View Full Version : Accel Injectors

12-30-2008, 01:09 AM
I tried a conservative approach on my 415. I went with 24lb injectors to have a slight safety margin on duty cycle. I bought 16 x 24lb Accel injectors from Atlantic Speed.

After only ~350 miles on the car, two have failed completely. They both Ohm out at .9 vs the healthy ones at 15.5.

Think they will offer any warranty or partial credit? Bet NOT. I also have a set of 21lb Accels in my SGC 350 car...they have worked well so far. Bought both sets at the same time. I will try to see if Atlantic Speed will stand behind their product but am a little hesitiant to go with Accels again.

The mod bug's bite has not been kind so far.

flyin ryan
12-30-2008, 02:07 AM
Bought both sets at the same time. I will try to see if Atlantic Speed will stand behind their product hopefully they will get something done for you, Ted. if that happened to one of my customers i'd make sure the warehouse i deal with would push it through. still a PIA for you though.

12-30-2008, 02:15 AM
hopefully they will get something done for you, Ted. if that happened to one of my customers i'd make sure the warehouse i deal with would push it through. still a PIA for you though.


Ted, if AS does not come through, I will warranty them for you.

12-30-2008, 11:08 AM
Thanks for the support fellas. Jeff, once again, you never fail to amaze me.

Atlantic Speed will warrantee the failed injectors--I guess no need for my cynicism as there are some great companies left. My fear is that more will fail. Pulling the plenum is not that tough but it wears on the components. I guess I'll start with the failed ones then, if it happens again, replace them all.


12-30-2008, 12:43 PM

They tested same as others once they were all cold.

Sad state of affairs when I can have them packaged for shipping 50 minutes after starting the job.


12-30-2008, 02:25 PM
Glad to hear they are helping out Ted. And yea, once you get the plenum pull down, it doesn't take long.