View Full Version : MR. President and Switzerland!

ZR-1 Franz
03-01-2009, 03:42 AM
Hello from Switzerland,

I thought he wanted to be the first black President of the USA. Seems to be
as if he likes green more!
As I have read this morning in the newspaper he wants to put Switzerland on
a "black list" together with countries that I personally do not want to be in
any connection or compared with.
Our family always bought, when ever possible, American products (cars, machines) and I have to say that I love your country.
But now I have to begin to think about that, sorry!

Have a better day, I am very disappointed.

(ZR-1) Franz

Z Factor
03-01-2009, 05:54 PM
Keep in mind that the leader of a country does not always reflect the will of the majority of the people. President Bush was loved and reviled, and so to will President Obama. I think as time goes on more people who voted for him might find he is not what they expected, or at least has policies they oppose.
The coming years will be hard, and it will take smart and savvy leadership to captain the ship. Lets hope he is up to it without fundamentally changing our country.

03-01-2009, 10:32 PM
Hello from Switzerland,


Have a better day, I am very disappointed.

(ZR-1) Franz
Not half as disappointed as I am. :mad:

Wild and Blue
03-02-2009, 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by ZR-1 Franz http://www.zr1netregistry.com/forum/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.zr1netregistry.com/forum/showthread.php?p=55646#post55646)
Hello from Switzerland,


Have a better day, I am very disappointed.

(ZR-1) Franz

Not half as disappointed as I am. :mad:

X 2

03-05-2009, 10:16 AM
1- Switzerland should turn over the names of people that have money stashed in Swiss banks. Most are hiding there money in Swiss accounts to hide the money from the US Government to avoid paying taxes.
2- Osama won by electoral vote and not by the majority vote. Quite a few Americans don't back his statements.
3- We are now living in a time of peril , cooler heads will prevail :thumbsup:

03-05-2009, 11:00 AM
1- Switzerland should turn over the names of people that have money stashed in Swiss banks. Most are hiding there money in Swiss accounts to hide the money from the US Government to avoid paying taxes.

Why should Switzerland change their laws to comply with a request from the US?

2- Osama won by electoral vote and not by the majority vote. Quite a few Americans don't back his statements.

He has the power of Congress and the media behind him. The people do not figure in that equation.

3- We are now living in a time of peril , cooler heads will prevail :thumbsup:

I don't know that "peril" is the correct word for these situations. Only time will tell.............

IMHO only:)

03-05-2009, 04:44 PM

I don't see the US interested in "black listing" (no pun intended) Switzerland. Clooney raised quite a bit of money for Obama in Switzerland as I have read. Here's the latest I have read.
http://www.ecommerce-journal.com/news/13657_obama_s_administration_not_interested_in_cla shing_with_switzerland_over_ubs

I'm disappointed you're disappointed. On the other hand, I and 80% of the American public (according to the latest WSJ/NBC poll) are very pleased with Mr. Obama thus far.

Regards. :cheers:

03-05-2009, 11:57 PM
Wild and Blue,

Not sure where your last post went but it appears that over half of Tennesseans like Obama so far.
Pretty dramatic difference from results of Nov 4 where O lost by 15 points.

ZR-1 Franz
03-06-2009, 08:05 AM
I hope Mr. O. is your new Messiah and he makes no mistakes and nobody will be disappointed.
But disappointment could be enormous if the first glitter is off and reality rules the day.
I also think that there are other interests than get back some money lost from taxes.
I just know one thing exactly. Our politicians here are too weak in this "battle".
This is what I am afraid of.

Best regards,

03-06-2009, 09:45 AM

n_not_interested_in_clashing_with_switzerland_over _ubs[/URL]

I'm disappointed you're disappointed. On the other hand, I and 80% of the American public (according to the latest WSJ/NBC poll) are very pleased with Mr. Obama thus far.

Regards. :cheers:

;) Really? I must live in a parallel universe.

Wild and Blue
03-07-2009, 02:57 PM
Wild and Blue,

Not sure where your last post went but it appears that over half of Tennesseans like Obama so far.
Pretty dramatic difference from results of Nov 4 where O lost by 15 points.

I deleted it simply because I did not want to be drawn into this. You like him, fine. I STRONGLY dislike him, his policies, his cabinet, his destruction of this country, his wife, his preacher, his mentor, his friends, his destruction of our economy, his political party (to be fair, I am no fan of the other side either), in short there is absolutely no redeeming quality to him whatsoever as far as I am concerned.
As far as 80%, I can't remember what I said, then deleted, at least not word for word, I think it was something like....I dare you to go ask the first 10 people you meet tomorrow morning how they feel about obama. You may be dead on with your #s where you are. Where I am it would be hard to find 8 out of 100 who like anything about him. Then I realized you are in Chicago, home turf for your guy. Maybe everybody in Chicago likes him. You may know your area but if you don't think I know mine, feel free to come on down and I will take you some places where obama is the nastiest word you can use.
For now .... we still live where you are free to think what you will about him and I am free to think of him as I see fit.
If you want to defend or debate further, feel free. I (sadly) know that time will tell, therefore do not be suprised if I do not respond.

P.S. half is a loooooooooooooooong way from 80% in my math class.

P. S. S before you go with the tired old "Bushes fault" this is my reply

This is the private switching system, utilized by the Federal Reserve, that performs electronic financial transfers.


This is the vault that holds sixty billion of the taxpayers' dollars, which moved to an account owned by American International Group (AIG).


This is troubled insurance giant AIG, a company whose financial instruments undergird much of the world's financial system.


