View Full Version : OK...so l cut my door up with a knife...and neccesity is the mother of invention

12-26-2008, 06:48 AM
well it all started with a jammed lock and me thinking if l go sticking a rod down the window seal to try and hook the lock up l will immobilize the car....guess l should have know that the theft tamper immobilizer wasnt operating on my 92....but not before l tried to cut through the inner panel with a stanley knife :jawdrop:

so having finally did what l should have done in the first place and jemmied the lock from down the window seal.....lm left with a door panel with the patch glued back as best l can but l can still see the joins....no one else can but me....but l know l did it...l know its there

so....being in UK with a short supply of C4 door panels and with a pound worth $hit to the dollar these days i'll be damned if lm going to buy one and ship it just because lm was an idiot :iamwithst

so....C4 custom door inserts....bound to find something on ebay, the web, google........anywhere..........NADA! (someone correct me if lm wrong here)

so voila .....my own custom dbl tape plastic backed vinyl door inserts (paint shop plan at least) complete with ZR1 logo or similar to be silk screened on

the purists can hate me ......but what do you guys think.....lm gonna do it!

12-26-2008, 10:23 AM
I'm wondering how many logos one needs to remember they're driving
a ZR-1?

12-26-2008, 11:10 AM
Well ya know I'm fairly sure that I've done things that seemed like a good idea at the time....only to have them come back to bite my hind quarters too!:mrgreen:

Truth....maybe a smaller logo..ya know a bit more subtle. I like the visual of the body color in that inset. IMHO, it looks nice with the door open revealing the door jam color...has a continious type of color idea going for it. However, I should also say that I've never been too much of a purist. I would also say that I'll never qualify as an interior decorator either!:sign10:


12-27-2008, 04:12 AM
you have a point on a more subtle smaller logo (if any) but l do think a contrast breaks up the big black space that the panel is

however....on the word subtle.....

theres nothing less subtle than a bright yellow muffler deleted ZR1 redlining through the gears in a tunnel with the windows down.....:-D.....its a reason to live!!

12-27-2008, 10:45 AM
Hi David,

What did you find the rattling noise that was heard to be?

Hope the car is running well!

Riolo 1
03-17-2009, 12:37 AM
I hope you did it ..great idea I think it looks great

04-04-2009, 12:29 AM
You cut a hole in the door panel to gain access to the inside of the door?Thats a new one.

04-04-2009, 04:38 AM
I like it! Nice fix for low $

04-04-2009, 08:35 PM
doesn't the door panel just pop off?

04-05-2009, 09:32 AM
it would have done if the lock hadnt jammed and the door was shut already....

of course i cut the panel thinking l could get into something to open the door....wrong!...then did the good old fashioned wire down the window slit....pop....and the door opened.....oh well

anyway bought a new panel in the end

but lm now in the process of mini mass producing hard plastic inserts for the 90+ C4 ...then try paint finishes and vinyl covering on them....and either contact glue in, or double sided, even velcro strip

they arent like 84+ doors as they arent cmpletely flat being curved at edges

will see how it turns out......might even sell a few

just for an experiment