View Full Version : Will they kill the Corvette ?

04-29-2009, 11:51 AM
http://autos.aol.com/?adl=33885&icid=main|main|dl4|link3|http%3A%2F%2Fautos.aol.co m%2F%3Fadl%3D33885


Bet the new owners of GM (US) wind up selling the Corvette off.
Sadly this government is turning into a real dicktatorship :cry::cry:

04-29-2009, 12:09 PM
With the fed gov and the UAW running GM (89% ownership) it's going to be hilarious watching the UAW negotiate with the UAW the next time the UAW strikes GM (itself).
What in the he!! is this country coming to?

Just say NO to Alfalfa and Spanky ...

04-29-2009, 12:14 PM
Just say NO to Alfalfa and Spanky ...

Didn't you forget ONE Greg :mrgreen::mrgreen:

04-29-2009, 12:33 PM
With the fed gov and the UAW running GM (89% ownership) it's going to be hilarious watching the UAW negotiate with the UAW the next time the UAW strikes GM (itself).
What in the he!! is this country coming to?

Just say NO to Alfalfa and Spanky ...

The country, and now Arlen Specter, have said NO to the Republican'ts. :wave:

04-29-2009, 12:48 PM
Everytime a business files BK it's governments fault.
That's all i've been hearing lately WTF.

So let me get this straight a company builds/makes crappy products then files BK and it's the governments fault.:icon_scra

I always bought GM cars,now i will not buy another GM car they are junk.

I will never buy Good Year tires either so if Good Year files BK it must be the governments fault not because they make/have crappy service/products.

I think i'm starting to understand now.
So when a business shuts down, it's always the "governments fault", not the crappy service or product they produce.

A few Starbucks have shut down, "governments fault" see i'm on the ball

The weather sucks and i'm a little sad "governments fault" man i'm a phuking genius.


04-29-2009, 01:02 PM
Didn't you forget ONE Greg :mrgreen::mrgreen:

Uhm, which one?


Looks like the northern IL contingent has waked up ...

04-29-2009, 01:35 PM
Hey! There's nothing wrong with northern Illinois!

I highly doubt they will kill off the Corvette. It's too valuable of a car and a consistent seller in its niche. But we might have the C6 for longer than we thought, but hey, it's a great car.

04-29-2009, 02:12 PM
I don't think they will kill the Corvette (hope). But the government will sell it off.


Everything is the governments fault. Just ask Bush :mrgreen:

04-29-2009, 02:49 PM
I don't think they will kill the Corvette (hope). But the government will sell it off.


Everything is the governments fault. Just ask Bush :mrgreen:

Damn i didn't win the Lottery today $200,000,000
Somebody call Bush must be his fault no it's gotta be Clinton's fault no maybe Obama's no no wait must be from previous pres Bush.:sign10:

You guys wanna see how the 2 sides sound like.
Do this put six 6 year old kids in a room then rig a vase to break by itself walk in the room and ask the kids who broke it see what happens.

Corvette will be here forever just get used to the new name Toyota Corvette,Hyundai Corvette,Kia Corvette,Nissan Corvette.lol


04-29-2009, 03:29 PM
Don't ya just love stirring the pot :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
I know I do !