This is an eight-year stock chart of AIG, laid low by the collapse of housing giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and which requires tens of billions in taxpayer bailouts.


This is housing giant Fannie Mae, described by pundits as a "job shop for out-of-work Democrats."


This is Fannie Mae's stock price, the collapse of which devastated the capital-to-asset ratios of banks and insurance companies like AIG (which held five billion dollars in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac equities).


These are Democratic operatives Franklin Raines, Jamie Gorelick and Jim Johnson, the executive management team of Fannie Mae, all who were awarded positions after loyal service in the Clinton administration.


This are the pay packages these Democrats awarded themselves, through undeserved bonuses, immense salaries and incentive payments, all based upon pushing huge numbers of subprime loans through Fannie Mae.


These are the total campaign contributions ("investments") Fannie Mae executives made to Democratic Senators Chris Dodd, Barack Obama and John Kerry in order to "fix" federal regulation.


This is a list of the attempts made by the Bush administration (http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2008/09/any-questions.html)starting in 2001 to rein in the out-of-control spending frenzy by Fannie and Freddie


This is one such hearing in 2004 (YouTube video available), (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MGT_cSi7Rs&eurl=http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/daily/site_092908/content/01125107.guest.html)wherein Republicans demanded additional oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac because of the GSEs' rampant accounting scandals, inadequate capital reserves, inappropriate bonuses and hundreds of billions in low-income, no documentation mortgages.


This is Maxine Waters (D-CA), complaining that there is no crisis at Fannie and Freddie; and that attempts to audit the GSEs simply disenfranchise the poor by preventing them from getting subprime mortgages.


This is Barney Frank (D-MA), claiming that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are fine and that oversight is not needed.


These are other Democratic members of Congress.


Each of whom resisted call after call after call to regulate the GSEs, falsely blaming racism, hatred of the poor and redlining -- all on a straight party line.


This is Chris Dodd (D-CT), the powerful member of the Senate Banking Committee, who threatened filibuster after filibuster over additional regulation of the mortgage market (while accepting funds and sweetheart mortgages from the very organizations he was supposed to be regulating).


These are the organizations that profited from subprime mortgages, sold to unqualified individuals -- even those without documentation of citizenship, income or assets -- knowing they could sell the loans to the GSEs. For example, Fannie even accepted a $700,000 mortgage application from a migrant with an annual income of $14,000.


This is President Clinton signing the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), which forced banks to write low-income, zero documentation loans. These loans would then be purchased by Fannie and Freddie and securitized for sale to other financial institutions.


These are the community agitators -- primarily organized through ACORN -- who falsely accused banks of "redlining" (failing to offer mortgages to the urban poor). These groups would pack bank lobbies and harrass customers and employees in order to intimidate the institutions and force the government to strengthen the CRA.


This is the community agitator and ACORN attorney named Barack Obama, who sued Citibank in 1994; one of hundreds of nuisance lawsuits filed by ACORN and its affiliates to loosen mortgage underwriting standards.


These are the Democrats who profited at every step of the mortgage meltdown while blaming George W. Bush for the crisis, and whose continued oversight of the financial system is a disgrace and a mortal danger.

*I had to delete many of the images as the site would not let me post them all

03-07-2009, 03:07 PM
damn ! how ya gonna treat a brother,,,, what what...


diamond zr1
03-08-2009, 03:00 PM
great post wild and blue/being swiss myself,and having owned a calif. business,I am so happy to be out of there/it is the new france/and the big hope and change wants to take the whole country there.As for me I now live in the pacific n/west at the idaho/washington border and love it. Buy gold /guns and keep a food storage.This redistribution of wealth/tax the productive small bus. owner is going to fail/the dollar will be worth less then t.paper within 5 years/and we will probably have to park are zr1s/ diamond zr1

Wild and Blue
03-08-2009, 11:16 PM
damn ! how ya gonna treat a brother,,,, what what...


You know ..... you are right. I regret getting so uptight with a fellow ZR-1 lover but I felt "called out". I deleted the first one because I decided this was no place for politics. When it was pointed out and the scab picked off, I guess I let loose, my bad:o. I will tone it down :neutral: and keep my political leanings to myself. At the same time, I feel I must leave the above as I have been shamed once for deleting a post, and do not want to be again.

Wild and Blue
03-08-2009, 11:25 PM
That was not clear.
XfireZ51, I apologize directly to you .
Make no mistake, I still feel the way I feel but my tactics were wrong and as I said, Your opinion is as valid as mine if not more so. Chalk it up to poor social skills on my part if you will and if I ever run into you in person, I owe you a coke, beer, or whatever (if you see fit).

03-09-2009, 12:47 AM
That was not clear.
XfireZ51, I apologize directly to you .
Make no mistake, I still feel the way I feel but my tactics were wrong and as I said, Your opinion is as valid as mine if not more so. Chalk it up to poor social skills on my part if you will and if I ever run into you in person, I owe you a coke, beer, or whatever (if you see fit).


I'm not sure I will accept your apology because frankly I don't think its necessary. You have your opinion but I'll bet you hope I turn out to be right for the good of this country. We both love it very much.
However, I will take that beer. :cheers: :mrgreen:

Wild and Blue
03-09-2009, 03:09 AM

I'm not sure I will accept your apology because frankly I don't think its necessary. You have your opinion but I'll bet you hope I turn out to be right for the good of this country. We both love it very much.
However, I will take that beer. :cheers: :mrgreen:

You are right, I do hope this ends up with a better America. And I will look forward to the chance to buy the beer. :cheers: