View Full Version : Bowling Green 2009

01-07-2009, 07:25 PM
First post :dancing We are working on a drag racing solution for one of the days. Schedule will be updated when updates become available.

THURSDAY May 14, 2009


NCM Opens

Pre-registration Credential Pickup Begins
On-site registration available
Located in NCM Conference Center (on Boulevard)

8:15am – 4:00pm
S1 Seminar: “Gordon’s School” for C4 Corvette Troubleshooting

Gordon Killebrew is well known throughout the Corvette world as THE authority on the C4 1984-1996 Corvettes. Gordon will conduct his school at the NCM focusing on 1990-1996 model years from hood fit to code readings. This class will be a “hands on” class with your Corvette.

Pre-registration required
Limited to 12 participants only
Lunch provided
Located at the NCM Amphitheater
Special Pricing School Fee:

NCM Members: $150 per person
Non-members: $160 per person

Click here to visit Gordon's School (http://www.gordonkillebrew.com/)

9:00am – 2:30pm
LT1: International Bluegrass Museum Scenic Tour and Lunch

Travel to Western Kentucky and the heart of Bluegrass music so named for its Kentucky origins. Bluegrass legend Bill Monroe was born and lived just outside of Owensboro which is the fitting home of the International Bluegrass Museum. And what more authentic way to take a break than lunch at the famous Moonlight BBQ.

Departs from NCM Logo Circle
Pre-registration required
Limited to 68 participants
Tour of Bluegrass Museum in Owensboro
Buffet Lunch at Moonlight Barbeque Inn includes 3 meat entrees
DYOC: Drive Your Own Corvette
Tour Fee:

NCM Members: $25 per person
Non-NCM Member: $35 per person.

Click Here to visit the Bluegrass Museum (http://www.bluegrass-museum.org/)

Click Here to visit the Moonlight BBQ (http://www.moonlite.com/)

Golf Cart Autocross
· Located at NCM front lawn
· Open to all Event Registrants
· Requires a driver (blindfolded) and a navigator
Official NCM Xpansion Guided Tour
· Open to Everyone!
· Meet in Lobby (by front doors)
NCM Closes

FRIDAY May 15, 2009


NCM Opens.

Pre-registration Credential Pickup
On-site registration available
Located in NCM Conference Center (on Boulevard)

S2 Seminar: LT5 Round Table Discussion
· Registered Participants only
· Speakers: Gib Hufstader, Graham Behan, Gary Cline, Jack Underwood
· Located in NCM Conference Center (on Boulevard)
· Continental Breakfast - $8.00

Gordon Killebrew School: "Drive Through Troubleshooting"

Registered Participants only
Located in NCM Truck Lot (alternative location?)
Click Here to Visit Gordon’s School (http://www.gordonkillebrew.com/)

9:00am- 1:45pm
Silent Auction
· NCM front lobby
10:00am – 1:00pm

Peoples/Celebrity Choice Car Show

Show cars park in NCM parking lot
Window placard available at Registration packet
Ballots and Ballot box at registration desk.

10:00am – 11:00am

S3 Seminar: Follow-up on LT5 that never was

Speaker: Graham Behan, Gary Cline
In Chevrolet Theater

· Limited seating available
11:00am –12:00pm
S4 Seminar: Anything Callaway
· Speaker:
· Registered participants only
· In Chevrolet Theater
· Limited seating available
RT 1 Poker Run
· Departs from NCM
· Instructions and starting clue at Registration desk
· Prize given for best poker hand
1:00pm – 1:30pm
Group Photo Participants
· Participants in Logo Circle
· Photos $10 available Friday afternoon and Saturday at Registration

Car Show Awards

Located at Events Entrance and Logo Circle

2:00pm - 3:00pm
S5 Seminar: Mules and Milestones – a history of the C4
· Speaker: Fred Gallasch
· Registered participants only

· In Chevrolet Theater

Limited seating available

3:00pm - 4:00pm
S6 Seminar: TBA
· Speaker:
· Registered participants only
· In Chevrolet Theater

