View Full Version : Should we keep the ZR-1 Net or Forum?

07-30-2005, 05:43 PM
http://www.zr1netregistry.com/forum/images/smilies/confused.gif Ok lets do a poll, the question is should be keep the "ZR-1 Net" as it is today, a listservice or move to the forum format you see here?

07-30-2005, 05:53 PM
why can't you have both? The listserv is very active, the forum is not so much. Maybe over time that will change, especially as more useful info is on the forum. But for now, it would seem a bad idea to me to remove either one.

I bet if you just chopped the listserv, you wouldn't get all that conversation transferring over here. Only some of it would, some of it would just die out. Also, the listserv is a fantastic repository of info. It's harder to shoot the crap on a listserv, so most of the info is of a serious nature, and I've found answers to practically everything by just searching the listserv archive. :)

Tyler Townsley
07-30-2005, 06:15 PM
Having gone through this on another list let me recommend the soultion. The software was changed so when one signed up for the forum, you could select to recieve all messages for any topic as an email in a format like we do now. This allowed one to have the best of both mediums.


07-30-2005, 06:20 PM
why can't you have both? The listserv is very active, the forum is not so much. Maybe over time that will change, especially as more useful info is on the forum. But for now, it would seem a bad idea to me to remove either one.I don't blame mom for not wanting to manage both. My preference would be for keeping the listserv, but if the final decision is to shut it down, I will move over here. I suspect he is right that the email volume probably keeps the "membership" from growing even more. Formatted postings exactly like you want can sometimes be painful, and I don't care for having to do all the mouse clicks to see all the messages on forum software, but I'd suffer through both.[...]Also, the listserv is a fantastic repository of info. It's harder to shoot the crap on a listserv, so most of the info is of a serious nature, and I've found answers to practically everything by just searching the listserv archive. :)Mom, this is my biggest concern. Is there a way you could import the listserv (or at least the TECH labelled emails) over here? Not having all that information searchable online would be an absolutely *HUGE* loss.


07-30-2005, 06:49 PM
If the listserver was to go away the archive of past emails will still be there and available as it is today.

I know for some of you this will be painful but when listening to all the past complaints with the listservice:

- Can't have attachments which mean no pictures, or charts, etc
- Email volume
- Access
- Email changes
- Can't get email at work
- Accidently sending emails to the whole list

and so on....

I just believe the forum would be more fun.

Also as far as having both, it justs seems to delute everyone. Remember when we had more then one ZR-1 Club. People are forced to either join both or pick one.

I have listservice members who don't like getting emails and then I have people on this forum who complain there is not enough activity to make it worth hanging out here.

To me the forum offers advantages like if someone asks for help the responder could actually posts pictures or diagrams.

07-30-2005, 06:56 PM
My Vote Is To Keep The Zr1net

1991 Zr1
Owned Since New

kely x
07-30-2005, 08:16 PM
Keep the list

07-30-2005, 09:23 PM
I vote for the forum.
With the forum you can view only the subjects you want to read and do not have to receive all the messages.

Gordon Walsdorf
07-30-2005, 09:42 PM
http://www.zr1netregistry.com/forum/images/smilies/confused.gif Ok lets do a poll, the question is should be keep the "ZR-1 Net" as it is today, a listservice or move to the forum format you see here?
Keep the net as a listservice.

07-30-2005, 10:16 PM
Keep The List - Down With This Form Stuff

07-30-2005, 10:33 PM
In the end, I will use either one. But, my preference is the listserv.

07-30-2005, 10:41 PM
I like the new forum.

Jim Iuele
07-30-2005, 10:49 PM
My vote is to keep the list. E-mail works just fine for me.

07-31-2005, 12:05 AM
I pick the forum. Photos and diagrams ect. More modern utility vs. a list! Why endure a long detailed description when a photo is worth a thousand words. Besides one more star and I win an LT5......

07-31-2005, 03:20 AM
Keep the ZR1 net as is. Jack Robinson

Jim Jones
07-31-2005, 09:17 AM
I also like the forum. As I am new to ZR-1 ownership I don't read all the emails I get from the listserve because most of them don't apply to me yet, such as maintenance issues, gatherings, etc. If we are still able to search the listserve archives for topics that have already been sent out that would be great. I think that the forum will allow for more interaction and quicker interaction between members who are online at the same time. There is an infinite amount of knowledge of the ZR-1 and all that it entails here at this website. I only hope that someday I will make some valuable contributions.

Just my .02.

Thanks for being here!

Jim Jones

07-31-2005, 01:09 PM
If the listserver was to go away the archive of past emails will still be there and available as it is today.

I know for some of you this will be painful but when listening to all the past complaints with the listservice:

- Can't have attachments which mean no pictures, or charts, etc
- Email volume
- Access
- Email changes
- Can't get email at work
- Accidently sending emails to the whole list

and so on....

I just believe the forum would be more fun.

Also as far as having both, it justs seems to delute everyone. Remember when we had more then one ZR-1 Club. People are forced to either join both or pick one.

I have listservice members who don't like getting emails and then I have people on this forum who complain there is not enough activity to make it worth hanging out here.

To me the forum offers advantages like if someone asks for help the responder could actually posts pictures or diagrams.

Well, if you only want to have one, I would vote for the forum. I too prefer the ability to only read threads of interest, post pictures, etc.

However, it's possible that some listserv education might help with some of those problems. I have my subscription set up as a digest, so I only get two emails per day. In addition, one can peruse the emails online if web access is easier than email access (or use a free webmail address as your listserv address like aim.com or whatever).

07-31-2005, 01:41 PM
Ok, I've decided for now to postpone the shutting down of the ZR-1 Net listservice and to continue to keep both the listservice and forum.

Hopefully in time members will see the benefits of having a forum over a listserver. However I've remove any links on the ZR-1 Net Registry web site to joining the ZR-1 Net listservice.

I :worship: to the masses. :-D


07-31-2005, 03:46 PM
Mom, I'd like to strongly second what John Pesar said on the Registery news list:

On 7/31/05, John Pesar wrote:
> That said Dave, it's clear that you've invested your own money and
> more time than anyone else to keep the ZR1 Net going, and everyone has
> benefited from your efforts. If you are like everyone else, I'm sure there have been
> times down through the years when you had more pressing personal non ZR1 Net
> related issues that were put off in order to manage this net. In those
> circumstances the rest of us can just turn off the computer and take care of other
> things. Yesterday you democratized what is really not a democracy by allowing
> us to vote on how things should go in the future. That kind of graciousness
> again demonstrates to me that I wish I knew you as a personal friend. I'm not
> aware of the level of effort it would take on your part to switch to a forum
> versus the current listserv environment, but if it's less time intensive on your
> part than the way it is now, and that's what you really need, then you should
> switch to a forum. I'm sure I can learn to live with the new way. The one
> thing that's clear to me personally is that I don't want to lose access to the
> benefit of the experiences and insight of ZR1 owners far more knowledgeable
> than I am by having this go away.

You are more than a class act... you are the cream of the crop, and we're incrediably lucky to have you run this thing. And I'm not saying this because you're keeping the listserv for now - I'm saying it because it is true regardless of the individual decisions (like this one) that are made.

A lucky son,


07-31-2005, 05:36 PM
Thank you Marc and everyone!:redface:


07-31-2005, 06:30 PM
I like the listserv. I check my email many times a day. I probably won't check the forum as often. It's just much more convenient to have everything in the email, than a forum.

07-31-2005, 11:45 PM
http://www.zr1netregistry.com/forum/images/smilies/confused.gif Ok lets do a poll, the question is should be keep the "ZR-1 Net" as it is today, a listservice or move to the forum format you see here?
I vote to keep the Listserve. If you do termimnate it later can you please find a way to at least keep the archives to search? I find it has tons of useful information. GENO!

08-01-2005, 10:01 AM
I vote for the forum.

08-02-2005, 11:25 PM
The Listservice e-mails are a PITA. Dave, you're always going to have people object. You know the forum is a better way, just do what you know is best because doing it both ways isn't the right answer.

Z Factor
08-03-2005, 11:30 AM
As I said to Dave in an email, I agree with his explanation to Bob regarding the forum. He and others probably were unaware it has existed for several years.
As suspected, there are those members who like the listserver, but they may not realize that others have actually avoided joining the registry because of it. I for one held off on joining for fear of endless emails filling up my box. While I accept it now, others have undoubtedly never joined because of it.

Personally I think he made a wise choice in keeping the listserver around for the time being because of the memberships requests. However, I would suggest we continue to try and make everyone aware of the forum so they will participate on it more frequently.


