View Full Version : Bowling Green (who hasn't been there)

12-16-2008, 10:15 PM
Hey Z owners

Who hasn't been to Bowling Green and who wants more information?

Many of us haven't been there and might want more info on what goes on there.... Anyone interested please post here with an email address and we will put together "why you should go to Bowling Green for the Gathering in May".

We will have the experts put info together and hopefully post here also to get more Z owners to come.

Many of us have gone to BG, but many haven't.

Looking forward to my first year :thumbsup:


94 #150

ps This year the Gathering won't be on Mothers Day!!!

12-16-2008, 10:22 PM
ps This year the Gathering won't be on Mothers Day!!!

If that is true I can probably go

12-16-2008, 10:37 PM
I`ve never been, don`t live that far away and am all ears on this. The only other ZR 1 that i`ve ever seen is at the museum about 10 years ago. I`d like to see other people`s cars, talk to the owners and stand to the side listening to conversations about our cars. I would call this putting faces with names, making new friends and learning about this "getting older" Z that i have. Which day of the gathering and where might that be possible? Do i have to put my name in a hat somewhere to just show up?

12-17-2008, 04:01 AM
Never been, I am ready to go you know that David. Maybe we can get the rest of us in Maryland to get off there buts and make the time to go this year. We would have a good amount of cars from just this area. Good post David keep up the good work my friend. Kirk.

Paul Workman
12-17-2008, 04:42 AM
Being that it is not on Mother's day w/e is good for me too!:)

I stopped by for a couple hours last year, took in Marc Haibeck's presentation on the 440 project and the museum (WOW!!), and off to another commitment (hosting a rifle match in Somerset KY - Yeah...guess you could say we - wife Ami and I - were "packin heat" on that trip! ;)).


12-17-2008, 08:44 AM
This is agood idea for a thread, David.

I have been to the ZR-1 Gathering once. I had a great time. I will be glad to share my ideas.


The ZR-1 Gathering is THE annual event for ZR-1 owners. I highly recommend attending. There are a lot of things going on there and lots of people to meet.

I promise we will help anyone that has questions about how to get there, where to go and what to do. Please do not be afraid to ask.


12-17-2008, 09:12 AM
:happy1: I'm all ears....:mrgreen:

Thanks for doing this Dave!:thumbsup:

I would love to know a date as I must "bid" for the time off. The earlier I put my "bids" in, the better chance I have to get what I requested. Sorry, not trying to be a ball breaker.....union rules & the CBA lay out the steps I need to do to get vacation time.:o

Thanks Dave!


Oh yea, forgot.....I've never been to the gathering at BG!

12-17-2008, 09:56 AM
never been there....a bit far for me,specially in may,as our bike season is going full blast...but i wouldnt mind some info...hey,you never know

12-17-2008, 11:59 AM
The dates for The ZR-1 Gathering at the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, KY are May 14-16, 2009

Here is a link to the NCM site where you will be able to register for the events that are run by the NCM. It appears that the on-line registration is not available yet.



12-17-2008, 12:01 PM
The dates for The ZR-1 Gathering at the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, KY are May 14-16, 2008

Here is a link to the NCM site where you will be able to register for the events that are run by the NCM. It appears that the on-line registration is not available yet.




I might actually be able to make it

12-17-2008, 12:46 PM
:hello: but I want to go in 2009.

12-17-2008, 12:57 PM
:hello: but I want to go in 2009.
Nick is giving you a hint about your last post

12-17-2008, 01:37 PM
Been to BG a couple of times, but have not attended 'The Gathering' (yet!). Travel plans for 2009 have already been made so will miss it in '09.

Will be trekking there with the NCC in September though. Hope to connect with some ZR-1 folks then.

12-17-2008, 02:06 PM
I've not been and definitely plan on going next year. Cancelled making the trip last year due to rain but she'll
just have to get wet from now on as I'm not getting any younger. I'm looking forward to meeting as many of
you good people as I can and it's going to be awesome to see so many BadAzz cars in one place! :thumbsup:

12-17-2008, 02:52 PM
I've never been but will do my best to make it in 2009 (another hint Jim)
Not having on Mom's day is the break I needed.

12-17-2008, 03:03 PM
May 14-16, 2009


12-17-2008, 04:12 PM
Not sure I can go this year, but I had a great time two years ago - despite the tunderstorms! Between the museum, meeting people, lectures and touring the plant across the street, it is a very good time.

12-17-2008, 07:14 PM
I've been to the last few and I havn't had any fun at all.
Problem one, is trying to put the faces to the names,
many of you are alot uglier in person. :eek:

I've been skeered 1/2 to death, In my room,
over served alcoholic beverages in the parking lot :cheers:

I had to stand by my car, and learn more in a few hours
than i could find out on my own, in a few months. (knowit alls)

I've had to bump elbows, with the likes of Dick Gulstrand,
Reeves Callaway, Dave McClellan, Gordon Killibrew, and host of other
Corvette Icons, who treated me like they have known me most all my
life, the nerve.

I've learned little tricks of the trade so to speak, from Gordon, and
Marc Haibeck, and Corey Henderson, Greg V
Frank Urbanati, Ron k,
Bob Hall and the texas boys
and Jeffvette and DEE-White, and i've
endured Uly in his underwear and been forced to wear a thong

Ive met real race car drivers, Real fighter pilots, and submarine commanders.

I've had to endure looking at a bunch of exotic corvettes, met the
great Callaway group, rode in a skunk. (grand sport)

I've felt peer pressure, to the utmost, making me drag race my car,
and run all over the beautiful rolling hills of Kentucky, sometimes with
an entire "herd" of ZR-1's in front and behind.

oh, and the laughing and B.S. sessions, not for the meek of heart or mind.

So...if you're asking me, stay at home, mabe polish your'e car, take out
the garbage and run some errands for the wifey. AFter all we are all
gonna live forever. There is always next year.

A wise man once said, it's not the car's, it's the people.


12-17-2008, 07:16 PM
Ok, I think I can swing going but its going to take a team effort.....as I never take my wife anywhere on vacation, I am going to have to bring her with. This will require that I tell her that the gathering is in Florida(This is just to get the buy in) so please be sure to follow along if you run into her. I will then tell her upon our arrival that the beach is shut down due to high bacteria levels, but she can stay at the pool. My guess is she will never know the difference.

If we can find a Holidome(70s Holiday inn with a recreation area) I might be able to convince her that its Disneyworld.

Sure there are some other small details to work out but I think its a plan....maybe she will believe that the National Corvette Museum is Epcot and local movie theatre is MGM studios....if there is a Bass Pro shop that could also be s substitute for Sea World.

I love it when a plan comes together

92 ZR1

12-17-2008, 09:07 PM

Don't forget that Beech Bend Dragstrip could be the race cars at Disney World.

Just trying to help out.


White Bullet
12-18-2008, 12:06 AM
I have been to BG once and really enjoyed it. I would like to attend "The Gathering" but I will need to convince the wife which hopefully will not be to difficult. From the sound of it I will learn a lot and man I sure need it :mrgreen:.

12-18-2008, 10:58 PM
I've always wanted to go. 2009 may be the year for me. Doubt that I'll take the Z, but I think I would have a good time getting to know some of the good people on this forum as well as finally getting to see the museum.

12-19-2008, 09:09 AM
I've always wanted to go. 2009 may be the year for me. Doubt that I'll take the Z, but I think I would have a good time getting to know some of the good people on this forum as well as finally getting to see the museum.

Glad to hear that you will try to make it to the Gathering. You are right, it is a great chance to meet the ZR-1 folks.


12-19-2008, 10:01 AM
The dates for The ZR-1 Gathering at the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, KY are May 14-16, 2009

Here is a link to the NCM site where you will be able to register for the events that are run by the NCM. It appears that the on-line registration is not available yet.



Okay, thanks Jim for posting this!:thumbsup:

I guess that this is the official date as it is on the web site at NCM? I'm gonna put in for that week asap so my bid for the time is near the top of the list.
I hope I get a favorable response from my new boss!:pray
This will be my first gathering, if I get the bid....and I've owned my car since 12/04 and every time I bid on the date I got shut out.:mad:


12-19-2008, 02:39 PM
Barring the unforeseen, I will be there this year (already have my room reservation & will register at NCM as soon as that opens). Thank goodness it's not on Mother's Day weekend.

For those who have never been, I can't encourage you enough or tell you enough how rewarding & enjoyable the experience really is. My first trip to BG was to the 1st Corvette Forum gathering. Haven't been back to any CF gatherings but have made several ZR-1 gatherings as well as the Anniversary Cruise In in 2003. The best ones have always been the ZR-1 gatherings and largely because of the people in attendance.

If you've never been and want to see some pics, here are a couple of links
2006 Gathering (http://www.zrwon.com/gallery/event/bg06/)
2005 Gathering (http://www.zrwon.com/gallery/event/bg05/)

George Jones
1990 black/black

12-20-2008, 03:12 PM
I plan on attending this year with the Z. Trying to get a couple of other club members with ZR-1's to attend as well.

Currently the museum is undergoing a 47,000 sq. ft. expansion project. It will be almost complete during the gathering, but will be nice to see.

12-21-2008, 06:51 AM
If you've never been and want to see some pics, here are a couple of links
2005 Gathering (http://www.zrwon.com/gallery/event/bg05/)

George Jones
1990 black/black

George, thanks for posting your pictures. My wife and I attended in 2005 and I enjoyed looking at your gallery. It was a good show, a nice drive, and overall a very nice weekend.

Thanks again,

12-29-2008, 11:05 AM
Working up a list with a few Members and should have it posted in the next few days.

"when to arrive"
"what events not to miss"
"where to stay and why"
"what strip joints NOT to miss" (Jeff input please)

Thanks to all who are helping :cheers:

12-29-2008, 11:19 AM
Has anyone considered going early and taking in Gorden's ZR-1 School? I plan to do so. I hear from others it's more fun if there is a group. Gorden has his schedule posted on the ZR-1 Registry.


12-29-2008, 12:16 PM
BG is a must attend event. There is much to do and many people to meet. Friendly bunch and lot's of ZR1 talk. Being that this year dosent fall on Mothers Day weekend , turnout should hopefully be a bit larger. We have guys coming from the PNW as well as Canada and sometimes some of the chaps from across the pond enjoy the event. That statement alone backs up the....must attend event.

For the folks that would rather not drive for one reason or another can catch a flight to Nashville or Louisvelle.

01-05-2009, 10:20 AM
hey guys!

I've been talking with Roc (events) about BG for 2009 and here is the schedule thus far.....

THURSDAY May 14, 2009


NCM Opens

Pre-registration Credential Pickup Begins
On-site registration available

Located in NCM Conference Center (on Boulevard)
8:15am – 4:00pm
S1 Seminar: “Gordon’s School” for C4 Corvette Troubleshooting

Gordon Killebrew is well known throughout the Corvette world as THE authority on the C4 1984-1996 Corvettes. Gordon will conduct his school at the NCM focusing on 1990-1996 model years from hood fit to code readings. This class will be a “hands on” class with your Corvette.

Pre-registration required
Limited to 12 participants only
Lunch provided
Located at the NCM Amphitheater
Special Pricing School Fee:

NCM Members: $150 per person
Non-members: $160 per person

Click here to visit Gordon's School (http://www.gordonkillebrew.com/)
9:00am – 2:30pm
LT1: International Bluegrass Museum Scenic Tour and Lunch

Travel to Western Kentucky and the heart of Bluegrass music so named for its Kentucky origins. Bluegrass legend Bill Monroe was born and lived just outside of Owensboro which is the fitting home of the International Bluegrass Museum. And what more authentic way to take a break than lunch at the famous Moonlight BBQ.

Departs from NCM Logo Circle
Pre-registration required
Limited to 68 participants
Tour of Bluegrass Museum in Owensboro
Buffet Lunch at Moonlight Barbeque Inn includes 3 meat entrees

DYOC: Drive Your Own Corvette

Tour Fee:

NCM Members: $25 per person
Non-NCM Member: $35 per person.

Click Here to visit the Bluegrass Museum (http://www.bluegrass-museum.org/)

Click Here to visit the Moonlight BBQ (http://www.moonlite.com/)
Golf Cart Autocross
· Located at NCM front lawn
· Open to all Event Registrants
· Requires a driver (blindfolded) and a navigator
Official NCM Xpansion Guided Tour
· Open to Everyone!
· Meet in Lobby (by front doors)
NCM Closes

FRIDAY May 15, 2009


NCM Opens.