Limited seating available

Museum Closes
BBQ at the 1869 Homestead B&B
· Departs NCM Logo Circle and drive at 5:15pm
· NCM Members: $15/Non-NCM Members: $25

SATURDAY May 16, 2009

National Corvette Museum opens
8:00am – 12:00pm
Event Registration Pickup Times (NCM Conference Center)
8:15am – 12:00pm

Autocross at Trace Die Cast Parking Lot

Gates open at 8:15am
Presented by: NCM Volunteers
Pre-registration Required
Autocross Participation Fee $20 per driver
8:45 Mandatory Driver meeting
Click here for Directions (http://www.corvettemuseum.com/registration/c5_bash/map.jpg)


Gordon Killebrew School: "Drive Through Troubleshooting"

Registered Participants only

· Located in NCM Truck Lot (alternate location?)
· Click Here to Visit Gordon’s School (http://www.gordonkillebrew.com/)
9:30am – 1:30pm

Digital Scavenger Hunt

Bring your cell phone or digital camera
Pickup clues at registration desk
Prize for most correct
Start anytime between 9:30am – 1:30pm

11:30am – 3:00pm
LT2 Road Tour and Lunch
· Road Tour on KY back roads in Warren, Simpson and Logan counties
· Staging at NCM Logo Circle and drive
· Lunch Dutch Treat at Chaney’s Dairy Barn
· click here for Chaney's Dairy Barn (http://www.chaneysdairybarn.com/)
12:00pm – 1:00pm

S5 Seminar – TBA

Speaker: TBA
In Chevrolet Theater
Limited seating available

1:00pm – 2:00pm

S6 Seminar – TBA

Speaker: TBA
In Chevrolet Theater
Limited seating available

Cash Bar on NCM Boulevard at Conference Center
6:00pm – 9:00pm
BQT2: The Gathering Banquet & Auction

NCM Conference Center
By pre-registration only
$$$ members/$$$ non-members

01-07-2009, 08:37 PM

01-08-2009, 12:33 AM
I didn't see Drag Racing,did i miss it.

Jeff,you better be working your @ss off to get us some Drag Racing.

A whole lot of seminars,if i needed more brainwashing i'll watch TV :)
It seems everything is at the NCM WTF.
Why can't we go back the way it was without the NCM doing everything for us, we're big boys now we can do it ourselfs.

I know nobody likes a free thinker.
I'm ready for your remarks


01-08-2009, 12:48 AM
Pete, renting Beech Bend is not exactly a fun ordeal. We are currently working on securing Wednesday the 13th.

01-08-2009, 12:54 AM
Pete, renting Beech Bend is not exactly a fun ordeal. We are currently working on securing Wednesday the 13th.

Jeff,offer him a little extra cash,for Friday or Saturday.
I'll skip on all the brainwashing seminars to pay extra for Drag Racing.:thumbsup:

Talking about LT5 performance is ok but seeing LT5 performance in action is a whole lot better.:)

Just an idea,does the ZR1NetRegistry have enough money to buy Beach Bend lol


01-08-2009, 01:01 AM
Jeff,offer him a little extra cash,for Friday or Saturday.
I'll skip on all the brainwashing seminars to pay extra for Drag Racing.:thumbsup:

Talking about LT5 performance is ok but seeing LT5 performance in action is a whole lot better.:)



I'm with you, man. Jeff, not sure who's going to be there to race on Wednesday. We will likely be driving down on Thurs.
I guess we could just all show up at the track and just take over.
Any other tracks in the neighborhood?

01-08-2009, 01:17 AM
Jeff,offer him a little extra cash,for Friday or Saturday.

Our 1 day rental will not supersede the GN rental.... which based upon Beech bends calender is the 13th -16th.


