View Full Version : Head Gasket

10-06-2008, 04:15 AM
Here we go again GM ran out of the RH Head gasket #10106176.
About a year ago they were out of the LH Head gasket and they produced a run of them cause of demand.
At the time i had figured out we could use the RH Head gasket on the Left bank.

What can/might help is, if everybody could run to there local dealer and order the RH Head gasget in hopes demand gets high enough for GM to run another batch of RH head gaskets.

I already have a dozen sets of head gaskets L & R and still have a couple of RH gaskets on order in hopes they reproduce some more but i don't think they will do it for just my 2 gaskets.

It costs about $25

Just a thought.

10-06-2008, 07:22 AM
Here we go again GM ran out of the RH Head gasket #10106176.
About a year ago they were out of the LH Head gasket and they produced a run of them cause of demand.
At the time i had figured out we could use the RH Head gasket on the Left bank.

What can/might help is, if everybody could run to there local dealer and order the RH Head gasget in hopes demand gets high enough for GM to run another batch of RH head gaskets.

I already have a dozen sets of head gaskets L & R and still have a couple of RH gaskets on order in hopes they reproduce some more but i don't think they will do it for just my 2 gaskets.

It costs about $25

Just a thought.

Doesn't A26B of this forum have the head gaskets? He seems as though he makes most of the gaskets for the LT5.

10-06-2008, 09:49 AM
Jerry sells head gaskets, here's his latest price sheet:


10-06-2008, 10:37 AM
Pete, I don't believe GM produced more of those gaskets (or that their supplier did). I believe those gaskets were some that were found, as the packaging was definitely older as was the gm parts tag.

Jerry only has the stock GM gaskets.

10-06-2008, 10:56 AM
Jeff, are you talking about the LH head gasket?
If so they look like newer packaging and they had the oil passage already cut out, so i thought they ran a new batch.

The stinker is we can use the RH Head Gasket on the left bank but not the other way.
