View Full Version : Weekend project video.

02-15-2009, 11:27 PM
I figure that a video is much better than pictures. Sorry it's not really an instructional video or anything. But I just went ahead and made it more for my own records. And figured you might enjoy watching. And no! I do not want to become a mechanic. I'm perfectly happy as a machinist.
Enjoy. http://s301.photobucket.com/albums/nn63/keeno1970/?action=view&current=MOV01848.flv:happy1:

02-16-2009, 12:26 AM
La Grange!!! ZZ Top.. nice choice of music

02-16-2009, 11:00 PM
enjoyed the video. good luck on the repair. how bout posting another sometime? i`ll watch every video concerning a ZR1 repair that i can find.

Zr1 Destroyer
02-18-2009, 04:49 PM
The 3-5 hour job comment you make is hilarious..........:sign10:

02-18-2009, 09:36 PM
It's Keeno Vison.... What Jeffvette meant to say is your a girlyman if you cant get it done in 3-5 hours :sign10:

Good video, Looks like a PITA hopefully with good parts it should hold together better. Those Jacks make it a hell of a lot easier.

02-19-2009, 12:26 AM
It's Keeno Vison.... What Jeffvette meant to say is your a girlyman if you cant get it done in 3-5 hours :sign10:

Good video, Looks like a PITA hopefully with good parts it should hold together better. Those Jacks make it a hell of a lot easier.
Then I need to start shopping at Victoria's Secret and change my name from Ricky to Riki Because if you can get that job done all by yourself in 3-5 hours then you is one bad mofo. Lee brought over the trans jack but his knees were bad so I just told him to whip out a lawn chair and just keep me company while I wrenched on it. And just like classic Texas weather thunder and lightening just came out of nowhere. And you know its real close when it sounds like sticks of dynomite are going off over your head. I let Lee barrow all of my King of the hill magazines someone gave me. This car was so unique it had it's own magazine for a while.:worship:

02-19-2009, 02:32 AM
Then I need to start shopping at Victoria's Secret and change my name from Ricky to Riki

Go to www.trashy.com They have much better stuff than VS.

02-19-2009, 02:50 AM
Hey if I was a philly, I'd be the biggest slut! Thanks Jeff. I just added that to my favorites. My wife asked me one day."Do men really like women that dress like that?" I said baby I got a news flash for you. Men like slutty women that wear short tight skirts and high heals. She says really? I said OOOOOoooohhhhh Yeahhhhhhhh! You think I'm bad now! You dress like that and you'll have to get a restraining order against me.:thumbsup:

02-19-2009, 08:33 AM
My wife asked me one day."Do men really like women that dress like that?".:thumbsup:

:dontknow: I fail to see a question here? :mrgreen:

As to Jeff his timeline is like Scotty's from Star Trek, Tell somebody it will take half a day and then get it done in 3-4 hours so you are reguarded as a Miricale worker. I can only say it has to come from a damn lot of experience. I bet Bill B can beat that time as he is known to have pulled a ZF tranny from time to time. Be impressed with yourself that you have the time knowledge, tools and friends to help you along. Imagine how the job would have been without the jacks? I remember when I was 17 and after I replaced my clutch on my 72 Camaro twice in 6 months I did it with out the use of the clutch alingment tool. After the third install (Yeah I raced her around a bit lol) the Parts guy finally let me in on the secret toilet roll holder clutch alingment tool. I never bitched anymore after having that wooden dowel anymore :hello:

02-19-2009, 09:33 AM
yeah I have seen a clutch R&R'ed on a ZR-1 from start to finish in 1-1/2 hours.. with 2 people working together on it..

I swear it looked like Synchronized Auto repair :sign10::sign10:

02-19-2009, 11:48 AM
I guess I'm speaking from a shade tree mechanic point of view. If I had the money I'd pay somebody to do it for me. But the benefit of doing it yourself is it won't cost you a dime in labor and you will get it done faster than having to wait two weeks at a shop. But it did stress me out having to do this again so soon. My clutch isn't even fully broke in yet.

White Bullet
02-19-2009, 03:17 PM
Holy sh:censored:t batman! Very nice job. :worship: I wish I could change the clutch when the time comes. But right now I do not have the right tools or equipment to make it happen. Not to mention my age might get in the way. Anyway keep up the good work and best of luck to you. =D>

02-19-2009, 08:55 PM
Then I need to start shopping at Victoria's Secret and change my name from Ricky to Riki Because if you can get that job done all by yourself in 3-5 hours then you is one bad mofo. Lee brought over the trans jack but his knees were bad so I just told him to whip out a lawn chair and just keep me company while I wrenched on it. And just like classic Texas weather thunder and lightening just came out of nowhere. And you know its real close when it sounds like sticks of dynomite are going off over your head. I let Lee barrow all of my King of the hill magazines someone gave me. This car was so unique it had it's own magazine for a while.:worship:

Don't let Rick fool you, he works pretty quick. We did more talking than it took to get it out. :blahblah: As soon as I got there and we unloaded everything, I meet his lovely family, :handshak: ate some spaghetti, we lifted the car up further, he crawled under there and tools went flying, just look at all the tools everywhere! It would have been dangerous to get in there and get too close while he was working so fast....:wink:

He sure wasn't kidding about the lightening strike, I think it hit on the next street over:pray