Zr1 Destroyer
01-08-2009, 07:13 PM
Pete, renting Beech Bend is not exactly a fun ordeal. We are currently working on securing Wednesday the 13th.Nice......a five day vacation from the wifey now!:dancing Hell, make the drags on monday and it could be a seven day vacation for me!

:dontknow:Is Steak n Shake doing any temp hiring so I can get some beer money?

01-08-2009, 07:19 PM

No issue with your efforts. Wednesday drags means having to drive down on Tuesday for some of us. Not sure its worth it. :( :dontknow:

01-08-2009, 07:24 PM
Pete, renting Beech Bend is not exactly a fun ordeal. We are currently working on securing Wednesday the 13th.

Usually some of the Buick guys rent out the track on Wednesday. And sometimes they will let other guys in , all depends on who has the rental.
We had better secure our rooms asap because when the Buick/GN guys come to town there isn't a room available for miles.

Our chances of getting in on Saturday are nill and none....the Buick guys pack the track solid.

01-13-2009, 09:15 AM
Anybody flying in to Nashville on 13th? I am considering flying down on that day and renting car to drive to BG...would share ride with anyone

01-14-2009, 05:01 PM
Registered yesterday for the event. #68/502 will be enroute from the Great Lakes State of Michigan.

They have a lot of events scheduled at the museum, so they can help showcase the new 47,000 sq/ft. addition that's been in the works for over a year! It should be nice to see.

01-14-2009, 06:10 PM
Anybody flying in to Nashville on 13th? I am considering flying down on that day and renting car to drive to BG...would share ride with anyone

Michael, I'm not sure if I'm going on the 12th or 13th. I'll be checking on flights here shortly.

01-14-2009, 06:18 PM
Just had a change of plans... driving down with Dave so at least I will be in a ZR-1 :)

01-14-2009, 07:06 PM
Just had a change of plans... driving down with Dave so at least I will be in a ZR-1 :)


Zr1 Destroyer
01-14-2009, 08:24 PM
:thumbsup:Jeff...you know I'm crashing in your room on the floor in a sleeping bag for free right!?:mrgreen:

01-14-2009, 08:37 PM
Jeff...you know I'm crashing in your room on the floor in a sleeping bag for free right!?:mrgreen:

You don't mind strippers do you?

Zr1 Destroyer
01-14-2009, 08:53 PM
You don't mind strippers do you?Faaaaaawk Yes I don't!!!:dancing I better bring a larger sleeping bag!!!

01-15-2009, 09:21 AM
You don't mind strippers do you?


Pictures Pulease.

01-15-2009, 11:53 AM
You don't mind strippers do you?



01-15-2009, 01:55 PM
No screaming in the room this year !
Those who know....know who he is :eusa_shhh

Zr1 Destroyer
01-19-2009, 10:52 PM
No screaming in the room this year !
Those who know....know who he is :eusa_shhhHmmmmm....somebody must of stubbed their toe!:razz:

01-20-2009, 12:01 AM
No screaming in the room this year !
Those who know....know who he is :eusa_shhh


01-20-2009, 03:11 AM


01-22-2009, 07:55 AM
That is a great event but haven't seen it yet... some times people like me really don't updated in important news like that...

From Busby SEO Test (http://pinayspeak.com/pinaytest/)

01-22-2009, 09:56 PM
Count for BG?

How many are planning on going to BG for the Gathering?

Please post if you are 100% sure you are going. Want to get a preliminary count for the NCM.


If you are in the NE (anywhere near Wash DC / Balt) and want to join in the caravan there, please let me know!

We should have 12 plus (thus far).


David Johnson
Events / PR ZR1netregistry

01-23-2009, 08:34 AM
I'll be there David , most likely Wednesday morning. Staying at the Holiday plaza.

01-23-2009, 09:37 AM
I'll be there if Jim Ingle is our guest; maybe otherwise.

01-23-2009, 07:48 PM
I'll be there if Jim Ingle is our guest; maybe otherwise.

Jim isn't a GM employee as of Oct31st 2008. I've been trying to get his private email from the NCM, but haven't gotten it yet.

