View Full Version : Club T Shirts Very Nice !

01-25-2009, 10:37 AM
Hats off to whoever did the graphics on the back of the new club T shirts ! The t-shirt is worth the price of renewal. Plus the x-tras we get with the club , an exceptional deal. Hats off to all the officials that keep the club up and running.
Plus I get to hang out with all you great guys at BG http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j9/kmoudy/cartoons/23_29_105vsc.gif

01-25-2009, 10:42 AM
Hmm.. still waiting on mine..

I paid in Dec..

01-25-2009, 10:57 AM
Hmm.. still waiting on mine..

I paid in Dec..

I just got mine Friday.... Don't worry, it's coming. :thumbsup:

01-25-2009, 11:15 AM
Not worried yet, I know it was 'changing of the guard'

Besides it is only January

01-25-2009, 12:54 PM
Just got mine too. I think George is cranking them out as fast as he can.

I agree with Frank, nice shirt. Didn't think I would like the yellow with the graphics, but it turned out very nice.

01-25-2009, 02:04 PM
I got mine on Friday also. And I agree, it looks great. My wife has latched on to every one of my ZR-1 shirts. I expect the same will happen to this one. I've had to order at least one or two additional shirts each year just so I can have one to wear.

01-25-2009, 02:29 PM
Hmm.. still waiting on mine..

I paid in Dec..

He is shipping like a mad man. I just got the first round of shipping costs, over 1,200.00. So it's on it's way.

01-25-2009, 03:27 PM
Can't wait to see 'em! I also cant' wait for one that has a '90 model or one that has something other than a-mold wheels... ;)

01-25-2009, 03:40 PM
He is shipping like a mad man. I just got the first round of shipping costs, over 1,200.00. So it's on it's way.

Yeah I know.. I am not worried.. now if it was July.. :sign10:

I do know that it is volunteer work, and he has a life and real job etc..

Looking forward to seeing it..

01-25-2009, 11:41 PM
He is shipping like a mad man.

Sorry for the delay in getting membership packets (i.e. NEW T-SHIRTS) shipped. My original goal was to have all orders processed, packed, & shipped by mid-Jan but we had a few glitches in the plan, including not having all the materials sent to us until this past Friday. The boys in brown delivered the "missing supplies" on Fri. afternoon around 4 pm and I was able to get 30 or so packages posted by 5 pm and another 100 on Sat. AM. I have another 60 or so to process, pack & ship and plan to get those out tomorrow or Tue. at the latest. At that point I will be "caught up" with all orders sent to me prior to Jan. 24th.

Someone mentioned about volunteer work, having a life, working, yada, yada. It's been my honor to give back to the membership a little bit of all that I've received since becoming a member. And yeah, I'm trying to have a life and all that. Even though I've officially "retired" for the second time after recently selling my printing company I find myself doing a good bit of "consulting" for friends & colleagues in the area. And today, I celebrated my 65th birthday by sitting thru a 3+ hour long band rehearsal in preparation for a major concert later this week at the state music educators conference. Actually that's the origin of my "handle" TUBAND ... I've been playing tuba in bands since 1954.

Thanks for everyone's patience ... the great majority of membership packets have already been shipped out and they are on their way. The remainder should be shipped within 48 hours and any orders arriving after Jan. 24 will be processed and shipped ASAP in the order that they arrive.

1990 #2957 black/black
1997 Carmine Red coupe
www.zrwon.com (http://www.zrwon.com/)

01-25-2009, 11:54 PM

Looking forward to getting it.. like I said, I am not worried and not in a hurry.. I appreciate you stepping up to volunteering for this.. I sort of know what it is like, I was Vice Pres and the Pres for my local corvette club.. plus a regular job and 2 little kids..

Thanks again!

01-26-2009, 08:52 AM
I got mine on Friday also. And I agree, it looks great. My wife has latched on to every one of my ZR-1 shirts. I expect the same will happen to this one. I've had to order at least one or two additional shirts each year just so I can have one to wear.

Funny, my wife does the same thing. I'll get the shirt back when its faded and ragged out. Gotta love 'em.

George :thumbsup::thumbsup: Ya did good ! Thanks.

There is alot of effort by many to keep the club running. I can speak for everyone when I say we sincerely appreciate it.

01-26-2009, 08:55 AM
There is alot of effort by many to keep the club running. I can speak for everyone when I say we sincerely appreciate it.

01-27-2009, 07:25 AM

thanks so much for the hard work. the membership director is the "hardest working man" in show biz as bill can attest.

thanks for the compliments on the shirt design all. it's inspired by the corvettes at skyline crooze and the beautiful fall weather which is made for corvette cruzin

we were a bit limited on the colors and wanted to do a green ZR-1 which hasn't been represented before

next year, maybe DRM, I don't think we've done that one yet either.

let me know if you guys have ideas!!:thumbsup:

01-27-2009, 07:34 AM
Agree with all...nice work :handshak: Got two of the T shirts and one is heading down to Costa Rica tomorrow.

01-27-2009, 07:56 AM
I got home yesterday to a pacakge waiting for me..

AWESOME Job on the shirts.. now I need to check for the smallest size.. I think my son wants one

01-27-2009, 09:53 PM
I got home yesterday to a pacakge waiting for me..

AWESOME Job on the shirts.. now I need to check for the smallest size.. I think my son wants one

Sizes are:
Small, Med, Large, XL, 2XL, 3XL


01-27-2009, 10:02 PM
Sizes are:
Small, Med, Large, XL, 2XL, 3XL


Thanks George!! keep up the great work!