Z Factor
08-03-2005, 02:09 PM
I hate this Forum, especially because of the L98 to LT5 title and the stars and the "post the most to win a prize", now we have a bunch of BS posts that takes hours to go through just to find something of value, I hate to miss on anything or reply to anyone in need but I'll have to call it quit until everyone gets their 5 stars and LT5 status or till Sept. when the contest of the most wasted post is done and over with, I almost got sucked in and started to post useless info or replies just to earn my stripes but then I realised it was a waste of my time and everybody else's.

See you in Sept. (maybe)

Have you ever heard the saying, "you don't throw the baby out with the bath water"? Several of your posts have been of a complaining nature which is fine since you are entitled to your opinion like anyone else. However, you need to try and understand that we are working hard to stimulate forum activity at the moment. A successful forum has plenty of activity. Since the forum was started several years ago, this is by far the most activity we have had. That is not to say everyone must like it, but try giving us a little understanding and go with the flow. We have almost registered several hundred more users in the past few weeks, and will naturally experience growing pains from some peoples perspective.

You are welcome to post as much or as little as you like, but as the forum grows we will make adjustments based on the members requests. So rather than leave, try staying, posting constructive suggestions, and give it a chance. You can always choose to leave at a future date if the forum is not right for you. I for one hope you stay to make it a better forum for everyone to enjoy.


Z Factor
08-03-2005, 02:34 PM
Thanks and welcome to you too, we might need a moderator against this kind of personal attack.

Hello Al,

Sadly you have chosen to take a valid observation and characterize it as a personal attack. Try reading the entire post again and see what my overall message to you is.
You might well be having a bad day, or are frustrated with the forum at the moment, and it is clouding your judgment. All I'm asking you to do is try seeing the glass as half full rather than half empty, and give us a chance.



08-04-2005, 12:31 AM
u can please some of the people all of the time...u can please all the people some of the time...but u can't please all of the people all of the time!!! nuff said I have my *****LT5 STAR***** i'm so happy!!! 100 posts not too hard eh !!!

Jeff Combs
08-04-2005, 10:24 PM
I don't care for forums and prefer that we keep the listserve

08-04-2005, 11:28 PM
I'm happy to have both.

08-05-2005, 09:52 PM
Al I don't feel Z Factor was attacking you personally. It's ok if you don't find the Forum to your likeing. That is why we have options, the forum and the listserver.

His point was we are trying to attract members. It's the chicken and the egg thing. If there are not enough members posting then people don't return and the Forum never gets off the ground.

The contest was/is an attempt to try and attract members. I agree members should not post garbage just for the sake of winning the contest or getting their titles upgraded. The titles are like a badge of honor awarded to those who visit often and offer to help those that have questions.

We are open to any suggestions anyone might have to help make this forum more enjoyable to visit and use.


We Gone
08-05-2005, 10:11 PM
I'm all for the Forum..even if I don't post alot I still come here to read what others have to say.

Z Factor
08-07-2005, 07:44 PM
Al I don't feel Z Factor was attacking you personally.

That is correct, and very evident in my public posts in this thread. I have also been in touch with Al via PM to express the same. Hopefully by now he does realize that.
At times, messages and words in this type of medium come across much differently than they would in real life. The internet allows us to communicate with people in ways we never imagined just a short time ago. However, the trade off is that it can be impersonal without the ability to hear the tone or inflection of another persons voice, or see the facial expression of the person. We must therefore be on guard not to allow a perceived slight to be taken personally, and understand that this medium can lead to misunderstandings despite all it's merits.


08-08-2005, 12:31 AM

Just to address who Jim is. Yes Jim is a member of the ZR-1 Net. Jim has also been nice enough a couple of years ago to step up and offerto help me run the Forum so he is not new at this.

I have no problem with Jim not wanting to give out any personal information because unfortunately we have some sick people out there in the world and he has a right to privacy.

As far as the business around titles and stars, all forums have something similar.

People need to loosen up a little, forums, and corvettes and such are suppose to be fun. If we take it too seriously then it's not fun anymore. That is why we have things like smilies to add to our text messages to have fun.

Let's have a :cheers: and have some fun.


09-23-2005, 12:45 PM
My vote is to maintain both.

09-24-2005, 01:45 PM
I'm all for the Forum..even if I don't post alot I still come here to read what others have to say.
I AGREE...Everything I read on or from the ZR-1 net registry folks has always been either helpful or entertaining...few, if any, exceptions.

09-29-2005, 11:12 PM
My vote is to keep both. The list is a wealth of information and is great reading. The forum is an easy way to communicate.

1992 ZR1 #330 white/white

10-01-2005, 12:47 PM
I like the forum, if you can only choose one. :dancing
Keep both if you can do it.

10-03-2005, 03:25 PM
We are keeping both. :-D

10-13-2005, 01:44 AM
I like both, and use both. If I were forced to choose, I'd probably keep the Net. :handshak:

11-18-2005, 03:47 PM
Why would we get rid of either? :confused:
They kick@ss. :dancing

11-30-2005, 12:27 PM
If I didn't reply to this, my answer is yes, keep it. Seems like a lot of participation and fun going on here.

12-04-2007, 02:58 AM
This is my home....:worship:

george henry
12-05-2007, 09:32 PM
Keep the forum. I'm not even sure what the listserv is.

12-11-2007, 11:53 PM
Keep it as it is. The site is very well organized and provides a wealth of information to the Corvette owner.

12-31-2007, 03:56 PM
especially since there will be a new ZR1 next year......
As long as Dave (MOM) is able to do this, it benefits all of us.

Mom, a remarkable job this year, as always, and wishing you a happy and healthy 2008.

Corvette Club of America (the 1st) NCCC 001
NCM - Life
'94 #221

01-01-2008, 01:17 PM
I like both, and use both. If I were forced to choose, I'd probably keep the Net. :handshak:

I like both & use both

Manfred E.....
91 ZR1 #906

Z Factor
01-01-2008, 01:22 PM

Nice to see you posting Terry. :thumbsup:

Hopefully you will get iin a few more this year.:wink:


01-09-2008, 02:17 PM
How do you sign up for the list server? I've been on for 8 years, now I changed my e-mail address and can't figure out how to get back on the list. :confused:

01-09-2008, 03:11 PM
Just send me an email to: zr1net@zr1.net with your name and email address and I'll add you back onto the ZR-1 Net listserver.


01-09-2008, 04:50 PM
DONE! Thanks, mom......

Ron Ashcraft
01-30-2008, 03:55 PM
I like Tylers idea and would like to know how to apply it to a local SCCA comunication problem.
Forums are "More" Complicated to use. The ZR1NET Listserver fits with my KISS principal and is to the point and simple to use.
If one wants to send attachments they can do it direct to individuals that have interest in the subject.
So there is less SPAM.

02-02-2008, 06:30 PM
I like the forum much more than the listserv. I can also access the forum from multiple locations where as I need to be at home for the listserv. It's impossible to access non DOD email from work.

02-02-2008, 06:58 PM
I vote for the forum, easier access from multiple locations, pics, etc...
MOM, i also wanted to take the time to thank you for
you're effort. =D>

02-09-2008, 02:14 PM
Stick with the Forum, The listserver had its place but I feel its a pain to read all that email.

this is much broader and you can chose what to read. Plus half the time I feel like my messages get lost somewhere in syberspace never to be heard from again.

02-27-2008, 11:35 PM
Jumping in late, but I'm glad to see the forum sticking around. Main reason is, I think that evetually it will be the last KOTH forum out there.

It's great to have a home.:cheers:

03-07-2008, 02:10 AM
One more vote for the Forum. =D>

We Gone
03-17-2008, 08:49 PM
You guys don’t want to hear this, but I could care less. I don’t even come here much any more because of the censorship. I say this because I have been on this and the other forum (The one you can’t say here) for over 6 years and never had an issue with ether one about cross posting. Than about a month ago the net starts censoring anything related to THEM. (My web page for included) I don’t see this happening over there. Sorry if you don’t like this post but I had to get it off my chest.


03-17-2008, 11:42 PM
You guys don’t want to hear this, but I could care less. I don’t even come here much any more because of the censorship. I say this because I have been on this and the other forum (The one you can’t say here) for over 6 years and never had an issue with ether one about cross posting. Than about a month ago the net starts censoring anything related to THEM. (My web page for included) I don’t see this happening over there. Sorry if you don’t like this post but I had to get it off my chest.


Steve, I'm sorry you feel that way about this forum. Over the last few years that I have been involved I have never seen nor heard of anyone being censored except of course the Viagra and other crap posts. I have not been a regular at CF but I have found that the information here has been better presented. It also seems that the people here are a lot more friendly and not as sensitive. I don't know what got you censored here but I just can't imagine that any reference to CF would do it. Keep checking back here and know that you would be welcomed.:handshak:

03-17-2008, 11:56 PM
You guys don’t want to hear this, but I could care less. I don’t even come here much any more because of the censorship. I say this because I have been on this and the other forum (The one you can’t say here) for over 6 years and never had an issue with ether one about cross posting. Than about a month ago the net starts censoring anything related to THEM. (My web page for included) I don’t see this happening over there. Sorry if you don’t like this post but I had to get it off my chest.

don't let the door hit ya in the *** on the way out

03-18-2008, 12:07 AM
You guys don’t want to hear this, but I could care less. I don’t even come here much any more because of the censorship. I say this because I have been on this and the other forum (The one you can’t say here) for over 6 years and never had an issue with ether one about cross posting. Than about a month ago the net starts censoring anything related to THEM. (My web page for included) I don’t see this happening over there. Sorry if you don’t like this post but I had to get it off my chest.


Steve, the absence of the name CF on the registry forum is nothing like the censorship or the nazi regime that is the CF moderators. If you don't believe they don't block cross postings, they have been doing it when seen for the registry forum and also c4guru and a host of other sites including z06vette.com

03-18-2008, 12:10 AM
Steve, the absence of the name CF on the registry forum is nothing like the censorship or the nazi regime that is the CF moderators. If you don't believe they don't block cross postings, they have been doing it when seen for the registry forum and also c4guru and a host of other sites including z06vette.com
no way man it's all a big conspiracy here

We Gone
03-18-2008, 08:40 AM

I still come here for the best info. and always will, I also feel the members here are true keepers of the beast. I will also continue to be a member of the LT5 registry as I have been for the past 6 years. It just grips me that my web page is blocked as I love to share pics as much as anyone.

don't let the door hit ya in the *** on the way out

:icon_scra :thumbsdo: Great reply...I guess your sig says it best. "It's not the car, it's the people Doug Johnson" .. Run fast life is short.

Z Factor
03-18-2008, 04:32 PM
You guys don’t want to hear this, but I could care less. I don’t even come here much any more because of the censorship. I say this because I have been on this and the other forum (The one you can’t say here) for over 6 years and never had an issue with ether one about cross posting. Than about a month ago the net starts censoring anything related to THEM. (My web page for included) I don’t see this happening over there. Sorry if you don’t like this post but I had to get it off my chest.



You and I have discussed this matter via PM, and I have given you several suggestions regarding a home page. You have chosen to draw a line in the sand over the inability of members here not to be able to view your home page. Why you insist it is a form of censorship is beyond my understanding. As I explained the policy has nothing to do with you, and to the best of my knowledge only affects you. While I'd hope that you could see the bigger picture, it is your prerogative not to. However, comparing the censorship at CF with our forum is an absurd comparison.
Are there some limitations on this site? The answer is yes, but they are few and far between. This post is a perfect example of the type of things that would not only be censored at CF, but that would probably get you banned. Certainly the fact that you are using your signature to criticize our forum would get you a perma ban over there.
Here however you are free to express your displeasure with the policy without fear of retribution. Furthermore, we have never banned anyone from the site despite some questionable behavior (sans spammers).

So lets try to keep the discussion apples to apples rather than make grossly overstated exaggerations. As always, feel free to PM me if you would like to discuss the matter further.

03-18-2008, 05:53 PM
:icon_scra :thumbsdo: Great reply...I guess your sig says it best. "It's not the car, it's the people Doug Johnson" .. Run fast life is short.
you don't want to be here, leave. what do you want us to do, beg you to stay? Sorry man but seeing posts like this day after day on message boards around the net I just loose the ability to be nice. No one is forcing you to be here, you like ************* better, be there. you like it here better, be here. you like them both equally be at both.

and if you'll notice I was edited also....OH THE HUMANITY!

Bell Curve
03-26-2008, 07:19 PM
and if you'll notice I was edited also....OH THE HUMANITY!


Wegone chillout and enjoy the place. It is 100 times better than cf.

We Gone
04-02-2008, 09:46 AM
Will Do....:cheers: