View Full Version : Muted radio

04-11-2009, 12:47 PM
After battery reconnected and entering security code radio comes on like normal and works out of all four speakers but is so quiet the engine has to off to be able to hear it, might have to put the stock exhaust back on.

Anybody have this problem? Like there's a mute switch? Tried pulling fuse to reset but no help.

White Bullet
04-12-2009, 09:50 AM
Two things come to mind. Do you door lights work? If not check the fuse as this provides power to the Bose amp relay. If they do work I would look into the Bose amp relay.

04-13-2009, 09:19 PM
Checked and the lights all work. Also looked at the book and checked for 12 volts to one of the amps and there is, and with the volume all the way up says there should be about 1 volt ac to the speakers and there's not.

Afraid it's pointing towards the preamp. Still going to reverify the one volt test before digging deeper.