View Full Version : Picked up my Z today

03-12-2009, 10:03 PM
SO, I picked up the 91 #1147 today (Ebay auction). I haven't had a chance to really go over anything on it, but the issues that I've noted so far:

Oil cooler lines leaking slowly
Oil temp gauge inop
Oil press gauge inop (seller told me he broke sender when changing belt)

Not much power until 3k-3500 rpm, seems to bog before that point.
Starting seems to take excessively long time
Poor fuel mileage (~22mpg average on the trip back)
I don't think the secondaries are working -- I can't feel much difference with the key on or off
Idle is high after coming down from cruise
(I suspect that the above issues are vacuum related)

Horn is inop
Bose radio turns on but no sound from radio, no controllability.

Headlight motors continue to make noise well after headlights are retracted.

Outer window sweeps are trashed, A-pillar weatherstrips are not great.

Rear tires are in need of replacement

I'm sure I'll find some more flaws as I dissect the car more, but it got me 150 miles home without stranding me :) I found out the car has been sitting a while, so there will no doubt be some issues. I'm still happy with the deal I got, the interior is in nice shape overall and is complete. The body looks clean, I think the paint may not be original but I can't confirm yet.

Any thoughts welcomed! :)

Here's a pic from the drive home, and a quick snap of my now-crowded garage (the white 94/383 LT1/ZF6 is for sale!)



03-12-2009, 10:05 PM
Still a steal at that price.

03-12-2009, 10:08 PM
Still a steal at that price.

I agree, even with some expected repairs, I don't see how I can lose on it. The car tracks straight and steady, and feels just as tight as my 39K miles '94. :dancing

03-13-2009, 01:06 AM
Glad to hear everything worked out.You can get a new set of window sweps,G.M. from Corvette Recyclers in Utah,headlight bushings are shot and need to be replaced,very common,the CDM controller for the stereo needs to be replaced and maybe the speaker amps as well.The high idle might be a vacuum leak under the plenum and the injectors will need to be replaced if they havent been replaced already,this is a givin.The vacuum pump for the secondaries might be toast.If you turn the key to on but dont start the car you will hear the pump cycle for a few seconds and then go off,this means the pump is working,no noise,the pump is dead.Welcome to the madness.

Paul Workman
03-13-2009, 06:09 AM
SO, I picked up the 91 #1147 today (Ebay auction). I haven't had a chance to really go over anything on it, but the issues that I've noted so far:

Oil cooler lines leaking slowly
Oil temp gauge inop
Oil press gauge inop (seller told me he broke sender when changing belt)

Not much power until 3k-3500 rpm, seems to bog before that point.
Starting seems to take excessively long time
Poor fuel mileage (~22mpg average on the trip back)
I don't think the secondaries are working -- I can't feel much difference with the key on or off
Idle is high after coming down from cruise
(I suspect that the above issues are vacuum related)

Horn is inop
Bose radio turns on but no sound from radio, no controllability.

Headlight motors continue to make noise well after headlights are retracted.

Outer window sweeps are trashed, A-pillar weatherstrips are not great.

Rear tires are in need of replacement

I'm sure I'll find some more flaws as I dissect the car more, but it got me 150 miles home without stranding me :) I found out the car has been sitting a while, so there will no doubt be some issues. I'm still happy with the deal I got, the interior is in nice shape overall and is complete. The body looks clean, I think the paint may not be original but I can't confirm yet.

Any thoughts welcomed! :)

You've prolly touched on 2/3 of the issues I had with my "new" 90 Z a little over a year ago. And, from what I experienced and read about similar "stuff" of others, you've go the usual "freshening up" items to attend to, and then LOOKOUT!:dancing

A few things (in particular) rang a bell with me: The secondaries not coming on, the high idle, bogging, and slow(er) start-up.

My secondaries issue was the vacuum line connector where the vacuum line from the pump dives under the plenum, and a line disconnected under the plenum.

High idle was due to the Injector Housing (IH) and the plenum bolts were in need of re-torquing.

I got lucky, in that my injectors had been replaced before I bought the car. But, if you experience missing and sputtering, especially as the car warms up, chances are alcohol (in the fuel) has finally dissolved some of the insulation in your stock injectors. (They should read 12.5 Ω, ± 1/2 normally - 10 Ω or less = trouble)

Bogging. It could be the injectors, but that "accordion" between the air horn and the air cleaner housing, if not "beefed up" will collapse under WOT and choke off the air. I built an aluminum insert that resides inside mine - even built a couple more for friends. Or Marc Haibeck (a name you should become familiar with) can supply some wire "hoops" that will work and still allow the hose to be flexible. (I think I like the aluminum insert better, as it "smooths" the path to the horn. But, I cannot say it is better than Marc's simple hoops.)

Slower starting: Yep! The Opti-spark and systems thereafter will spoil ya rotten! Ours will grind 3-4 seconds at a minimum after sitting before firing. Here's something rather important: Backfires... Lots of vacuum actuated stuff in the LT5's plumbing, and lots of not so accessible stuff can come loose if it happens. They can be eliminated if you turn the key on and listen for the fuel pump to quiet. That signals pressure at the rails is "ready". Then, turn the starter and hold it on until you hear the LT5 fire and hit a few more cylinders with the starter on. After that your worries are over. Like I said, that Opti has some of us spoiled, and too quick off the starter might be trouble if the LT5 hasn't cleared it's throat in the morning.

Enjoy the ride! Congratz and welcome to the Brotherhood of the BEAST!


03-15-2009, 11:34 AM
I jacked up the car today, to swap out the brakes with my '94 that I'm selling (C5 brake swap), and who woulda thought it -- :-Dmy new Z has headers! :dancingNo cats from what I can see. I don't know LT5 headers well enough to know what brand they are, but I will try to take pics later.

03-15-2009, 11:56 AM
Damn you got a freaking sweet deal!

03-15-2009, 12:55 PM
Couple of pics of headers:




03-16-2009, 12:34 PM
Really sweet deal!:thumbsup:

03-16-2009, 06:10 PM
Don't feel alone. My secondaries didn't work either when I bought mine. After I took it for a test drive the owner (my boss) says it gets up and goes don't it. And I was thinking "Not really" I didn't want to hurt his feelings. But I bit the bullet and bought it anyway. It was beautiful. Had no leaks. And everything worked. I knew I could fix it. So I did. A $36 secondary vacuum solenoid later and the car came alive and knocked my socks off. I later told my boss. Dude you had the car 2 years and the secondaries never worked so I think he's the one that really missed out.