Pre-registration Credential Pickup
On-site registration available
Located in NCM Conference Center (on Boulevard)
S2 Seminar: LT5 Round Table Discussion
· Registered Participants only
· Speakers: Gib Hufstader, Graham Behan, Gary Cline, Jack Underwood
· Located in NCM Conference Center (on Boulevard)
· Continental Breakfast - $8.00

Gordon Killebrew School: "Drive Through Troubleshooting"

Registered Participants only
Located in NCM Truck Lot (alternative location?)
Click Here to Visit Gordon’s School (http://www.gordonkillebrew.com/)
9:00am- 1:45pm
Silent Auction
· NCM front lobby
10:00am – 1:00pm

Peoples/Celebrity Choice Car Show

Show cars park in NCM parking lot
Window placard available at Registration packet
Ballots and Ballot box at registration desk.
10:00am – 11:00am

S3 Seminar: Follow-up on LT5 that never was

Speaker: Graham Behan, Gary Cline
In Chevrolet Theater
· Limited seating available
11:00am –12:00pm
S4 Seminar: Anything Callaway
· Speaker:
· Registered participants only
· In Chevrolet Theater
· Limited seating available
RT 1 Poker Run
· Departs from NCM
· Instructions and starting clue at Registration desk
· Prize given for best poker hand
1:00pm – 1:30pm
Group Photo Participants
· Participants in Logo Circle
· Photos $10 available Friday afternoon and Saturday at Registration

Car Show Awards

Located at Events Entrance and Logo Circle
2:00pm - 3:00pm
S5 Seminar: Mules and Milestones – a history of the C4
· Speaker: Fred Gallasch
· Registered participants only

· In Chevrolet Theater

Limited seating available
3:00pm - 4:00pm
S6 Seminar: TBA
· Speaker:
· Registered participants only

· In Chevrolet Theater

Limited seating available
Museum Closes
BBQ at the 1869 Homestead B&B
· Departs NCM Logo Circle and drive at 5:15pm
· NCM Members: $15/Non-NCM Members: $25

SATURDAY May 16, 2009

National Corvette Museum opens
8:00am – 12:00pm
Event Registration Pickup Times (NCM Conference Center)
8:15am – 12:00pm

Autocross at Trace Die Cast Parking Lot

Gates open at 8:15am
Presented by: NCM Volunteers
Pre-registration Required
Autocross Participation Fee $20 per driver
8:45 Mandatory Driver meeting
Click here for Directions (http://www.corvettemuseum.com/registration/c5_bash/map.jpg)

Gordon Killebrew School: "Drive Through Troubleshooting"

Registered Participants only
· Located in NCM Truck Lot (alternate location?)
· Click Here to Visit Gordon’s School (http://www.gordonkillebrew.com/)
9:30am – 1:30pm

Digital Scavenger Hunt

Bring your cell phone or digital camera
Pickup clues at registration desk
Prize for most correct
Start anytime between 9:30am – 1:30pm
11:30am – 3:00pm
LT2 Road Tour and Lunch
· Road Tour on KY back roads in Warren, Simpson and Logan counties
· Staging at NCM Logo Circle and drive
· Lunch Dutch Treat at Chaney’s Dairy Barn
· click here for Chaney's Dairy Barn (http://www.chaneysdairybarn.com/)
12:00pm – 1:00pm

S5 Seminar – TBA

Speaker: TBA
In Chevrolet Theater

Limited seating available
1:00pm – 2:00pm

S6 Seminar – TBA

Speaker: TBA
In Chevrolet Theater
Limited seating available
Cash Bar on NCM Boulevard at Conference Center
6:00pm – 9:00pm
BQT2: The Gathering Banquet & Auction

NCM Conference Center
By pre-registration only
$$$ members/$$$ non-members

01-05-2009, 12:58 PM
I see my 2008 plea to include Jim Ingle (a Chevrolet development tester who used to post to the zr1net) has gone unanswered. How about someone on the registry staff get this added???

01-05-2009, 01:42 PM
I had the tremedous pleasure of spending over 4 hrs with Kevin Terrance (QC management at the assembly plant) inside the assembly facility at BG... got to watch my C6 'marriage', installed my own wheels :dancing, was first to start car and even drove off assembly line...whole 30 feet :p. What was VERY cool was the new C6 production when I went was only gearing up and they were producing less than 60 C6s per day...got a chance to hope in on assembly line, chat with the assembly teams and ask a load of questions....was one memorable day.

