View Full Version : Problem with Charging system!

10-25-2008, 11:13 PM
I noticed that the needle goes to about 11-12 volt during stop or 900 RPM.
the weather these days very cold about ~ 4 c. night.
I changed my alternator before year with new one!
when the engine runing in normal codition say above 1000 RPM , the voltage goes and stay ~ 14 V.

q: is it possible IF the battery is weak ,even with engine runing the voltage can be drop as my situation??! :icon_scra
where is the problem you think guys?

GUess why i post this thread in Parts wanted??
I WAS SMOKING! http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p183/hadi-zr1/smilielol5.gif

10-26-2008, 01:15 AM

2 different posts created 3 times EACH in different sections?

Post it once in technical, not in general and for sale. :rolleyes: