View Full Version : Do YOU see YOURSELF in this>>>>

02-15-2009, 07:37 AM
Many ways I see myself :mrgreen:


02-15-2009, 08:42 AM
Mike Yager is a multi-millionaire because he realized this many years ago.

02-15-2009, 09:05 AM
Mike just needs to learn that you don't need to send a glossy full cataog evey two weeks with the same stuff in it......not sure how he can do that...although his prices are on the higher side.

02-15-2009, 09:32 AM
Well now it's official, and backed up by statistical research......as a vette owner I'm:
ADD, things must be fast or I loose interest?
selfish (two seats & uses lg amounts of high test gas),
self-centered ( don't care about being green, also see above! ),
self indulgent ( see both of the above. ),
but on the plus side I own a ZR-1 and I put plenty of cash back into the economy and have loads of fun doing all of it!:mrgreen:


02-15-2009, 10:28 AM
Sir Thomas...you are funny :handshak:
I, like you, certainly put money back into the economy....having two Vettes makes sure of that ;)

But...as this "recession" deepens I wonder to what extent the fall out will reach aftermarket companies...already seeing car sites (forums) vendors disappearing or dropping sponsor status. Even some of the bigger ones are pulling in by not providing sponsorships or product support for club events. One of the biggest pluses so far is that product prices are coming down and personally glad to see things more reasonable (aka lowering the famous "Corvette" tax)

Paul Workman
02-16-2009, 05:30 AM
Well, of late I've been doing my part to stem the (economic) tide! Marc H, SW, Magnaflow, Mid America, Winner's Circle (a local speed shop you just gotta see!)...With two Vettes to baby (and one with an engine rebuild this past year), I don't even wanna know how much $$! OH! And I'm in the biggest age group too (unfortunately, I guess!)


02-16-2009, 08:00 AM
I was just a little punchy Sunday AM.....I was playing the midnite redneck wrench Saturday night, and I forgot my moving blanket for the floor, burrrr! My squash gets a little silly when it gets chilled & has sleep deprivation.:mrgreen:

Hey, we all belong to that demographic Paul. Baby Boomers r us, the ME generation! :wave:

If President O could figure out a way to tax my OT a little less, I'm sure I'd figure a way to put that back in the economy too. I'll do my part to keep some professional wrench in work! This midnite stuff is getting old, the older I get!:sign10:


02-17-2009, 03:10 PM
D'oh! I guess Corvettes are mid-life crisis cars according to the age chart!

I'm happy to be in the 1% of 25-27 year old owners!

02-18-2009, 10:17 AM
I'm in the 8% ownership group, as a representative of the end of the Boomers. No mid-life crisis, I simply never grew up! Bought my first at age 29 and never looked back.

Enjoy the drive! :thumbsup:

02-21-2009, 11:59 AM
To me, the most troubling item is the age demographic. I started noticing that almost 20 years ago, when I noticed I was one of the younger guys out there. Now I'm 60, and I think the average age at the car shows and Corvette events is still older than me.

02-21-2009, 12:06 PM
To me, the most troubling item is the age demographic. I started noticing that almost 20 years ago, when I noticed I was one of the younger guys out there. Now I'm 60, and I think the average age at the car shows and Corvette events is still older than me.

It's even stranger when you are 25-35. :)

I've met alot of cool cats in their 50s+ over the years.