But always want to go back.. I am totally in for the 2009 C4 Gathering.. where are most staying? I would be flying down to Nashville and renting a car...anybody want to join me...save a little $$$

01-05-2009, 01:45 PM
I had the tremedous pleasure of spending over 4 hrs with Kevin Terrance (QC management at the assembly plant) inside the assembly facility at BG... got to watch my C6 'marriage', installed my own wheels :dancing, was first to start car and even drove off assembly line...whole 30 feet :p. What was VERY cool was the new C6 production when I went was only gearing up and they were producing less than 60 C6s per day...got a chance to hope in on assembly line, chat with the assembly teams and ask a load of questions....was one memorable day.

But always want to go back.. I am totally in for the 2009 C4 Gathering.. where are most staying? I would be flying down to Nashville and renting a car...anybody want to join me...save a little $$$

We are having a big group drive from the VA / MD / DE / NJ / NY area.....

Thus far we have 10 plus!

Any interest in DRIVING to BG? :cheers:

Zr1 Destroyer
01-05-2009, 02:56 PM
Should be interesting....the GN nats are the same weekend!

01-05-2009, 03:06 PM
Am I missing it, or is drag racing not on that tentative schedule?

Michael, people usually stay at the U-Plaza Holiday Inn.

01-05-2009, 04:02 PM
Am I missing it, or is drag racing not on that tentative schedule?

Yep, move away from Mothers Day weekend and play hell getting the track rented.

01-05-2009, 04:11 PM
Yep, move away from Mothers Day weekend and play hell getting the track rented.

Bingo. You will NOT get the track for anything but a wednesday if you deviate from Mother's day weekend. This is why I specifically wanted Mother's day weekend. I guess it is just as much fun to stare at the engine when it isn't running though. :rolleyes:

01-05-2009, 04:15 PM
Oh... that sucks. That's a rough trade-off between lots of people being able to go vs lots of people wanting to go. Not to say there isn't anything else worthwhile about BG, but to me the drag racing is by far the highlight.

01-05-2009, 04:22 PM
Bingo. You will NOT get the track for anything but a wednesday if you deviate from Mother's day weekend. This is why I specifically wanted Mother's day weekend. I guess it is just as much fun to stare at the engine when it isn't running though. :rolleyes:

I'll bring one of my Waxer diapers, you can rub your car :mrgreen:

Hey, we haven't had a good banana thread in awhile, who has photos of hot chicks eating a banana in a Corvette :worship:

01-05-2009, 04:46 PM
I'll bring one of my Waxer diapers, you can rub your car :mrgreen:

Hey, we haven't had a good banana thread in awhile, who has photos of hot chicks eating a banana in a Corvette :worship:

I think Keith wants to shove a banana up your tail pipe!!!=D>

01-05-2009, 04:54 PM
I think Keith wants to shove a banana up your tail pipe!!!=D>

I don't go that way [-X


Zr1 Destroyer
01-05-2009, 04:58 PM
Oh... that sucks. That's a rough trade-off between lots of people being able to go vs lots of people wanting to go. Not to say there isn't anything else worthwhile about BG, but to me the drag racing is by far the highlight.The GoCart night is better....plus a few beers!!!:cheers:

01-06-2009, 10:33 AM
Never been there because of Mother's day. Looks like I am going to jump in on the ZZZZR1 caravan. Sounds like a good time to be had by all. I heard Jeff is flying in some of his avatar girls. :mrgreen::worship::worship:

01-06-2009, 12:42 PM
Oh... that sucks. That's a rough trade-off between lots of people being able to go vs lots of people wanting to go. Not to say there isn't anything else worthwhile about BG, but to me the drag racing is by far the highlight.


You're absolutely right. I guess we could overwhelm Beech Bend by jumping in with everyone else.
All the more reason for NCM having their own track.

01-20-2009, 10:43 AM
Looks like a huge group will be coming!

Post here if you want to be on the list and we will coordinate times / locations for "pickup".


01-20-2009, 06:35 PM
Count me in. I will be going down to Bowling Green on Wednesday. Looking forward to a nice caravan group.


01-20-2009, 07:14 PM
Count me in. I will be going down to Bowling Green on Wednesday. Looking forward to a nice caravan group.


Count me in to, I will be Jim's wingman

01-20-2009, 07:22 PM
Count me in to, I will be Jim's wingman

I will be publishing a formation steaming OPORDER soon.

01-20-2009, 11:41 PM
Put me on the list, it will be my 1st time so be gentle :mrgreen: