View Full Version : Leaky Cam Covers?

02-21-2009, 04:42 PM
anyone have this problem?

I was under the car looking for soemhting and noticed the cam covers are damp/ wet along the seam surface to the heads..

Reading Jeffvette's R&R procedrures on PNWZR1 makes it look easy..

but any specific Assembly lube? Also where can the the A136 sealant be gotten?

Looks Like I will be able to refinish the cam covers this year after all

02-21-2009, 05:46 PM
It might be well to make sure it's not the center stud in the exhaust manifold leaking before you you tear into a tougher fix. Cam covers seldom leak but a bunch of exhaust studs do when the seal gives up.

02-21-2009, 06:58 PM
I'd just run some stopleak through the engine.


02-21-2009, 07:19 PM
It might be well to make sure it's not the center stud in the exhaust manifold leaking before you you tear into a tougher fix. Cam covers seldom leak but a bunch of exhaust studs do when the seal gives up.

Unless Oil defies Gravity, it is at the Cam cover, flowing down to the exhaust.

I have almost everything out of the way except the brake booster.. then the cam cover should be not too bad to remove, assuming all the bolts move..

02-21-2009, 07:20 PM
I am also doing headers this spring and really need to repaint the cam covers so may as well do it now

02-21-2009, 08:01 PM
Its not the cam position sensor is it....or maybe exhaust bolts are loose?

02-21-2009, 08:32 PM
Its not the cam position sensor is it....or maybe exhaust bolts are loose?

nope not cam sensor..

Again, the exhaust bolts are LOWER then where I see the oil at.. and I still think oil Cannot defy gravity.. if it can please enlighten me

02-22-2009, 12:57 AM
Jeff,make sure it's not the center header stud that is not leaking,it's a common issue with the LT5.
There's a stud with a nut dead center on the exhaust manifold flange might be hard to see with heat shields on.

The sealant you can get at almost any parts store tell them you want Permatex anearobic sealent $15 for a tube,it's red.

Just make sure you clean the surface both cam cover and head real good
I use a Scotch brite pad (green stuff) with some Brake Parts cleaner.


02-22-2009, 01:11 AM
Jeff,make sure it's not the center header stud that is not leaking,it's a common issue with the LT5.
There's a stud with a nut dead center on the exhaust manifold flange might be hard to see with heat shields on.

The sealant you can get at almost any parts store tell them you want Permatex anearobic sealent $15 for a tube,it's red.

Just make sure you clean the surface both cam cover and head real good
I use a Scotch brite pad (green stuff) with some Brake Parts cleaner.



I was just goign to email you. yeah I will double check the bolt, but from the looks of it, it looks like it is leaking at one of the Cam cover bolts and both sides seem to be leaking.

I need to clean up and paint the cam covers anyway so now is the time to do that.. Passenger side I think is ready to unbolt and remove.. need to remove the booster for the driverside.. but Also noticed my Master Cylinder is leaking too

now is the best time to do all of that

02-22-2009, 11:54 AM
Is the brake fluid leaking down the front of the booster, like leaving a trail from the center, rear of the M/C???

Jeff, not to be nosey, but have you done a bias spring & s/s lines?

The "leaking" M/C may not be leaking at all. When I did the s/s lines & bias spring to my 90 I suddenly had to replace my "leaking" M/C. Long story short, take out some fluid to below the "full" mark and just above the "ADD" mark. Clean up all the spillage and retest.

I did the spring at the same time as the s/s lines so I do not know which is the reason that the geyser forms in the reserviors. It took a mirror proped up so I could watch from the driver's seat as I pushed the pedal. On the release after the pump I could see the geysers in the fluid's surface. I just couldn't believe that the fluid could escape, but with the caps on & bleeding the system and keeping the fluid up to the full mark between pumps. I found the fluid trail down the outside of both reserviors, on to the M/C body and then down the body to the booster & down the front of the booster so it looked like a M/C leak. I had noticed the geysers when bench bleeding the M/C, but I didn't think much of it.....dumb a$$ that I am:rolleyes:

02-22-2009, 03:14 PM
Is the brake fluid leaking down the front of the booster, like leaving a trail from the center, rear of the M/C???

Jeff, not to be nosey, but have you done a bias spring & s/s lines?

The "leaking" M/C may not be leaking at all. When I did the s/s lines & bias spring to my 90 I suddenly had to replace my "leaking" M/C. Long story short, take out some fluid to below the "full" mark and just above the "ADD" mark. Clean up all the spillage and retest.

I did the spring at the same time as the s/s lines so I do not know which is the reason that the geyser forms in the reserviors. It took a mirror proped up so I could watch from the driver's seat as I pushed the pedal. On the release after the pump I could see the geysers in the fluid's surface. I just couldn't believe that the fluid could escape, but with the caps on & bleeding the system and keeping the fluid up to the full mark between pumps. I found the fluid trail down the outside of both reserviors, on to the M/C body and then down the body to the booster & down the front of the booster so it looked like a M/C leak. I had noticed the geysers when bench bleeding the M/C, but I didn't think much of it.....dumb a$$ that I am:rolleyes:

TOm, you are not being nosey at all..

Yes the leak is down the back of the master at the booster.. I do not have the Bias spring. I do have SS lines, but not installed yet, I also have a small leak at the RR Caliper.. was this way when I got it, I swapped Cailpers and problem still is there, I will replace the cailpers again (due to a Parking brake problem) and install the SS lines. I figures, while apart I might as well do the Master..

As for thr Cam cover leaks, I am goign to take some pictures to show where the leak is, it migh just be the dowty washers, and if I don't have to pull the covers great, but I would like to make them match the plenum (color wise)

02-23-2009, 08:01 AM
I hear ya Jeff.:thumbsup:

I just didn't want to see some one else buy a M/C needlessly......like I did!:redface:


02-23-2009, 09:01 AM
I hear ya Jeff.:thumbsup:

I just didn't want to see some one else buy a M/C needlessly......like I did!:redface:


no problem Tom!! :cheers:

09-23-2009, 01:26 PM
dynomite this is good advice for the next guy.. I did this about 7 months ago

09-23-2009, 05:35 PM
I used Jerry's washers..

also the 2" headers were not bad, only way to get Watsons is used