According to Roc @ the NCM he has been invited 3 out of the past 5 years and each time has declined.

I'll keep trying.


01-26-2009, 09:38 AM
The GS Nationals are from Tuesday May 12-16th.

It's going to be real tough to get in Beech Bend.

01-26-2009, 12:03 PM
The GS Nationals are from Tuesday May 12-16th.

It's going to be real tough to get in Beech Bend.

Now that sucks.

Why don't we have the gathering in April next year.


02-03-2009, 02:07 PM
There will be drag racing on Wednesday, May 13. The GN folks have courteously agreed to let us join them at Beech Bend.


02-04-2009, 12:00 PM
There will be drag racing on Wednesday, May 13. The GN folks have courteously agreed to let us join them at Beech Bend.


Thanks Jim

I also emailed the GN Pres. and asked if we could race with them Friday or Saturday.
If they're letting us race on Wendesday will they let us race on Friday or Saturday.

Some of us have families and need to plan ahead.
I'm sorry but Wednesday is same as no Drag Racing for me.
Probably for most IL members.


02-04-2009, 12:59 PM

We went with Wednesday for two reasons. First, there are already Corvette events scheduled on Friday and Saturday. Having drag racing the same day as the other events will likely cut into the number of people who go racing. Second, the Buick folks will be running eliminations by class on Friday and Saturday and want to stay on schedule. Track time, especially if we have a good turnout, might be insufficient.

I know people have families and need to make plans. I was hoping that by making this ammouncment in early February, people would be able to adjust their May schedules by one day. That's 3 1/2 months notice - I thought that would be enough and am sorry if it's not.


02-04-2009, 01:47 PM
It doesn't matter if it's 3 1/2 months or 3 1/2 years notice.
The point is i don't have to waste a week vacation drive 8hrs/500 miles and spend over $1000 just so i can drag race.


I'm not trying to stir up the pot
Just saying what some members are thinking they're just too worried of what others will think of them,if they spoke up.

Thanks again for all your effort.

02-04-2009, 02:03 PM

No worries about stirring the pot. If Wednesday doesn't work, and a majority of people would prefer a different day, they should speak up now like you are doing. It's better to try to move dates now then a couple weeks before the event.

My biggest concern about racing Friday or Saturday is not getting much track time. Friday and Saturday look like the busiest days and, obviously, the Buick folks get first dibs on track time. Keeping that in mind, if people want to race on Friday or Saturday instead, they should speak up. I can always ask what they have available on those dates.


02-04-2009, 03:35 PM
Thursday would be a great compromize.

Either way i will be there Thursday talking ZR-1 stuff.

Thanks Jim great freaking work man,have a beer.:thumbsup:

02-04-2009, 03:48 PM
thursday would work better for me??
don't think i can be there the extra day.

02-04-2009, 03:52 PM

No worries about stirring the pot. If Wednesday doesn't work, and a majority of people would prefer a different day, they should speak up now like you are doing. It's better to try to move dates now then a couple weeks before the event.

My biggest concern about racing Friday or Saturday is not getting much track time. Friday and Saturday look like the busiest days and, obviously, the Buick folks get first dibs on track time. Keeping that in mind, if people want to race on Friday or Saturday instead, they should speak up. I can always ask what they have available on those dates.

I'll try to make it either way, but I agree. Wednesday means I'd have to drive up on Tuesday, in which case it may as well be all week vs a day or two off of work.

Two years ago the racing was on Wednesday. While it was a total blast, there were only about 10-12 of us that raced. Last year it was on Friday and there were 2-3 times as many cars.

02-04-2009, 03:57 PM

No worries about stirring the pot. If Wednesday doesn't work, and a majority of people would prefer a different day, they should speak up now like you are doing. It's better to try to move dates now then a couple weeks before the event.

My biggest concern about racing Friday or Saturday is not getting much track time. Friday and Saturday look like the busiest days and, obviously, the Buick folks get first dibs on track time. Keeping that in mind, if people want to race on Friday or Saturday instead, they should speak up. I can always ask what they have available on those dates.



