View Full Version : drivers door lock not working

11-13-2008, 01:59 PM

been driving my new 92 for a few days...all going fine.... then i tried to lock the drivers door manually....and it didnt feel right

now l cant open it from the outside....or the inside.....exterior and interior handle seems to have little resistance to any mechanisms

checked power lock fuse....ok

passenger door works OK

what can i do to get the door open ........but remember... l can take off the interior panel to get to the mechanism yet.....because i cant open the door from in or out

i think a link has become detached

Dave in the UK

11-13-2008, 02:56 PM
The plastic door lock piece that rides in the door handle bezel below the handle (the one you moved left and right to attemp to lock and unlock the door) May have become bound somewhere inside door lock rod. Its possible this plastic piece is also binding in the internals of the door. As this door lock piece is simply just clipped to the top of the door look rod I suggest removing it. You can pull it off by hand. Next to see if you can pull on the metal rod behind it a little further than normal to get the door to open. Hopefully the door will respond and you can remove the door panel from there to see whats going on. Good luck. GC

11-14-2008, 02:47 PM
As above and from memory you can remove the trim from behind the door handle whilst still leaving the rest of the door card in place. That will get you a little way in. Whether its enough to enable you to have a poke around and find the problem, who knows