View Full Version : We said good bye to a ZR-1 friend today

05-01-2009, 10:27 PM
Today, Friday, we said our final good bye to a fellow ZR-1 enthusiast, Harry Catts. Harry passed away last weekend in a motorcycle accident and the services were today in Smithsburg, MD.

Harry was a good friend and he will be missed. The services today mourned his passing and celebrated his life. Harry was 72 years old and had been planning to drive his red 1990 ZR-1 to Bowling Green to show off his new headers and Corsa exhaust. It was heart warming to hear the testimonials from so many of the people whose lives Harry touched.

Despite the rainy weather, we had four ZR-1's at the services. Many people commented that Harry would have been pleased to have such a special send off.

Harry's son Darrin asked that I pass along thanks from his family for all of your kind words, thought and prayers.


Z Factor
05-02-2009, 01:00 AM
I am sorry to hear the news of his passing.

05-02-2009, 11:04 PM
Great write up Jim,

I wasn't surprised @ the amount of people that showed up @ his funeral from ALL over.... This man touched many lives and I was honored to call HD / Harry a friend.

This is a man that will be missed.