No issue with your efforts, but it is a 7-8hr drive from the Windy City. Basically that means needing to leave Tuesday for racing on Wednesday.
Particularly in these economic times, taking 4 days from work is very tough. Last year we had a good number of ZRs at Beech Bend, but how many were actually racing and for how long? How busy racing will the Buick guys be with the track booked for 4 days? IOW, is there more time available than we think? I understand the Buick guys have the track and they can do what they will with it. Just wondering if there isn't a way to
combine the two and benefit everybody. For me, if not Saturday, then Friday would be the earliest.
Again, Jim, thanks for your efforts. :hello:

02-04-2009, 07:02 PM
Well for those of you who can not make it to drag racing on Wednesday. How about you show up and participate in the autoX.

02-04-2009, 09:09 PM
Wed will be tough for many, and only the "hard core" (like me!) will show

lets see if we can get MULTIPLE shots at the drags so that even if we get a rain out, we can get down the track.

there are TONS of turbo buicks there, but I'm an old Turbo Buford guy (sheesh I should bring them BOTH!) and if we can arrange to have some time slots where they let us run with them and not interfere with the event that would be ideal

sooooooo..... lets do a poll and a sign up roster. so we can communicate with them how many. typically we have 20 or less drag racers, and if it's spread out, maybe even less (wed again will be tough)

the "go fast with class guys" are just that, great to work with.

let me see if my events, racing coordinators and the ol prez can pull some strings that's why I pay them the big bucks (NOT <G>)

I vote for multiple shots at the track wed - fri, and leave sat to them to run the eliminations. usually if they are running time trials and have "bumping rights" we'll get our runs in, you'll just have to hang out. but trust me, the turbo buick guys like to cool their cars down so they don't hot lap like we do.

time to dig in and find out the dealeo.

thanks for posting up. we need the digs, it's a BG tradition.

if we can get a draw on some rare and cool cars, the Turbo Buford guys will want to see them come out.

just don't get too shocked at what these guys run. the turbo buzzin half duzzin is an @$$ kicker! these guys have lots of folks deep in the 9's, some in the 8's and a few 7's

duttwieler just turned the first high 6 in a turbo v6. keep that in mind.

and they come loaded for bear. we also need to advertise the turbo buicks event so we respect their track time, and hopefully we'll get invited to do this again. it could be pretty fun guys and trust me, you'll see some amazing stuff come out. I am stoked!:worship:

02-05-2009, 01:15 PM
Ron, Jeff, David, Jim, and everyone else,

Thanks for working on the drag racing event.

If you need a head count, sign me up for Thurs, Fri, and/or Saturday.


02-11-2009, 08:59 AM
Well for those of you who can not make it to drag racing on Wednesday. How about you show up and participate in the autoX.

Is it okay to sign up if you have never done an autoX? I'd like to learn but if novices will be in the way I understand. I'll come & watch & learn some that way too.

Where do I sign up, is that the "Golf Cart" autoX .......somehow I kind of doubt that's it. Specially if "The Stig" is involved....:mrgreen:

Oh, and if we need a head count to make the Drags a go, count me in for that too! I don't want to see stuff not happen due to lack of bodies signing up. I have my room from Wed.


02-11-2009, 11:40 AM
Is it okay to sign up if you have never done an autoX? I'd like to learn but if novices will be in the way I understand. I'll come & watch & learn some that way too.

Where do I sign up, is that the "Golf Cart" autoX .......somehow I kind of doubt that's it. Specially if "The Stig" is involved....:mrgreen:

Oh, and if we need a head count to make the Drags a go, count me in for that too! I don't want to see stuff not happen due to lack of bodies signing up. I have my room from Wed.


Novices are welcome. You sign up with your registration through the museum. If you have already completed the registration, call the museum and add the autox option. You should be able to add it when you arrive though.

And this is not the golf cart option.