View Full Version : Great fight.

01-26-2009, 12:43 PM
Shane Mosley annihilated Antonio Margarito and took his belt Saturday night on HBO. Good action packed Boxing match.:thumbsup:

01-26-2009, 01:50 PM
shane looked like he was 25 again . his new trainer ,trained hopkins before his win . sounds like he could be a busy guy .he a big sob too

01-26-2009, 04:07 PM
Yep! Margarito was getting really cocky and said he was gonna waste Shane. Boy was he wrong. 37 year old Shane mosley opened up a can of whoop azz on him. I love when shanes trainer told him between rounds he needs to swim without getting wet. That was a good one.

01-27-2009, 10:40 AM
that swim without getting wet is an old one ,my dad used to use it all the time . its rerfering to fluidity , and speed of movement , something muhommed ali had . the reason his jab was so fast, relaxing his muscles to increase his speed. mosley also i think took out his divorce on Margarito.at least that wwas my take on it .Shane could do some surprising things the next year or 2.there are good fighters and great ones .he and hopkins are 2 of the great ones . they just needed someone to up there game and tell them how good they really are .its a pleasure to watch them work