View Full Version : Progress and then....... need HELP>>>

01-28-2009, 02:14 PM
Did the plenum pull and replaced the injectors etc...ran diagnostics, vacuum test, fuel pressure test etc etc and all right on. Everything is back together with no problems. Repressurize fuel rails etc and fired up engine...little stumble at first (expected) then settle right out. Feelin' good and then.... yep a small fuel leak at the fuel feed/return to fuel rail block.... drip....drip...drip. Took apart not pinched O ring...reinstalled and tighten to torque spec. Started engine and again drip drip... Took apart again and turn O rings around and reinstalled...I took apart or re-torqued the Torx bolts 1/2 dozen times... still a small drip. SO HELP.... anybody interested in coming by (Phil...Bob hint) and see if you can find something I am missing. O rings are new but mayby another set is needed ???
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated :pray

Also did the cooling system flush... waiting on two parts... thermostat and thermostat housing O ring... should have by weekend.

01-28-2009, 02:31 PM
Hey Michael,

I'd be glad to take a look. I'm pretty busy at work, but I'll see if we can find a good time. Do you have the original o-rings still? Worst case I'd say put them back in there.

Can you PM me a phone #?

01-28-2009, 02:56 PM
I can slip by in a little bit with some fuel line o-rings

01-28-2009, 03:35 PM
Already spoke to Phil and Jon Banner (Injector Connection)... consensus is less than spec aftermarket O rings...so Phil is heading over with a collection of O rings...hoping this solves it then all will be back in sync in
ZR-1dom :-D
Thanks Bob...hopefully this will do it..

01-28-2009, 06:01 PM
Not the right o-rings. Or you cracked the fuel line. I'm guessing the o-rings.