View Full Version : My Z will not start....!!
04-05-2009, 01:52 PM
Hello guys.
long time no see :)
before 3 days ago, i washed my Z engine with water after using the cleaning engine spray!
i start the engine but after 1 minut the engine dead!! :cry:
i checked all fuse box near the door all is OK!
there is no electric power to spark plug when i crank the engine.
So, is there any other fuse or any related things i can check??
please help me! i have bad luck with this car, i just came back to Czech Re.
and i drove my car for 2 days then this happend.
Is it coils problem, or ECM, or ignition module? since all fuse for those were
fine, so what is the problem? i wait your feedback guys.:pray
Breaking news!
today Obama came to Czech.
i was at 8:00 AM in Airport near Prague making take off and landing traning in private plane,when we saw the police car blocking the runway and ask us to not fly!!
they where more police there then and took mt passport for more than 2 hours,for checking,we put all planes in hangers
so all small planes where grounded for Obama eyes for this day :dontknow:
04-05-2009, 02:22 PM
Hello guys.
long time no see :)
before 3 days ago, i washed my Z engine with water after using the cleaning engine spray!
i start the engine but after 1 minut the engine dead!! :cry:
You said it right there Hadi, "washing the engine with water".
that is a no no.
Unsure what the water damages, but I'll let the experts chime in.
Hope it's an easy fix :thumbsup:
04-05-2009, 02:58 PM
i swear , i washed my engune with pressure hot water before year ago,and also 6 months ago, nothing happend!!
but this time it was strange,do not know whats wrong!!
04-05-2009, 04:32 PM
Definate no no. Water got into your starter. It might dry out and be ok. I power wash my engine bay also at the car wash but I spray only up to the valve covers, no higher. Getting a little water under the plenum usually just burns right off but to much won't.
04-05-2009, 05:33 PM
let me clear my issue for you.
THE STARTER WORKING!! no problem, fuel delivery is fine too.
but no electric to sparkgs to fire the engine!
04-05-2009, 07:28 PM
hadi . guess its time to pull the plenum and ck the coil packs . you may have shorted them out. i thought you knew that you dont do the wash the engine deal with our cars . OPPS
04-06-2009, 01:33 AM
Have you measured the OHMS of the coil packs at the spark plug wires?
I have a hard time believing that washing your motor could blow all 4 coils at once. (I won't lecture you for washing your motor, although I want to.)
So whatever it is, it's common to all 4 coils.
My guess that something has gone shorted to ground and you're losing some key voltage that the ignition system needs (although this should blow a fuse first).
Give the motor time to dry out.
Open the hood and let the motor get hot in the sun.
You could try to dry the engine by blowing on it with a leaf blower or careful use of compressed air from a compressor. You just want to dry it a little, not cause more problems.
Come to think of it, it could be a VATS issue, try a different key.
Try locking unlocking the drivers door with the key.
Check the IGN1 fuse for 12v with the key in the "On" position.
If you've got power there then the problem is either under the plenum or with the ECM.
04-06-2009, 03:33 AM
hi tccrab,
i pull the car to the man,he is electrtion guy too.
he told me that the coil is fine and its dry there. hmmm. who knows if he say true!!
i have no time any mood to do checking alone, as you know i have no place
to keep my Z in place where i do the job alone,i am in hotel here and time or tools.
the engine is already dry.
P.S. the engine is already cranking, but no spark.
you said VATS maybe the problem, but i think when this is the issue,
then the engine will not even crank, am i right?
where is that fuse located : IGN1 ?!
04-06-2009, 11:31 AM
IGN1 is a 20a fuse in the main fuse box under the drivers side.
Get a flashlight and put your reading glasses on.
It's labeled.
04-06-2009, 12:09 PM
HADI!!!! Great to hear from you again! I am of little use to you with your problem, but it's great to hear from you.
04-06-2009, 07:11 PM
ok, i will look at it tomorrow, i hope it is the problem!
and i will let you know.
i am sometimes disapear , But here is my Sweet home,so sometimes i come back! :redface:
04-08-2009, 05:08 AM
IGN1 is a 20a fuse in the main fuse box under the drivers side.
Get a flashlight and put your reading glasses on.
It's labeled.
Today the elect. guy told me he look there and he did not find that fuze!!
ohh god...
can you show me where it locate this fuse, any picture??
he told me he checked the coils,and look OK! :icon_scra
i wait your reply guys!!
04-09-2009, 02:50 PM
today i was in shop. the guy told me that there is spark and fuel, but the engine crank and failed to start!! there was not any fire during cranking!
what is the next step?! why not starting??!
04-16-2009, 05:34 AM
Did your mechanic ever get your car to start?
What was wrong?
Was it the fuse?
"WetBlanket #1"
I sent the car to other Mechanic Shop,400 km away from my city where i live.
and the guy told me today it apear that Spark plugs are Bad and that is why the car do not fire!
is it possible that the engine will not not fire at all because of spark plugs??
i am watting his telefone call today so he make sure if he fire the engine
with new spark plugs!!
but i saw the spark plugs before i send the car, and it was not looking so bad,
so i do not know! :rolleyes:
2 days later i am going back home to Kuwait,leaving my beast with strange issue!!
04-16-2009, 01:17 PM
:cry: (¤t=zr1-1_0001.flv)
04-21-2009, 05:19 PM
Yesterday the mechanic told me he changed the all spark plugs, and the engine start !!!
He told me why you did not change the plugs.
I can not believe that!!! :mad:
How come that not even one chamber Could not Fire before??!
As i know there could be some cutting with starting engine, but Not any fire during carncking!!
Is our engine different than other V8 Chevy?? :rolleyes:
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