4pm
I also will need address/directions.
Anybody have a full size picture of Hib for the cookout i'll bring darts i will port plenum and IH's to the winner. LOL
I love games.
06-02-2009, 09:47 PM
Final head count time, so far
Jeff and ?
Marc H and wife
Paul and Amy
Hans and ?
Dominic and ?
Pete and ?
Weather is looking good, so Ill see ya all on Saturday.
06-02-2009, 09:53 PM
apparently just me
Paul Workman
06-03-2009, 05:55 AM
Weather is looking good, so Ill see ya all on Saturday.
Well, I dunno 'bout the weather. I plan on bringing my "rain on red" Z!:sign10: (So far, EVERY event I've planned on attending in that car has resulted in rain at some point. It would be nice if it held off...just this once!;))
06-03-2009, 08:38 AM
Looks good for me and the wife. PM me your address Ken. I'm talking to Don, he may come too with his wife. Will let you know. Is Lee coming?
06-03-2009, 10:30 AM
Hans , havent heard from lee , Lee you there ?
Me with 2 big tit blonde strippers bring lots of singles for tittie shots hope it stays a little cool out.:dancing
06-03-2009, 01:15 PM
Been sick the last week, probably will not make it unless I am 100%......:mrgreen:
If everyone is healthy, I might drop by to see Pete's friends
Sorry Lee, my friends won't be coming just saw the some of the guys are bringing wifes.
Oh well maybe next time.
Lee,hope you can make it.
06-04-2009, 12:36 AM
Sorry for the late response - Han's passed on the Info - Sound like a really good time - Like everyone else said -
What would you like for Me to Bring - Beer, Wine, Ice, Food -
Hot Chicks???
Look forward to the afternoon - It will be me and Carolyn
Thanks for putting this together - Does this mean that Domenic is off the hook after Bloominton Gold ???
06-04-2009, 09:09 AM
Looks like a good crowd for Sat. Appears to be a chance for showers but that not a problem, plenty of room to hide if it showers out. I have about ten chairs on the deck so some of you might want to bring lawn chairs.
Ill provide sandwichs off the grill , some kind of potato , pasta , salad ,chips and soda. Paul is planning on bringing dessert so feel to bring whatever you want.
See ya Saturday...............
06-04-2009, 10:13 AM
Here'e the thread I posted weeks ago. Still there as is invite. Only heard from =Jeff= and Hans. Not sure what you mean by me being "off the hook"? :confused:
Ken put me down for 2.
06-05-2009, 08:52 PM
Ken are you sure you want to do this tomorrow? The forecast is looking pretty bad for the afternoon and evening. It would be a shame for you to go to all the trouble and have a rain out. You may want to push it back a week?
06-05-2009, 11:35 PM
50% chance of rain, Im a gambler that thats 50% it wont rain. Ill be around all day so if guys want to come by ealier ill be ready. I have plenty of room inside if there are showers.
06-07-2009, 12:14 AM
Well a great evening was had . Weather held off and it was dry but a little cool. Paul and Jeff were the only two brave enought to drive there Z's. Both spent a lot of time over the winter working on there cars and the hard work shows.
Wifes had a good time inside while the guys lingered in the driveway and garage. Will post some photos in the morning.
Thanks to everyone that showed up and made for a fun evening....
06-07-2009, 08:34 AM
Thanks for hosting Ken! We had a great time. Always fun to talk shop on our favorite topic, especially with Marc Haibeck in attendance.
Hope to see you next Sunday for the Antioch Show and Dyno run...
Paul Workman
06-07-2009, 10:21 AM
Well a great evening was had . Weather held off and it was dry but a little cool. Paul and Jeff were the only two brave enought to drive there Z's. Both spent a lot of time over the winter working on there cars and the hard work shows.
Wifes had a good time inside while the guys lingered in the driveway and garage. Will post some photos in the morning.
Thanks to everyone that showed up and made for a fun evening....
Echoing what Hans said; thanks for hosting! Anytime there is a meeting of Z FBI, well, someone needs to run a recorder to capture all the info!!
Oh! sort of off topic (a bit) - I don't care what Dom and others said about the reason for my car running better after I put Marc's chip in it e.g. "new gaskets" or "re-torquing everything", etc, etc. ;) To my chagrin, Marc and Pete discovered that apparently one side of my plenum didn't get torqued down properly :redface::redface: - was loose, in fact. (A tell-tale bit of antifreeze was oozing out from under the gasket on one side.) So, new gaskets/torquing was eliminated as the reason it runs better (and it does), and once we torqued the plenum down (for sure this time) it ran as well, or maybe even better!:mrgreen: It IS due to the new chip...So there!:mrgreen:
Anywayz...A real good time w/ the FBI, as always.:thumbsup:
06-07-2009, 11:58 AM
If the calibration worked well with loose and shoddy workmanship,
it will need to be re- calibrated now with the motor having been properly
assembled thanks to Pete and Marc. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!:sign10:
Paul Workman
06-07-2009, 12:20 PM
If the calibration worked well with loose and shoddy workmanship,
it will need to be re- calibrated now with the motor having been properly
assembled thanks to Pete and Marc. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!:sign10:
Ooooooo! God'll get you for that!!;):mrgreen:
Thanks Ken
The food was great and Don "Wolfgang Pucks" cooking was awesome.:thumbsup:
Hope we can do this every year.
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